Red Salad

  4.3 – 37 reviews  

You’ll adore this if you love beets, which I didn’t until I tried it. I learned how to prepare this amazing meal from my husband’s mother-in-law from Peru! Although I typically make it when I cook my Puerto Rican arroz con pollo, it goes excellently with fried chicken. If I don’t serve this salad with the chicken, my spouse won’t eat it.

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 2 hrs
Total Time: 2 hrs 15 mins
Servings: 4
Yield: 4 servings


  1. 4 medium beets
  2. 2 large red potatoes
  3. 4 carrots
  4. 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, or to taste
  5. 1 tablespoon prepared yellow mustard, or to taste


  1. Fill a large pot with water, and add beets. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, and cook for about 30 minutes. Add potatoes to the water, and continue to cook for another 30 minutes. Add carrots, and continue boiling until everything is soft, about 15 minutes. Drain, and let the vegetables cool until cool enough to handle.
  2. Cut vegetables into cubes, and place them in a serving bowl. Stir in mayonnaise and mustard until everything is well coated. Serve warm.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 230 kcal
Carbohydrate 48 g
Cholesterol 2 mg
Dietary Fiber 6 g
Protein 5 g
Saturated Fat 1 g
Sodium 195 mg
Sugars 10 g
Fat 3 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Brooke Smith
I do not like beets but I had a bunch from my CSA that I needed to use and found this recipe. I followed the advice of some other reviewers and chopped up all the produce before boiling. My salad was done in an hour and half. I still do not like beets but this salad was pretty good. I added two hardboiled eggs and chopped raw celery. My church picnic gobbled it all up.
Gina Bean
This was fantastic; however, I recommend it be served hot. My family like it best that way, and reheating it made it kind of gross. But, fresh and hot, it is simply delicious.
Melissa Beard
Didn’t do the mustard but otherwise it was awesome! YUM. i haven’t really cooked with beets. So per some research, someone said to boil the beets without having cut them. Don’t cut the root leave about one inch of stalk above the beat and boil like that, the skin comes off real easy when done. I boiled the potatoes and carrots as she said but separate from the beets. It is really delicious too bad it doesn’t look so pretty. My salad was more pink:)
Leah Brown
I made this with the vegetables roasted instead of boiled. Delicious! Thanks for the recipe. I will definitely be making it again.
Daniel Conway
Neither hated it nor loved it. Boiled beets tossed with a little olive oil and salt is a lot less work and we like it a whole lot better. Won’t be making it again. 🙁
Michelle Martinez
Hi ladies! Thank you for the positive feedback and suggestions! The only reason why I don’t chop or peel before hand is because I found the peels retain more of the vegetables flavor. I’ve done it both ways and just prefer doing it the longer way. I do add salt and a lil more mayo than posted on here. Also a lil salt goes a long way here!! Sorry for forgetting that one important ingredient!!
Mrs. Anna Foster MD
Really good side dish! The mustard with beets and carrots makes for a nice bitter and sweet combo.
Brenda Huber
made this when our golden beets, carrots and red new potatoes all came in at the same time in our garden – excellent! what a delicious way to use our bounty! thanks for sharing – we’ll be passing this recipe along.
Melissa Velasquez
A great way to enjoy beets! I thought this was a little too bland and could have benefited from a zestier sauce. Next time I might do something with horseradish. Like other reviewers, I cut everything up beforehand and reduced cooking time. Saved the broth for tomorrow’s soup stock.
Susan Johnson
Yours is good, but when in Peru it had peas and tuna in it, so it was a bit more bland your way. Thanks for posting it, I had forgotten all about it!
Karen Robinson
Did not add carrots. used dijon mustard, added eggs and wine vinegar. loved it.
Jennifer Guzman
Tolerable. I don’t usually eat beets. Everything tasted ok, but I don’t think I’ll make it again.
Brooke Turner
As with other reviewers, I chopped up the veggies before cooking them. In order to “sell” my husband on a salad that contains beets I boiled the beets separately so the red color wouldn’t bleed onto the rest of the vegetables in the cooking process. I cooked the beets for 30 mins and the carrots and potatoes for 20.
Ann White
What a different way to use these vegetables! And very tasty. I added a couple of boiled eggs, used dijon mustard and thought it was an awesome dish.
Jason Cole
This is so yummy. My husband does not like mayo or beets and turned his nose up at it until he tried it. He actually liked it. I love this dish and it is easy to make. I used dijon mustard instead of plain yellow and fresh ground black pepper.
Brittany Gordon
Great, colorful presentation. Okay flavor, somewhat lacking. I encourage anybody making this dish to add their own pizazz to it.
Timothy Richardson
i LOVE this salad! my friend from venezuela introduced me to it. she added hard boiled eggs and cilantro! i wouldnt make it any other way!
Levi Young
I made this because I received beets in my organic produce box. This recipe was really yummy- a lot like potato salad with carrots and beets. Beets are definitely an acquired taste- I still do not like them too much.
Victoria Green
I’ve been looking for this recipe for so long! I tried it as a kid at a friends house. And, yes I was just being polite and trying it, but boy was I surprised that beets could be that good. I never liked them before. Thanks for sharing!
Tony Neal
In Peru, they usually don’t put mustard. Usually it’s either with just the mayonnaise, or with lime juice & salt. It’s called “Ensalada Rusa” which translates to “russian salad”. Usually the people there add other vegetables to this salad, such as cut-up string beans(boiled), and peas or corn.
Jessica Cabrera
MMMM! Ensalada de Rus!!! My suegra taught me how to make this too! The mustard gives it a little zing and the beets are so sweet. It’s like a jazzed up Potato Salad. My family likes it with eggs too and green peas.


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