Party Cake Frosting

  3.9 – 16 reviews  

One serving of roasted sweet potato wedges is a quick, easy recipe that is perfect for college students.

Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 20 mins
Total Time: 25 mins
Servings: 12
Yield: 1 frosting 9×13 inch cake


  1. 2 (1 ounce) packages fruit flavored Jell-O® mix
  2. 2 egg whites
  3. 1 cup white sugar
  4. ¼ cup water
  5. ⅛ teaspoon cream of tartar


  1. In the top of a double boiler, combine gelatin, egg whites, sugar, water and cream of tartar. Using an electric mixer, beat icing over boiling water until soft peaks form. Remove from heat. Continue to beat until icing forms stiff peaks. Use to frost a completely cooled cake.


Hannah Mata
Great taste! My only problem with this frosting was my sugar didn’t dissolve, next time I will use icing sugar!
Jasmine Norton
Good flavor but quite sweet. The texture was only good right at first; it seemed to get a bit crusty/grainy after it sat for a while.
Shannon Nichols
This was the BEST frosting ever! Sooo beautiful and creamy and wonderful! My kids LOVED it! It takes a really long time to get egg whites just right! Don’t give up….its worth it!
Zachary Wood
If I could give this 10 stars , I would. This is sooo good. For those who don’t like overly sweet frosting , like my husband. I used an entire 3 oz. box of strawberry gelatin. Great recipe. Thank you.
Steven Johnson
I made this per instruction, it was interesting. The sugar never dissolved fully and it never quite reached the stiff peak stage. It got close and then seemed to want to separate again. Not sure exactly what I did wrong. Tastes very sugary. Will try again another time.
Patrick Christian
LOVE this!!! Use a 1/4 cup of a jello pack, because you can’t use the whole packet because it is 3oz.
Maria Alvarez
This looked like such a good recipe, and I really hoped to give this a good rating, but for me the recipe turned out so poor. I also increased the recipe amounts by a half, since I had a 3oz jello packet. The jello gives it a very strong flavor, just really different from the stuff I’m used to. It was also a little oozy. And I whipped and whipped this stuff! After whipping it, I put the bowl in the fridge for a 1/2 hour, but it just didn’t set up like I needed it to. My cupcakes looked like shiny plastic toys with frosting slowly dripping off the sides.
Bradley Sherman
Awesome recipe!!! Tastes similar to starburst candies. After frosting my cake, I baked spoonfuls of the frosting for 5 to 7 minutes at 3:75. They turned out somewhat marshmallowy. Very tasty treat. (Very sweet)
Lisa Smith
i don’t know what i did wrong! is it supposed to be gritty? fluffed up pretty. my bf said it would have had a good taste if it wasn’t so gritty. maybe next time i’ll try melting the jello and sugar in the water then adding the other ingredients.
Paula Davidson
I dont know what I did wrong but it turned out unspreadable. Im giving it three stars in honor of my error – because it still tasted good, but I had to throw it away. 🙁
Brian Carey
I’m not sure if I am clear on what size box of jello to use because I didn’t find a 1 oz. box in the store. My frosting turned out very sticky and almost unable to frost with. Otherwise it tasted a lot like laffy taffy as someone else had commented.
Jason Payne
i was admittedly skeptical at first. i made it and it was very runny. but it cooled for a while and thickened up. it was perfect. i made it for a valentines party on cupcakes
Mr. Brad Ortiz
This frosting was delicious. My kids say that it tastes like laffy taffy. It has a marshmellowy texture. It was fairly simple to make. I used the small box of jello, and since it was a 3 oz. size, I did a 1 1/2 recipe. I will definitely make this again.
Sharon Alvarado
I thought this was excellent the sprinkles even stuck to the frosting without having to press them in, however my prissy three year old doesn’t like anything stickey on her hands and was not thrilled with it on the cupcakes and refused to finish them 🙁
Laura Miller
I had made cupcakes and did not have any frosting. I found this and thought well I have all the stuff what is the worst to happen? Well let me tell you this is a MUST TRY! (I used cherry jello) I made it and had to wait for cupcakes to bake, I put the frosting in the frig and it was great! A sure make again. Thank you Judith for such a wonderful frosting! My huddy liked it and so did a neighbor girl.
Carl Brock
excellent recipe-used it for my daughters birthday cake. I used 2 tablespoons of jello from a big box of raspberry flavor. Pretty pink color. Also, leftovers refrigerated well.


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