Avocado and Bacon-Stuffed Eggs

  4.3 – 6 reviews  • Bacon Deviled Egg Recipes

The best sauce for fish is made by reducing soy sauce with orange juice and chicken stock. over cooked mako shark steaks, it tastes fantastic!

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 5 mins
Total Time: 20 mins
Servings: 6
Yield: 12 egg halves


  1. 4 slices bacon, trimmed of fat and cut into small pieces
  2. 1 avocado, halved and pitted
  3. 6 hard-boiled eggs, halved
  4. 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
  5. 2 teaspoons prepared yellow mustard
  6. 1 splash lime juice
  7. 1 pinch red pepper flakes


  1. Place bacon in a large skillet and cook over medium-high heat, turning occasionally, until evenly browned, about 5 minutes. Drain on paper towels.
  2. Mash avocado in a large bowl with a fork. Mix in bacon, yolks from the hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, and lime juice.
  3. Spoon avocado mixture into the egg whites. Garnish eggs with red pepper flakes. Chill until ready to serve.
  4. I use smoked bacon.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 182 kcal
Carbohydrate 4 g
Cholesterol 220 mg
Dietary Fiber 2 g
Protein 9 g
Saturated Fat 4 g
Sodium 236 mg
Sugars 1 g
Fat 15 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Melissa Jefferson
Super yummy! My child devoured them! The bacon really adds to this appetizer. I think it needed a lil bit of salt, but that is of course my opinion!
Amy Graham
I made these for a Christmas Open House party. Only a couple of people liked them. That surprised me because everyone there liked avocado. Actually, I didn’t care for them too much. This recipe was OK but I thought the flavor a little bland. However, this doesn’t mean I won’t try to make them again. 🙂 I love avocado in any form so I’ll definitely be rating this recipe again.
Dawn Martin
It is being seem wonderful, before the tasted too.
Christopher Stevens
Not a whole lot of flavor for me, I will be adding some salt & pepper next time along with some other spices.
James Wilcox
Absolutely delicious…the whole tray was gone in 1/2 hr!
Alyssa Hernandez
3.4.17 This is the second avocado-bacon deviled egg recipe I’ve tried recently, and all I can say is that this must be an acquired taste. I cooked whole bacon slices in the oven to keep from having to wash a skillet (cleaned the kitchen this morning), and then just crumbled the bacon. Granted, the avocado does lend itself to a really creamy texture, but the the egg’s flavor seems flat/bland. I added an extra squeeze of lime juice, but the bacon is about all that I could taste. I have to wonder if a little bit of vinegar might brighten or enhance the flavor a bit. It was OK, but I think I’m tossing in the towel on bacon-avocado deviled eggs. This totally could be just a personal taste preference, so I don’t want to discourage others from trying.


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