Red-Carpet Cookies

  2.0 – 6 reviews  • Sugar Cookie
Level: Easy


  1. Prepare a basic sugar cookie dough; roll out and cut into strips. Sprinkle with red sanding sugar and bake as usual.


Eric Jones
Great Simple Recipe. I used the cookies for the red carpet look and I placed star cookies on top to finish the look for our school “Walk Among the Stars” dance. It was a huge hit with the kids and parents, too. Something so simple, but looked cool.
Meagan Fleming
um since when does a recipe have to be complicated to qualify as good? Geez, get over yourself food-jerks. This would be a great recipe to make with small kids and funny to serve while watching the Oscars. Funny that none of you actually rated the taste or ease of the recipe. You just don’t like the premise? Then go read Bon Apetit.
Julie White
Food Network, not the best example of your work. “Make sugar cookies and put red sprinkles on”…that’s it? We’re “foodies”, we expect a more thought out recommendation.
Juan Wilson
I agree with the other comments. These are sugar cookies with red sprinkles, that’s it. Not red carpet cookies in my opinion………….
Riley Mckee
Brendan, I couldn’t agree more! The ‘recipe’ could have at least had a raspberry filling or something to make it worthwhile. Or how about a sugar cookie recipe? I know we all have one, but at least it’s a recipe.
Ariana Sullivan
I’ve never made this recipe, and I don’t think I ever will.. The only ingredient in this “recipe” is red sprinkles! All this is instructing me to do is.. “make sugar cookies”, as simple as that. A recipe please?


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