Really Easy Bread Stuffing

  4.1 – 54 reviews  • Vegetarian Stuffing and Dressing Recipes

Delicious and so easy to prepare! If you want something straightforward for your stuffing, make this. For this dish, you can use either fresh or stale bread.

Servings: 5
Yield: 5 to 7 – servings


  1. 1 (1 pound) loaf white bread
  2. 1 small onion, chopped
  3. 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning
  4. 1 pinch salt
  5. 1 pinch ground black pepper
  6. ¼ cup water


  1. Moisten all the bread with as much water as is needed to make moist. Add the onion, seasoning, and salt and pepper. Mix with hands.
  2. Place in turkey or in foil and wrap up (which I do) and cook for at least 1 hour, longer if you are cooking it in the turkey. May open the foil for last 15 minutes to make top crusty.


Shannon Munoz
Added celery to stuffing, and to moisten bread cubes I used vegetable broth instead of water.
Betty Turner
No changes made. I will definitely make it again.
Michelle Fischer
Awesome! I use chicken broth instead of water and add a little melted butter. And I wonder why it is so good!???
Katherine Baird
This is very similar to the recipe my mother taught me growing up. The differences are in sauteing the onion in butter, using dried bread cubes (either prepared or home made), using broth rather than water, and probably a significantly greater amount of pepper. I like to add a small amount of craisons to it as well. You really can’t go wrong with this one. It’s readily adaptable to whatever changes you want to add, and it tastes great with the meal.
Kayla Gilbert
This is the best way to make stuffing ever! I just added 1 tsp of sage to this recipe and my family absolutely LOVES it!! This is the recipe we use for every occasion that requires stuffing! I get heartburn easily so this recipe has very little sage and it’s not too harsh on my esophagus ?? 5 Stars!
Anna Moran
I must have messed up. The texture was super bizarre and way to oniony.
Mr. Clarence Alvarado
I must have messed up. The texture was super bizarre and way to oniony.
Cindy Washington
My mom has made this for as long as i can remember. I cook it in the Turkey and allow it to cook in the turkey juices. She/we use milk and an egg instead of water also.
Frank Bennett
I have made this stuffing for over 45 years and we love it except I add fresh celery and some butter or margarine whatever I have on hand so it isn’t dry, sometimes I use chicken broth if I have it I stuff my turkey or chicken with it plus I make pans full on the side once nice and brown you can either cover it so it doesn’t get hard or cover it first than brown at the end you can also bake pork chops in oven with this stuffing on top or if thick enough chops put inside
Monica Weaver
Definitely white bread is best not hard but definitely a few days old. The only addition I would make is to add about 4 beef or pork sausages – casings removed and chopped up small this ensures moisture is retained and definitely do not add celery or apples. This is definitely a very very old recipe – I am 75 and my mom made this every year of her life and the recipe was passed to her from her mom – believe it came from Scotland. Salt, pepper, onion and sage are the only spices – absolutely delicious in or out of the turkey.
Dylan Murray
Very Bland….why would you use water when broth adds so much flavor…my version is very simple and fast and everyone asks for the recipe. To start off I always add chopped celery and onion all around my Turkey in the roasting pan before roasting. This adds wonderful flavor to the broth the turkey makes. So I break up plain white bread in a big bowl sprinkling in sage, salt & pepper alternately while tossing with my hands. This can be made ahead of time and set aside ready to add your turkey broth with the celery and onions. I’m not one for measuring so I just pour and mix a little at a time until it is as moist or as dry as you like it. Then pour into a buttered baking dish and cover with aluminum foil for about 30 to 35 mins. (it will puff up under the foil). Then remove foil and brown to your liking. For an easy dressing when you’re not having turkey just add sautéed onion & celery to canned or boxed chicken broth. note: I always add hot broth to the torn up bread.
Anna King
I sauteed onions, mushrooms and celery in a half stick of butter. I also used dried homemade bread cubes, so added a cup of chicken stock. Easy and VERY tasty.
Vicki Beltran
I have tried this and it was too bland so I used half a bag of Stouffer herb cubed bread and a half of a loaf of bread. I sauté the onion and celery in butter to soften. Instead of using water I heat up chicken broth and add it until the stuffing is softened. I also use salt, pepper, and ground sage. I do stuff my bird and it comes out great.
Monica Davis
too bland for me.
Anthony Owens
A good “basic” stuffing recipe. I use 1/2 white bread and 1/2 cornbread and moisten with chicken broth rather than water. I also add a couple stalks of chopped celery and toss in a minced hard-boiled egg or two. Since I love sage stuffing, I toss in 1/4 tsp. sage and double the amount of poultry seasoning.
Colleen Reed
A good “basic” stuffing recipe. I use 1/2 white bread and 1/2 cornbread and moisten with chicken broth rather than water. I also add a couple stalks of chopped celery and toss in a minced hard-boiled egg or two. Since I love sage stuffing, I toss in 1/4 tsp. sage and double the amount of poultry seasoning.
Steven Turner
I added celery and onions and poultry seasoning with chicken stock not water favors better.
Charlotte Rivera
This was my mother’s recipe, with the addition of celery sauted in butter along with the onion. I have used this recipe myself for 30 years. I also add dry chicken broth powder, such as Orrington Farms, to mine for more flavor. You must make sure to use enough water. I usually add some liquid chicken broth as well. And I only use fresh bakery bread from the supermarket. For Thanksgiving dinner, I always stuff the turkey, and put the rest of the stuffing in a crockpot. I just add a little more liquid because it will not have the juices from the turkey for moisture. My family loves, loves, loves my dressing!
Maria Jackson
This is my basic recipe for stuffing that my mother-in-law gave me years ago, I have modified it some over the many times I made it and it just gets better every time. I sauté the onion and 1 clove of minced garlic in 1/2 stick of butter until soft and mix into the dry bread to moisten – I also use low sodium chicken broth instead of water. Season it up to your taste.
Gregory Ferguson
Really quick, easy, and tasty stuffing! Also very versatile! You can really add anything you want to it. I sauteed the onions in butter, and added celery and some green apple. I used poultry seasoning, lots of dry sage leaves, along with some fresh thyme and parsley, a little rosemary, and a pinch of nutmeg to season it. I also added some dried cranberries to the mix, and moistened it all with chicken stock instead of water. Came out fabulous! It’s a keeper!
Kelly Dixon
Very good stuffing. I wrapped it in foil and baked it in the oven for a vegetarian option. Be sure to tear up the bread into “small” pieces and lightly grease any foil/pan (it will stick). Next time I think I’ll use vegetable stock instead of water.


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