Lusty Lime Virgin

  4.7 – 8 reviews  

a kale salad without meat that can be eaten by itself. You might want to trim each asparagus stalk’s bottom. The purplish-white portion can be harsh and will not roast well.

Prep Time: 5 mins
Total Time: 5 mins
Servings: 4
Yield: 4 servings


  1. 1 (6 ounce) can frozen limeade concentrate
  2. 1 cup diet cola flavored carbonated beverage
  3. 1 cup orange juice
  4. 1 cup water
  5. 10 cubes ice


  1. Combine the limeade concentrate, carbonated beverage, orange juice, water and ice in the container of a blender. Cover, and blend until slushy. If you want to add liquor, add it last, and just blend for a few seconds more.


Lisa Morrison
My kids and wife like this drink.
Stanley Hurst
This is a delicious beverage. It’s great servied with mexican dishes. I’ve made it several times and found that I have to use more ice cubes than specified to get the slushy texture. However, I just noticed that the creator of this recipe posted that it’s supposed to have 1/4 c. of diet cola, not 1 c. which I suspect will affect how many ice cubes are necessary.
Stephen Young
Made as directed. Kids seemed to like it more than us adults. That said it was a pretty good mocktail.
Eric Hunter
This was great! Very sweet, but balanced out with tartness and the slightly funny taste of the diet coke – which was perfect though! Next time I think I might try and substitute the coke for something else, but I liked it as it was.
Mitchell Nelson
Excellent! I had to make a non-alcoholic drink in a hurry for a good friend’s boozy birthday bash. I made my own “limeade concentrate” from lime juice concentrate and corn syrup, but I followed the rest of the recipe exactly, even down to the Safeway-brand cola. This was delicious, lusty and limey – enjoyed by the teatotalers at the party. Thanks for the recipe & happy birthday LTH!
Barbara Anderson
I served this at a party during the summer and it was a hit. People kept asking for more.Very refreshing!
Richard Hale
Hello! I created this recipe and I wanted to address the color concern. My recipe actually only calls for 1/4 cup of diet cola. I don’t know why changed the measurements when I posted this recipe. Using less of the cola will fix the coloration problem, but it still will be enough to give the drink that “spiked” quality. Actually, you could use diet lemon-lime soda too, but I feel the cola adds a little kick. Just be sure that what ever you use, the diet soda has a non-aspartame sweetner. Aspartame gives the drink a “diet” taste instead of a “spiked” taste. -Matt
Melissa Nichols
Good! But the diet cola made this drink a funky color. I tried to add food coloring, but it didn’t help much.


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