Kids Cranberry Popsicles

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Level: Easy


  1. For ease just blend your leftover cranberry sauce with your favorite juice: lemonade, pear nectar, orange juice, apple juice, etc. The proportion should be about 1/3 cup sauce
  2. to 1 cup juice. Place these in paper cups (for individual eating, ice cube trays (For adults it works great with vodka over them) or popsicle molds. It’s great to remember the kids throughout the weekend this way. After they rake the leaves and run around outside, they’ll want a cool refreshing treat!
  3. For adults:
  4. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of gelatin in hot juice, fold in stiff egg white (2) and mold more like a sorbet into your favorite fancy mold, cover with foil freeze, unmold and decorate with fresh mint leaves.


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