Easy Homemade Olive Oil Mayonnaise

  4.2 – 11 reviews  

Ever wanted to make your own olive oil mayonnaise but were put off by the thought of the hassle? This recipe calls for an immersion blender, but if you don’t have one, don’t worry; I’ve provided instructions for making it without one in the recipe’s notes section. Once you realize how simple it is to make your own mayonnaise, you won’t want to purchase regular mayonnaise ever again.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Total Time: 10 mins
Servings: 32
Yield: 1 quart


  1. 2 eggs, room temperature
  2. 1 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  3. 1 cup canola oil
  4. 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  5. 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
  6. ½ teaspoon dry mustard
  7. ¼ teaspoon salt


  1. Pour eggs, olive oil, canola oil, lemon juice, white wine vinegar, dry mustard, and salt into a large mason jar.
  2. Place the blade of an immersion blender near the bottom of the jar and blend, starting at high speed until combined, about 20 seconds. Raise the blender using an up and down motion and mix until mayonnaise is emulsified, about 1 minute.
  3. Place a lid on the jar and refrigerate until use, for up to two weeks.
  4. To make without an immersion blender: Combine eggs, white wine vinegar, lemon juice, dry mustard, and salt in a blender. Place the lid on the blender without the center insert. Combine olive oil and canola oil together in a paper cup. Blend on medium speed. Puncture a small (using a toothpick or similar sized item) in the bottom of the paper cup and quickly cover the hole with your finger. Place cup over the opening in the lid of the blender and continue blending until all of the oil has dripped into the blender and the mixture has emulsified. This will take considerably longer than with an immersion blender, about 10 to 15 minutes.


William Davis
You have to use REAL olive oil. Most of what you buy in the store is fake. Only use egg yolk and drizzle the oil in slowly after adding mustard. Season with salt pepper and lemon juice at the end. Delish every time.
William Harrison
Followed the recipe and directions; never thickened
Christine Bennett
I used egg yolk only not the whole egg as that’s what I am used to when making mayonnaise. I also used olive oil only as that’s the only oil I can have on my current diet. I added everything but the oil to a bowl and using a hand mixer with a whisk attachment I kept that running as I slowly drizzled the oil in. Emulsified with no problems. I also added garlic powder at the end. It was good, I will make it again.
Belinda Smith
This is awesome! Tired of trying numerous recipes, I decided to try a new whole egg Mayo. This is the most simple and most accurate mayo recipe I have ever made. Mostly I like making it directly in the jar! I did not have the mustard powder and hadn’t time to go to grocery. So, I replaced it with the same amount of mustard paste (not Dijon). I mixed vinegar, lemon juice, Mustard paste and salt first and mixed until salt was dissolved. then added the eggs and salt and battered. immediate tracing. Great results: taste, thickness, appearance… Just perfect. I won’t certainly buy Mayo anymore. Thanks for sharing. Saved my Mayo life!
Melissa Jones
I tried it in the blender, but my blender is a Ninja, so due to the extended time requred, it kept heating up. This affected the texture, I really couldn’t blend it long enough to get it to properly thicken. We’ll be investing in an immersion blender, for sure. Also, it had a strong olive oil taste, with not enough of that “mayo tang” I will probably use a bit more canola & a bit less olive oil & use a stronger blend of vinegar, lemon & mustard powder. It was good enough to give it another try, with the tweaks. May just be a personal preference thing.
Stephanie Mcpherson
Wow. It actually works. Within seconds, the familiar Mayo white appeared- did not require the one minute. Went up/down to ensure all got mixed. Tasted a little bland, so added more lemon juice, salt, pepper. Re-mixed. Unbelievable that this is so easy. Thanks for sharing!
Alexander Myers
I didn’t have white wine vinegar or mustard powder so I used red wine vinegar and mustard. it turned out perfectly. I couldn’t believe how easy and quick it was with the immersion blender. I’m on a sodium restricted so this is perfect. I’m going to use it shrimp pasta salad tomorrow.
Emily Smith
I made it, Exactly as recipe asked. It never thickened and in refrigerator it keeps separating. Now, I’ve tried to make it into the ‘easy Caesar dressing’ and it tastes like oil, no matter what I waste adding to it in hopes of improvement. I’m definitely going to stick with actual cook books for while.
Mason Jones
I make mayo in my processor all the time. Use the regular metal blades, pulse the egg, vinegar and seasonings until well mixed. Then slowly pour in the oil through the holes in the top with the processor running. Nothing will happen at first, then all of a sudden it will emulsify and get all creamy and thick. Voila, Mayonnaise! The first time I did it I didn’t wait long enough for it to emulsify, I thought it was a failure, but after that I realized nothing was going to happen until most of the oil was added. I can’t quite imagine using an immersion blender, you need one hand for the blender and the other to pour in the oil slowly, I’d want another hand to hold the jar just in case. Unfortunately, I only have two.
Joseph Green
Unfortunately I have no blender so I have tried to use a food processor with little success. However I like this anyway. I added lemon pepper and dill since I will use it on tuna.
Jack Ward
This was my first time making mayonnaise! Everyone thought it was 5 stars. It had a different flavor and was really creamy. Simple to make! Made no changes!


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