Clean Breakfast Cookies

  4.3 – 24 reviews  

I developed this recipe after doing a lot of experimenting to create low-fat ice cream or gelato. Although the directions are lengthy, making it is extremely simple. I was astonished by how deliciously rich and creamy it ended up being. The key ingredient is cocoa powder, which gives the gelato its deep, creamy texture without adding extra fat. The absence of fat in the gelato causes any leftovers to freeze solid. Defrost leftovers for 20 to 30 seconds in the microwave to soften.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins
Additional Time: 20 mins
Total Time: 40 mins
Servings: 36
Yield: 36 cookies


  1. cooking spray
  2. 2 cups rolled oats
  3. 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
  4. ¼ cup flax seed meal
  5. 2 ½ teaspoons ground cinnamon
  6. ½ teaspoon sea salt
  7. 1 teaspoon baking soda
  8. 1 cup honey
  9. 2 egg whites
  10. 4 teaspoons almond butter
  11. ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  12. 4 ounces semisweet chocolate chips (Optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Spray 2 baking sheets with cooking spray.
  2. Whisk oats, pastry flour, flax meal, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda together in a large bowl. Stir honey, egg whites, almond butter, and vanilla extract into oats mixture until dough is well-blended; mix in chocolate chips. Scoop dough into 36 balls and place on prepared baking sheets.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven until lightly golden and set, 8 to 10 minutes. Cool on the baking sheet for 10 minutes, lightly loosen each cookie from the baking sheet, and continue cooling on the baking sheets for another 10 minutes.
  4. You can substitute dried cranberries for chocolate chips, if desired.
  5. I use two baking sheets and produce 36 cookies by using a cookie scoop.
  6. I also prefer baking at 325 degrees F (165 degrees C) in convection mode for 8 minutes, which produces chewy cookies. Cook longer for a dryer cookie.
  7. These cookies store well for approximately 3 days.


Alexander Carlson
This breakfast cookie is exactly what I was looking for — a quick grab and go breakfast item that was fairly healthy. It was also fast to put together. I used a medium cookie scoop and got 20 cookies out of it, so I had to cook them for 14 min. I also cut the honey back to 3/4 cup and used dark chocolate chips, which resulted in just a subtle sweetness, perfect for a breakfast item. I will probably use this recipe as a base for other varieties, such as adding nuts, or swapping the chocolate chips for dried cranberries or raisins. Lots of ways to play with this recipe!
Spencer Washington
Recipe turned out well. I did have to increase the cooking time to 11 minutes. I added dried cranberries to the last batch and those were good too.
Nicholas Meyers
These were very good! Nice, delicious, hearty breakfast for families!
Cynthia Young
We enjoyed this recipe! I followed other reviewers’ suggestion and cut back on the honey to somewhere around 3/4 cup and I thought the sweetness was just about perfect for a breakfast cookie. I might cut back to 1/2 cup next time just to try it with a little less sweet. I thought some sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, or nuts would also be good additions.
Phyllis Bean
Yuck. These cookies did NOT turn out well. The honey was so overpowering even though I used 3/4 cup instead of the full cup. They were somehow bitter and way too sweet at the same time! I am always experimenting with healthy cookie recipes, and I have found some good ones. Rarely is there a recipe I make that I hate, but this is one of those few.
Jennifer Herrera
Super moist and very delicious. Play around with what you add, raisins, dried cranberries with walnuts. It’s a good base with all of these and it keeps it fresh to try with different flavors!
Erica Hernandez
The cookies are taste good and are very easy to make sure my kid gets a breakfast before the 7:00 AM bus picks him up. I used chunky peanut butter instead of almond butter. My wife and son think the cookies are great considering they are not a dessert cookie. Thank you for the recipe.
Bobby Wolf
So how did you get them to look like the photo? They look nice and flat like a cookie should; but mine were as round as when I dropped them on the pan with the cookie scoop!!
Regina Montgomery
The taste was really good. They are a littke soft but tasty. Maybe its because i didnt add nuts, I didnt have any. I added raisons instead of the chocolate chips. I did like the raisons in them but next time I will cut down on the honey because of the sweetness of the raisons. I added a mixed nut butter instead of the other because thats all I had. I will make again.
Anthony Moore
Not for me… NO flavor, dry, and definitely not a “cookie”.
Samuel Curry
Good consistency I used dark chocolate chips & raisins both only 1/4 cup, Not a lot of flavor but they are good for being ‘clean’. I added a bit more cinnamon in hopes to gain flavor. May try reducing the honey & add a couple tablespoons brown sugar. Worth working with to make it what your family enjoys!
James Raymond
Both of my toddlers ate these! They turned out really good. I did 325 for 8 mins and they were chewy! I didnt have a whol cup of honey(I dropped the first cup on my floor??) but they were still plenty sweet! I added a little more cinnamon because we love it and a little more flax because of the fiber! All in all I will make these again!
Suzanne Reed
turned out very sticky. Had to add a LOT more flour. I also used a lot less honey, and they were still sweet. It made for a very sticky cookie, I think b/c there was no oil in it. It got stuck to the parchment paper.
Andrew Ballard
Where do I find the recipe for Dirty Breakfast Cookies??
James Brown
These cookies were so dang delicious! My whole family, including two toddlers, were begging for more. The only change I made was using one whole egg instead of two egg whites, because I only had so many on hand. Thank you so much for a healthy COOKIE option, Sadie!
David Jackson
I made a batch of these today! I’m not much of a breakfast eater, but I know it’s important to eat something to start the day. These will work nicely with a hot cup of coffee or tea! Like an oatmeal cookie, not too sweet. I used chopped almonds and cherry infused craisins.
Samantha Larsen
Kids and Hubby went crazy for these!!( and, I only put one dark chocolate chip in the center of each cookie…and they were gone in less than 24 hours)! Thanks for this… now I need to go make more!
Anthony Chapman
I’ll be making lots of these! I do think 1 cup of honey was a bit much, so I will experiment using a little less. Excellent recipe.
Thomas Martinez
East to prepare and relish!
Jonathan Nguyen
Ride on the sugar train! I saw 1 cup of honey and thought holy mother of sweetness honey is quite a but sweeter than sugar so I don’t know how unbearable it would be had I used the full cup. I did 12 cup honey plus 3 tbsp brown sugar for a molasses-y flavor and the were still very very sweet. It’s still not healthy to be eating so much sugar even if it is unprocessed. Other than that the cookie was good. I didn’t have ground flax only whole; so to offset the binding effect I used 1 whole egg plus 14 cup cornstarch. I lowered the cinnamon since I’m not a big fan, and used cranberries and almonds in half the batch and the other half I used chocolate chips. I’ll probably make again and lower the honey further. It’s a good starter recipe for a somewhat healthy breakfast cookie.
Amy Dean
It’s like homemade granola bars! Very tasty, easy to make, and mine turned out nice and chewy – hoping my kids will like them in their school lunches. I made 2 slight modifications, I used two whole eggs (not just the whites), and used Sunflower Seed Butter instead of almond butter, since it’s all I had, oh and I threw in a tablespoon or two of hemp and millet as I figured it would work will with the granola! I really like the taste of these, if my kids do too, I’ll make them again and maybe even in the shape of a granola bar for a bigger snack portion.


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