Basic Crêpes

  4.6 – 0 reviews  • Sweet

This pie tastes fantastic and, unlike those on the website, doesn’t contain tapioca. It is an easy traditional recipe to make. This recipe’s unrivaled flavor and texture are a result of the use of young rhubarb. I get this recipe request a lot.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 20 mins
Total Time: 30 mins
Servings: 4
Yield: 8 crêpes


  1. 1 cup all-purpose flour
  2. 2 large eggs
  3. ½ cup milk
  4. ½ cup water
  5. ¼ teaspoon salt
  6. 2 tablespoons butter, melted


  1. Whisk flour and eggs together in a large mixing bowl; gradually add in milk and water, stirring to combine. Add salt and melted butter; beat until smooth.
  2. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium-high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each crêpe. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly.
  3. Cook until the top of the crêpe is no longer wet and the bottom has turned light brown, 1 to 2 minutes. Run a spatula around the edge of the skillet to loosen the crêpe; flip and cook until the other side has turned light brown, about 1 minute more. Serve hot.
  4. Read our picks for the
  5. to make cooking your favorite recipes that much easier.
  6. Once you’ve mastered this basic recipe, try your hand at a
  7. !

Nutrition Facts

Calories 216 kcal
Carbohydrate 26 g
Cholesterol 111 mg
Dietary Fiber 1 g
Protein 7 g
Saturated Fat 5 g
Sodium 235 mg
Sugars 2 g
Fat 9 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Leslie Chang
My go to crepe recipe. Great base for savory and sweet, kids love it. Sometimes it turns out a bit thick, no big deal, just thin it out with milk and or eggs. Yummy!
Lauren Drake
Megan Martinez
I was able to get 5 six inch crepes from this recipe. So delicious
Ray Keith
This was my go to recipe for years…until I met Jacques Pepin. Watch his video. He makes it super simple and his crepes are more “tender”. As far as whisking the flour and eggs, he explains and demonstrates how and why. Smoked salmon filled crepes with a sour cream, lemon, capers and dill sauce are an outstanding brunch worth looking up! Found it @ food network. Jacque’s crepes and this sauce…ou-la-la! Btw…leftover crepes? Sprinkle with granulated sugar, zest of lemon a d a squeeze of lemon juice. Roll up and enjoy! Oui!
John Burton
I usually use a different crepe recipe, but gave this one a try for a change. I strongly recommend against whisking the eggs into the flour as directed, it’s messy and awkward to do, and results in VERY lumpy batter. This is not a step in crepe recipes I have used in the past, so it is clearly not essential. That aside, the crepes turned out pretty well despite my mistakenly adding more milk than called for.
Daniel Maldonado
The ratio is off. When you make crepes, you don’t make just 10 crèpes. Double the recipe and use less eggs.
Taylor Bryan
I made this recipe as directed. I usually estimate ingredients, but since i hadn’t made crepes in about 45 years, I measured everything exactly. Instructions were perfect except it came out VERY salty. Next time, I’ll use half the amt of salt.
Kari Donovan
These were too thick by half. More like thin pancakes than crepes. Less flour or more egg would have helped. I have made crepes successfully before but from a different recipe.
Robert Davis
Do NOT whisk the flour and eggs. Lumpy nightmare! Maybe sift the flour first. Lumps did not completely dissolve. Crepes were rubbery instead of light and fluffy. Flavor was ok, but I did add a little vanilla extract since we were having it with fruit. I wanted to like it, buy it fell short.
Kayla Garcia
I’ve been using this recipe for 20 years to be the coolest dad when their friends spend the night. I usually use mandarin oranges out the can because it’s fast and different or blueberries. Heated up of course. The only step left out is to spray the can whip cream in the mouth of the kids. Like a momma bird feeding the baby birds. The real trick to making these awesome is spreading the batter around the pan as thin as possible. I like to pick the pan up and tip in all directions and that works much better than to try and pour or spread the batter thin. Good luck, these are easy!
Cheryl Owens
Good recipe, easy to make. I added a bit of vanilla extract and it was perfect. My family finished them too quickly before I could take a pic 🙂
Chris Hill DVM
First off… Thank You! This recipe is the best recipe I’ve tried! The Crepes turned out beautiful and along with the Strawberry Whipped Cream filling, was a marvellous treat for us! I’m going to make more now!
Teresa Davis
This crepe recipe is amazing! They were so easy to make and absolutely delicious! The batter was a little thick and so we added a little more milk and water and it turned out just fine. Otherwise this is a great recipe and one that I will definitely make again.
Brian Martinez
The worst crepes recipe, its too heavy too much flour and it dosent even have sugar. 3k of fake 5 stars…
Ashley Morrison
its was really easy and also really good
Jaime Olson
I used real butter which added an amazing flavor to it. Added whipped cream and blueberry pie filling. That plus the crepe recipe hit the spot. Sweet plus a little bit of buttery flavor. Kids loved it.
Dennis Gibson
Very easy and not too time consuming. The kids love them but so does everyone else! My go to for every breakfast.
Nicole Dawson
Never had crepes before, but this is very easy and simple. Think i will make more often.
John Young
Easiest recipe I’ve ever made and so tasty. I made them to use the extra apple pie filling I had made then drizzled caramel over the crepe-instant hit. I had a few extra crepes so I put a cherry and orange marmalade in them with whip cream on top. Everyone thought I was a pro and made them before no photo/ they vanished fast
Trevor Hays
This is the easiest recipe for crepes. My family loves them. They are a request for every occasion!
Elizabeth Archer
Very good recipe! Perfect!


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