Pears Panos

  4.7 – 26 reviews  • Orange Liqueur

The flavor of your preferred hot appetizer is present in this simple-to-make jalapeo popper dip.

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 1 hr
Total Time: 1 hr 15 mins
Servings: 8
Yield: 8 servings


  1. 4 Bosc pears
  2. ½ cup white sugar
  3. ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
  4. ¼ cup Cointreau or other orange liqueur


  1. Peel the pears. You can halve and core them, or leave them whole: just carefully core the blossom end of each pear and remove the seeds.
  2. Place the pears into a large saucepan. Fill with enough water to cover the pears by 1 inch. Stir in the sugar and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered until the liquid has reduced into a light syrup; this may take up to 1 hour. Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla. Cool until just warm, then stir in the liqueur and serve.


Molly Smith
I followed the recipe exactly, but with 3 whole pears. The liquid took 2.5 hours to reduce and I had to keep an eye on it. So, I was a little irritated by then, but I did like the delicate taste. If I make this again I probably will not quite cover the pears with water, and may turn it up to a low boil.
Michelle Brooks
Delicious Recipe Easy To Make Just Takes Time. Like others I made a Substitution instead of using Cointreau I used Chambord which has a Raspberry flavor. 5 Stars!
Mark Walker
I made this to accompany a baked French toast. We were in a rush so I quartered the pairs and as soon as they were tender I removed them from the syrup. That way I could increase the heat and reduce the liquid to syrup faster. Didn’t have the orange liqueur so I added a piece of dried orange peel along with a cinnamon stick at the beginning. Everyone liked it so much they poured the syrup over the French toast.
Stacey Roberts
Pretty darn simple. I halved the pears, kept the sugar the same, but tossed them in a small frying pan and added a slight amount of brandy and lit it for a moment to give a little bit of color to the pears. There are many ways to plate this, too. Will definitely make this again.
Gabriel Thomas
Valerie Norman
Yum! I used just one pear and I sliced it instead of halving it. I also got caught up watching TV and didn’t keep an eye on the syrup, so it actually started to burn! But once I added the vanilla and triple sec, that mellowed out the slight burnt sugar taste and it was delicious. Especially with vanilla ice cream!
Timothy Rodriguez
This is awesome! However, when the liquid begins to turn to syrup, watch it very carefully and I would recommend turning the gas down a bit (not in the recipe instructions). One second too late and the syrup can burn. Luckily I saved it but it could have been a disaster.
Connie Sanders
Fantastic and light and healthy!!
Teresa Brown
Delicious! An absolute 180 from your typical dessert.
Angela Gutierrez
I was so anxious to try this recipe on my wife’s relatives that I forgot to read the entire recipe. I didn’t halve or core the pears. I removed the pears and placed them in a bowl while I finished the sauce. When it was time for dessert I place each pear in the center of the place, ringed the plate with a little sauce, and added a small scoop of vanilla ice cream. The comments were unexpected! “Oh wow, pears.” And the compliments wouldn’t stop either. We’re still getting Facebook comments as well. This is a keeper!
Mario Hester
Was unsure, so I left the skin on and that seemed to work nicely. The syrup was very watery even after 90 minutes over medium heat. Tasted fine, but reminiscent of canned pears. Not sure I would do it again.
Adrian Garrett
Made it today in a frying pan, I split 3 pears instead of trying to core them whole. It took a while before the syrup cook ed down but that is fine as I wanted to finish them as the entree is ending. Adding a splash of Cointreau tightened every thing up. Next time I will make some pear sorbet or gelato & garnish with mint leaves. Bare bones it is pears in syrup (just like the can) but this is better because the pears are fresh, you control the amount of sugar in the syrup & you can add zip if you want it. Definitely a winner from the POV of both cook & diner.
Aaron Gray
I opted to leave my pears whole for presentation’s sake and adding only a marginal amount of orange liqueur. I replaced the rest of liqueur with lemon juice upon serving. This is very sweet, (so be warned.) The lemon juice helped cut the sweetness. Was tasty.
Amy Kennedy
Excellent and easy to prepare. I prefer to peel Bosc pears, and I frequently substitute Triple Sec for Cointreau. Top with a dollop of whipped cream or whipped topping and it’s a super dessert for guest dinners. A drop of red food coloring added to the syrup (after removing the pears) adds color contrast, but is not necessary. My wife suggests a few drops of chocolate liquor mixed in with the orange liquor while cooking!
Rachel Rios
I followed this recipe exactly as written. My husband and I enjoyed it very much but we both thought it was much too sweet. I might have allowed it to reduce too much, because even after an hour the “syrup” seemed too watery, so I allowed it to continue simmering for about another half hour. Even so, next time I make this recipe I will reduce the amount of sugar to 1/4 cup or maybe even less. Also, I did sprinkle some cinnamon on one of the pears and thought the flavor was nice, but it overpowered the orange from the Cointreau too much for my taste. I also think fresh whipped cream would go great with this recipe.
Benjamin Horton
I don’t like pears and was looking for a recipe to use up some we had on hand. Both my husband and I liked this recipe. I substituted 1/4 cup orange juice and 1/2 tablespoon brown sugar for the Cointreau, and it turned out very good.
Brianna Maynard
I don’t like pears and was looking for a recipe to use up some we had on hand. Both my husband and I liked this recipe. I substituted 1/4 cup orange juice and 1/2 tablespoon brown sugar for the Cointreau, and it turned out very good.
Joseph Gilbert
I pretty much followed this recipe to the T and it turned our great! Wonderful smell wafting through the house. I quartered my pears as I think it is easier to core them that way. I did add a cinnamon stick at the very beginning and I thought it added nicely. I would suppose one could add a few whole cloves for a different flavor too. Would be great served over vanilla ice cream! Definitely a recipe to keep!
Taylor Kennedy
This is an excellent recipe. Everyone in my family loved it. I made a blamange to go with it .
Ashley Curry
It was so good I’m making it again in the morning (dicing the pears over waffles) Amazing. We had to sub with orange juice. Sprinkle with cinnamon…it’s all that’s missing!
Nancy Ramos
Very tasty, everyone enjoyed it. I did not change anything – followed the recipe exactly. Next time, I think that I’ll slice the pears instead of simmering halves. Thanks for the recipe!


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