Curried Winter Soup

  4.4 – 32 reviews  • Noodle Soup Recipes

a hearty, rich soup made with squash, lentils, and maize that is thick and excellent in the winter. scented with vibrant spices like cumin and turmeric. This dish provides a dinner that is utterly satisfying.

Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook Time: 1 hr 10 mins
Total Time: 1 hr 30 mins
Servings: 7
Yield: 6 to 8 servings


  1. 1 onion, chopped
  2. 3 cloves crushed garlic
  3. 1 tablespoon olive oil
  4. 1 ½ teaspoons curry powder
  5. 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  6. 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  7. 8 cups vegetable stock
  8. ¼ cup dry lentils
  9. 1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes with juice
  10. ¼ cup uncooked white rice
  11. 1 cup frozen corn
  12. ¼ cup elbow macaroni
  13. 1 small spaghetti squash


  1. Place cut side of the squash down in a lightly oiled baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 30 minutes, or until a sharp knife can be inserted with only a little resistance. Remove squash from oven, and set aside to cool enough to be easily handled. Shred squash with a fork.
  2. In a large soup pot, saute onions and garlic in olive oil. Add curry powder, cumin, and turmeric. When onions are transparent, add stock and lentils and bring to a boil. Reduce to simmer and add chopped tomatoes and juice.
  3. If using brown rice, add the rice 10 minutes after adding the lentils, if using white rice, add rice after 25 minutes along with the can of corn. (Add the can of corn at the same time you add rice, white or brown).
  4. After 35 minutes, add the macaroni and spaghetti squash. Simmer until rice and pasta are cooked.


Lawrence Baker
One of our favorite recipes – easy and delicious. Wee try to always have a spaghetti squash on hand. We add a little more rice and lentils than it calls for and a touch more spices.
Christian Cox
The spice combination creates a good base for spaghetti quash, and I liked the soup w/o lentils, macaroni and rice. Instead I added frozen corn and peas. Skipping lentils reduced cooking time to 20 min, which also was a big plus for me.
Nicole Peterson
Great recipe and very tasty and easy. I used red lentils and substituted sliced carrots for the spaghetti squash since my hubby doesn’t like squash. Also used 3/4 c. pasta. Next time I will probably increase the amount of rice and/or lentils as well.
Virginia Brown
Great soup with a little modification. I did as others suggested and added a bottle 1 tablespoon and 1 tsp of curry, I doubled the cumin and also added 1 top cumin seed. I also added a couple dashes of ground red pepper. I did do the lentils, rice (basmati) and small ring noodles. It adds a nice hearty touch. My biggest change was to use low sodium v8 juice (5 cups) and 4 cups of chicken broth. I didn’t realize that I ran out of veggie stock. OK, I did add 6 garlic cloves instead too. This great recipe just needed a little more, but the basic bones are good.
Timothy Perkins
I decided to use 1/2 cup instead of 1/4 cup for the noodles and rice. I also screwed up and used 4 cups of vegetable stock instead of 8… It ended up being a really amazing rice that I will for sure make again!
Diamond Bennett
Absolutely loved this soup, as did everyone at the table – every single one of us went back for 2nds! And that included my 9-year-old who says she doesn’t like squash! 😉 The taste and the smell are out of this world! Added a little extra of the spices, including the garlic. Next time I’ll increase the liquid and use more lentils to bulk it up a bit.
Destiny Hall
I started this recipe and realized part way through (didnt preview ahead) that I did not have all the ingredients. So, this was my way to “fudge it”, and by the way it came out amazing!! I don’t like beans so I left the lentils out, no corn so just skipped it. Hate canned tomatoes…so fresh plum tomatoes. I added a small acorn squash, peeled and cubed. A small zucchini…just because. 2-3 sliced carrots, 2 small celery stalks. 2 cups chicken broth. About a cup of a sprouted quinoa/millet blend. Skipped the rice and pasta. Essentially it ended up being called “curried winter everything but the kitchen sink soup.”
Ray Smith
I used a mixture of chicken and beef broth instead of vegetable. Also added 1/2 tsp of coriander and 1/2 tsp of fenugreek. 6 cloves of garlic instead of 3. Used a can of mixed vegetables instead of just corn and omitted the pasta (I felt the brown rice and lentils plus lima beans from mixed veggies would be plenty). However, after eating it I found it definitely needs more lentils and rice (or pasta if you prefer). Very flavorful and hearty! Will make again.
Amber Roberts
I followed the recipe word to word. The spaghetti squash, after cutting it sideways i pulled all the seeds out then placed on a plate face down, stuck it in microwave for 5 minutes and once it was soft took the fork to to scrape the inside out. This is a really good recipe and taste great!
Donald Pitts
I, too, made changes (barley instead of pasta, brown rice, added fresh green beans, used Garam Masala & cayenne instead of generic “curry powder”, and tomatoes with jalapenos instead of regular tomatoes — can you guess my family likes spicy food?) Everyone loved it! Had it for New Year’s Eve, then again with the rest of the black eyed peas mixed in on the 2nd. Everyone liked it again. A very versatile recipe and well nigh foolproof. Thanks, Sandy!
Austin Baxter
this was very good
Daniel Salas
Made this last night and looking forward to trying the leftovers. Substituted frozen mixed veggies for the corn and added a good amount of freshly ground black pepper. Overall very tasty, but the spaghetti squash gave it a strange texture. I plan to play around with the ingredients until I’m happy, but my husband gave this recipe a thumbs up!
David Guerrero
We loved this! I used a little less squash and a little more macaroni, and I used brown rice instead of white. Next time I might throw in some barley instead of lentils just to change it up, but it’s great as is!
Kathleen Davis
Delicious! I used black beans instead of rice, and no macaroni. It was simply delish!
Michael Ponce
This was excellent, but I must say a few things. Eaten right after cooking, it was pretty unappetizing seeing as the spaghetti squash had not taken in any of the flavors yet. After a night of marinating in the fridge the flavors came together WONDERFULLY, and this dish became 1000x better. I omitted the macaroni and simply upped the rice (I used short-grain brown) to balance out the textures. I also upped the liquid content just a bit because I love me a brothy soup. (: Overall quite a good dish. I would be wary to feed it to a large group – if I was to do so I would be sure to let it sit for at least one day in the fridge if not more and then reheat to serve.
Emily Flores
Excellent recipe! Probably the heartiest vegetarian soup of I have tasted. Enjoyed it very much and did not miss the meat! Plus, it was so simple…the most difficult part was cutting the spaghetti squash in half!
Matthew Hamilton
This was a tasty soup and easy. It needs some salt and pepper. I had to cook the squash longer than 30 minutes–might have been about 45 minutes. I also added a bit of Vegeta seasoning–a European seasoning that makes any soup taste better. Replaced some of the vegetable broth with chicken broth. Also, I added the tomatoes and brown rice at the same time as the stock and lentils and simmered for 35 minutes. Then I added the frozen corn, pasta and squash and simmered 10 more minutes.
Darryl Jennings
I really enjoyed the flavours in this dish. I didn’t have any stock, so I added bullion instead. I did put a little too much water in, so it was a little soupier than I think it was suppose to be. Next time I would add more lentils.
Kimberly Webb
i wasn’t paying attention and accidentally added the entire bag of lentils and, after i more than doubled the spices and added more broth, it was fine. i also left out the rice and macaroni and added frozen green beans and peas and garbanzo beans instead. i will definitely make this again.
Julie Flores
What a easy and delicious recipe that was really fun to make and eat
Joanne Villarreal
The small amount of curry powder used in this recipe isn’t enough to give it too much of a curry flavor. If you are a fan of curry add more. We felt there is too much spaghetti squash in this recipe, but that’s a personal taste.


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