Vegan Carrot Soup

  4.4 – 58 reviews  • Carrot Soup Recipes

This cranberry-jalapeo relish is delicious and spicy; it’s the finest I’ve ever had!

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 15 mins
Total Time: 30 mins
Servings: 4
Yield: 4 servings


  1. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  2. 1 large onion, diced
  3. 3 cloves garlic, minced
  4. 4 large carrots, sliced
  5. 5 new potatoes, quartered
  6. 2 cups vegetable broth
  7. 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger
  8. 1 teaspoon curry powder
  9. salt and pepper to taste


  1. Heat oil in a soup pot over medium heat. Add onion and garlic, and cook stirring often until onion is translucent. Add carrots and potatoes, and cook for just a few minutes to allow the carrots to sweat out some of their juices.
  2. Pour the vegetable broth into the pot, and season with ginger, curry powder, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low. Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, until carrots are tender.
  3. Puree soup in small batches using a food processor or blender, or if you have an immersion blender, it can be done in the soup pot. Reheat soup if necessary, and serve.


Michael Stark
This is a delicious and healthy soup. I did keep with the number of carrots and potatoes, but I used twice as much broth, and before pureeing it, I added a can of light coconut milk. The soup was creamy and delightful.
Victor Hoffman
It is so tasty filled with all the flavors I love
Ryan Adams
Great soup for a late fall weekend, or anytime for that fact. Great combination of flavors with a stick-to-your-ribs satisfaction. Just enough zip on your tongue to remind you you used curry and black pepper.
Jennifer Powell
I added some red peppers, a pinch of cayenne and a few tablespoons of cream. It was absolutely delicious and I look forward to making it again soon!
Daniel Donovan
I would add more broth next time, as it’s pretty thick. I did not have vegetable broth so I used chicken broth, and it tasted fine. I will make this again. Very tasty.
Rhonda Moore
This soup was wonderful !! I always double my soup recipes to freeze in jars. There was barely any left to freeze ! I doubled the cumin and fresh ( but frozen) ginger because I can’t ever leave well enough alone. Loved it!! Thanks !’
Jennifer Wilson
This was delicious! Since the size of the carrots and potatoes will vary, you need to adjust the liquid accordingly (and to your liking depending on how thick you want the soup to be). I also didn’t have broth, so used water. I will make this again next time I get carrots in my CSA box.
Paul Krause
I skipped adding potatoes because I’m on a low potassium and low phosphorus Diet but soup was still thick and delicious.
Phillip Sanders
I added lots more water, did not use any potatoes and also added extra curry ( I love curry) and a pinch of red pepper flakes. It was a little Spivey but tamed it with some sour cream.
Karen Hanson
This was amazing. I wasn’t sure I’d like it with all of the very strong and pronounced flavors it called for. But I actually added a teaspoon more of both the garlic (I used powered instead of minced) and the curry… go big or go home right?! 🙂 I also added more broth to make it less thick and a splash of white pepper for even more of a kick. The flavors blended perfectly and Leftovers were even better!
Elizabeth Fowler
Added 2 more cups of veggie broth and an extra teaspoon of curry powder right off the bat based on other reviews. As a vegetarian I loved it, and my boyfriend who is not also loved it. Simple, easy, and absolutely delicious, will make it again 100%.
Cheryl Garcia
as most others mentioned, was more like baby food than “soup”. was prepared for after reading reviews prior to making it. added more water to it instead of broth. everything else turned out great.
Mark Garrison
This was great! We didn’t have a blender at my partner’s place, so we added some panko to thicken it up instead, and it worked pretty well! I think we’ll try to make it at my apartment next time so we can use my blender, haha. We did also add some chicken because we wanted a little extra protein, but I think it would’ve been just as filling without! 10/10 will make again, possibly adding it to our regular rotation!
Melissa Jones
Loved it. Very satisfying. Nutritious! I will make it again, and soon. Helped my daughter get over “flu like” symptoms! Great stuff. I did add some turmeric.
Mrs. Ruth Bullock
My new favourite soup. So easy and usually have ingredients on hand. Great winter soup!
John Carpenter
I had to add more broth, the soup was very thick . Flavour was excellent. I will definitely make this again.
Sharon Davila
Yes I used Yukon gold potatoes instead. I think they were too creamy for the soup, but otherwise I really liked it
Darren Blair
Very tasty with a little extra curry added.
Mr. Vincent Hodges II
Because of the consistancy of this soup i just put the pureed finished product in a bowl and added water to it. it was so good. I will definitely be making this one again
Shirley Sanchez
I made this soup, ti was so good. It was very thick so used a cup of water to thin it down and added a spash of lemon and a 1/4 tsp of urmeric it was delish.
Matthew Horne
This was a very easy recipe, and the soup comes out very thick. It could stand another cup or so of broth is you prefer a thinner soup.


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