
  4.1 – 14 reviews  β€’ Pancakes

It’s a straightforward Swiss side dish. Remember to prepare the potatoes at least a day in advance. The Roesti will be stopped from building its crust if you stir it. For additional variations, include thinly sliced cheese, sliced onions, or finely diced, lean bacon.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 1 hr
Additional Time: 8 hrs
Total Time: 9 hrs 10 mins
Servings: 6
Yield: 6 servings


  1. 2 ΒΌ pounds potatoes, scrubbed
  2. 3 tablespoons butter
  3. 1 teaspoon salt
  4. 2 tablespoons milk


  1. Place the potatoes in a large pot. Cover the potatoes with water. Bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat. Cook the potatoes until tender enough to pierce with a fork, about 15 minutes; drain and refrigerate potatoes overnight.
  2. Peel and grate the potatoes into a large bowl.
  3. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat; add the grated potatoes; season with salt. Press the potatoes into a round loaf using a spatula. Sprinkle the milk over them. Cover the skillet with a lid. When you hear the potatoes begin to sizzle in about 5 to 10 minutes, reduce the heat to low. Cook until a brown crust has formed on the bottom, about 30 minutes. Cover the skillet with a large plate and flip the roesti onto the plate to serve.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 186 kcal
Carbohydrate 31 g
Cholesterol 16 mg
Dietary Fiber 3 g
Protein 3 g
Saturated Fat 4 g
Sodium 436 mg
Sugars 2 g
Fat 6 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Patrick Jennings
For real Roesti, do not boil. Shred the potatoes and then squeeze the shreds until all liquid stops running out. You have to add paprika and garlic powder in addition to ingredients included here. Also, a butter red wine and onion sauce should be made and poured over Roesti. You could also use button mushrooms in the sauce.
Christopher Pacheco
Delicious potatoes! I used bacon grease instead of butter πŸ™‚ my low was not low enough and I had a pretty dark crust after only ten minutes, so next time I will try the lowest setting for my burner. Thanks for the recipe!
Robert Anderson
I was amazed at how much difference adding the milk to the potatoes made. Really good dish and not hard to make
Joe Harris
2 things you must know about this recipe. First, Swiss food is meant to be rich – this is delicious, but definitely rich (at least with cheese on top). Second, I think it needs to be stressed that the potatoes should only be boiled ~15 mins (they cook further in the pan afterall) – I overcooked mine and though it was still tasty, it would have been better slightly less soft. I too cooked this without a lid and without the milk – it’s meant to crisp up and brown on both sides. A great dish to experiment with! We fried up onions and mushrooms to go with ours.
Courtney Griffin
This was very good…. I put potatoes in fridge for a couple of hours & achived the same great result.
Crystal Robinson
Good thing I’m not Swiss…I took some liberties with the recipe. I used half red potatoes, half sweet potatoes (yams, really). I boiled the potatoes only four hours before I needed to cook them, so they didn’t get their overnight ‘rest’ like they were supposed to (why do they need that rest, again?) I cooked them as directed, but didn’t add the milk, and flipped it over and crusted the other side as well. It was super yummy, and before it was even gone my husband asked when I was making it again.
Jay Whitehead
great recipe for extra potatoes. For easy flipping….plate’s diameter should be larger then that of the pan’s.
Thomas Clark
Great recipe, but, a little bleak on the additives that can be injected into the recipe as well. Also, this works best in a cast iron skillet.
Michael Washington
I live in Swiss! I make this with creamed spinach, smoked bacon, and guyere cheeze added! Serve with a crusty bread and a glass of wine!
James Richardson
This was great for breakfast, I didn’t add anything extra in the first time but its going to be a lot of fun playing around with different ingredients to add
Robert Brown
Being a swiss person I just have to say something to this recipe.. It works perfectly without the milk, and do not cover it, or it will become soggy. Use a tiny bit of peanut oil or lard with the butter and fry it on medium heat. the trick with the plate does take a little practice but it is the easiest way to a real crispy, flat roeschti. Melt some more butter and oil/lard in before putting it back into the pan. Try covering it with (Raclette-) cheese (and 4 slices of tomato) and putting it in the oven for another 8-10 minutes on high heat… En Guete! =)
Mark Wilson
Oh my goodness! I’ve been searching for a good roesti recipe since moving back from Switzerland where I enjoyed it at restaurants and from the supermarket! Who knew it could be so easy?! For this recipe I found it important to keep a lid on the frying pan..I did this and found that the potatoes got a lot softer because they boiled a little bit more from the excess steam…I also like to mix it up a little bit so one time I added a little bit of chopped onion and sauted it in the butter before adding the potato..yum yum! To flip the roesti I simply did what I do with omletes…I waited until a nice crust had developed on the bottom and I could move it around a little bit in the pan if I shook it…I then slid it gently onto a plate, flipped my frying pan over the roesti that was on the plate while holding the plate and turned the whole thing over while holding the bottom of the plate and the handle of the frying pan in one quick motion so that the top of the roesti was now on the bottom of the frying pan! Easy as can be! πŸ™‚ I also added some grated cheese to the top of it and stuck the lid back on while the bottom cooked – cheddar of course..mmm! That part definitely isn’t Swiss..but I love’s the best of both worlds! This has become a very popular and very asked about potato dish in our house!
John Ortega
It’s possible I overcooked the potatoes, so that could be why it just tasted like mashed potatoes to us. Not really sure, but it is a lot of effort for mashed potatoes. Good, and I like the crust, although it was difficult for me to flip on the plate–dindn’t really work well for me. Not sure if that’s something that takes practice or what. I may try again with less cooked potatoes and see if it ends up a little more like I imagined. Thanks for the recipe!
Christopher Parks
Very good! I used a mixture of butter and bacon grease. I also added half a chopped sweet onion, chopped bacon and sprinkled cheese over the top at the end of the cooking time. Both my kids and I enjoyed this.


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