Pumpkin Butter

  4.6 – 232 reviews  • Fruit Butter Recipes

After sampling the limited-edition Kahlua® pumpkin spice holiday flavor, I decided to see what I might concoct because I enjoy blended and frozen beverages. It is delectable! Whipping cream that is thick is preferred. Small pint-sized containers are available for it. It doesn’t add much, but it gives the drink’s mouthfeel a crucial creaminess. The pumpkin flavor is additionally enhanced by the pumpkin puree. Feel free to top with more whipped cream, pumpkin spice, or both as a garnish. Enjoy!

Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook Time: 35 mins
Total Time: 55 mins
Servings: 40
Yield: 5 1/2-pint jars


  1. 1 (29 ounce) can pumpkin puree
  2. 1 ½ cups white sugar
  3. ¾ cup apple juice
  4. 2 teaspoons ground ginger
  5. 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  6. 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  7. ½ teaspoon ground cloves


  1. Inspect five 1/2-pint jars for cracks and rings for rust, discarding any defective ones. Immerse in simmering water until pumpkin butter is ready. Wash new, unused lids and rings in warm soapy water.
  2. Stir pumpkin purée, sugar, apple juice, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves in a large saucepan over medium heat until well combined; bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring frequently, until thickened, about 30 minutes.
  3. Pack pumpkin butter into hot, sterilized jars, filling to within 1/4 inch of the top. Run a clean knife or thin spatula around the insides of the jars to remove any air bubbles. Wipe rims with a moist paper towel to remove any residue. Top with lids and screw rings on tightly.
  4. Cool to room temperature, then chill in the refrigerator.


Justin Sanchez
Would cut cloves to 1/4 tsp or leave it out altogether. Just too strong.
Brian Andrews
Good consistency, but WAY too much ginger. Next time I’ll cut the ginger from 2 tsp down to 1 or even 1/2 tsp. Would also consider cutting the nutmeg a bit too.
Margaret Pearson
This is messy so protect your stove. Protect your hands with heatproof gloves and keep your face at least 2 feet away. It’s hotter than a volcano and gets hotter and hotter. Also you CANNOT can pumpkin butter—-use straight sided jars and keep those delicious jars in the freezer to store.
Tracy Robinson
Easy and delicious. I wouldn’t change a thing.
Taylor Baker
It is a truly messy recipe during the simmering to make, but delicious in the end. I put a tablespoon of cinnamon, and added salt to taste. I ended up using a little water to enable it to cook down for a good , finished result, as I had no more apple juice. What a wonderful treat for, toast, waffles, etc. Thank you, allrecipes!
Samuel Rhodes
This sounds like a fine recipe. I am just astounded at the amount of people risking their health by canning it. Yes it was once considered safe to home can pumpkin puree, that was pressure canned, now we know it does not get hot enough even pressure canning. People on here are water bathing it, one reviewer even put it straight in a hot jar along with added real butter put a lid on it turned it upside down and waited for it to seal! Even when canning cubed pumpkin you must pressure can it because although technically a fruit it is low acid. Pumpkin butter freezes really well it is just not worth the risk.
Jasmine Brown
Perfect!! Tastes just like what I was buying at the farmers market. Only better because I made it myself.
Stacey Bennett
This is yummy! I’ve also made it with apples for a little different taste. I’ve also had no problems with canning it. Since it is put in jars while it is still hot from cooking the internal temp. is fine. Another thing I tried was putting it in a large, shallow baking dish and baking it in the oven at 350 until it is nice and thick, cuts down on the chance of scorching.
Nicolas Moon
I’ll make it again, but will be cutting the ingredients in half. This recipe makes to much for just 2 people who enjoy pumpkin butter.
Lindsey Parrish
Tastes amazing. Easy to make.
Nicole Bennett
Its basically just over spiced pumpkin pie filling. I halved the recipe and thank god I did because it would have been way too much otherwise. Probably not going to make again.
Brandy Hurst
I didn’t have apple juice so I minced a Granny Smith apple and pureed it with water. I left out the ginger because I didn’t like the idea of it with pumpkin. The next time I’ll cut back the cloves to a pinch. I got 5 half pints and froze four. We ate the fifth one on pancakes and toast the next morning. Thanks for the recipe!
Sarah Vang
The spices with this are strong. I ended up doubling the amount of pumpkin and cooking it in a crockpot on high for 3 hours, good, but a little goes a long way.
Jillian Morris
Very yummy, big hit in my family and a great autumn treat to share with friends. It’s basically spreadable pumpkin pie, whats not to love?
Stephanie Morton
I love spices but this is very spicy. I would take this recipe with caution and add a little at a time until it meets your taste buds because you can’t take it away once it is added. It has way too much cloves. I will need to cook down more pumpkin to compensate for the amount of spices.
Christopher Higgins
I think that it’s a bit heavy on the ginger for my taste, and I’ll probably adjust the spice ratio in the future. I followed another user’s suggestion about increasing the apple juice and I think that that really allowed it to cook longer to reduce and resulted in a smoother product with more depth – and probably also helped mellow it out a bit, counterbalancing the heaviness of the spices. Overall, though, I think it’s a pretty great recipe! I haven’t had pumpkin butter with a really pronounced spice flavor before, and I think that this one just makes it feel that much more like fall.
Susan Williams
Absolutely love love it…. I added a little more sugar and apple juice. To get the perfect texture and sweetness.
Katherine Clarke
Based on other reviews, I doubled the apple juice. I substituted Truvia (Stevia) for the sugar and used pumpkin pie spice. Loved it and it actually tasted better the next day.
Thomas Lopez
Used brown sugar instead of white, and roasted ground ginger, but otherwise followed the recipe. Lovely taste & texture, but I still felt it could use something to brighten it up a bit, or make the taste sharper somehow, so I added a sprinkle of salt and about 1/4 tsp non-roasted ground ginger, and that pulled it all together. Enjoyed it on buttered toast, and look forward to more breakfasts with this in the coming days!
Vickie Morgan
way too sweeet yet bitter, will try again, cutting the sugar, clover and ginger in half. I added 8oz of cream cheese to tone down the strong flavors. I put it in toast, waffles and ice cream….so versatile, so much potential!!!
Jackie Hernandez
Do you have to refrigerate if you can??I will use this recipe not pectin one..


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