Garlic Jelly

  3.9 – 20 reviews  • Jams and Jellies Recipes

You can use this garlic jam as a condiment. Add it to meat marinades or use it as a cooking glaze for roasts or poultry. fantastic with cream cheese and crackers.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 20 mins
Total Time: 30 mins
Servings: 32


  1. ¼ cup garlic cloves, peeled
  2. 2 cups distilled white vinegar
  3. 5 cups white sugar
  4. 3 ounces liquid pectin


  1. In a food processor or blender, blend garlic and 1/2 cup of vinegar until smooth. In a 6 to 8 quart saucepan, combine garlic mixture, remaining 1 1/2 cups vinegar and sugar. Over high heat bring mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Quickly add pectin. Return mixture to a boil and boil hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
  2. Immediately fill five, sterilized half pint jars with jelly, leaving 1/4-inch head space. Wipe the jar tops and threads clean. Place hot sealing lids on the jars and apply the screw on rings loosely. Process in boiling water in a deep canning pot for 5 minutes. Remove the jars and cool completely. Tighten the jar screw rings to complete the sealing process.


Jessica Berry MD
The little bit left from my canning was so tasty! I actually got 6 half pints out of this but I may have had more garlic. We were gifted with 9 bulbs of elephant garlic. (HUGE) but it is a milder garlic. so i used an entire bulb which chopped down to more like 2/3 cup. I also added a bit of salt to the mix, because after tasting just the vinegar and sugar and garlic, it needed something. might be because of the mild garlic, but, it sure turned out good. the little i had left that couldn’t be jarred is going to be spread on a mishmosh cuban sandwich. thank you for the inspiration!
Stephanie Lloyd
I had my doubts about garlic, but my daughter really wanted to make it. We entered it into our local fair and we both won ribbons! This is going to be a really unique gift for family and friends.
Kayla Gardner
Very decent recipe. I made three batches and for the first used the exact recipe. I made the second with the roasted garlic modification and it is definitely the better jelly. With the third batch(because I was out of white vinegar) I used apple cider vinegar and also added roasted garlic, parsley,and rosemary to the garlic which upped the garlic mix to 1/2 a cup rather then a 1/4 cup. The third version is going to be an excellent pork rub for sure! I did not have any problems with set at all but one jar didn’t want to seal so I put it in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes and then let it stand. It sealed. I can see that this might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it works for me! Thanks
Brittany Hill
If you are a jelly maker this is a great receipe. The only change I made was to put 2/3 of a cup in cloves in food processor and it made a 1/2 cup of puree. I do craft fairs and this will be my new jelly of the season. The 1/2 cup puree cuts the vinegar and gives it the garlic taste you want with a little sweet.
Kenneth Martinez
Not what I was expecting. I doubled the amount of garlic and still didn’t get as much garlic as I thought would be there. Vinegar is a bit overpowering.
Sean Davenport
I love garlic. I could not eat this.
Taylor Johnson
This is amazing with crackers and cream cheese… I added about 1/2 cup chopped garlic to add texture and just after adding the pectin I added whole jalapeno peppers one for each jar made. I hope it has a bit of heat when I open for the next cocktail party!
Gerald Owens
this was absolutely awful! The smell and taste were not at all appetising – and i love garlic! it used a whole bag of sugar and basically was a waste of ingredients. i wont be making this again
Timothy Gray
I love garlic, and thought this would be interesting to try; unfortuantely it wasn’t all I had hoped. Could be personal taste, but I found the garlic/sugar/vinegar mixture ended up tasting just like it sounds, and the flavours didn’t blend nicely. I now have 12 jars of garlic jelly, and don’t know what to do with it…
Bradley Avila
I made this recipe and gave it out to a few friends. Those who love garlic will love this. I have used it on pork and baked chicken. Next time, I will use roasted garlic.
Nathan King
I had planned to give this as Christmas gifts. I love garlic and thought this would be delicious. It didn’t live up to my expectations and I ended up making jalapeno jelly instead.
David White
Different, but good. Smells like garlic & vinegar a lot. Haven’t tasted it yet, but I’m sure it will be a great marinade.
Michael Rogers
Mine came out horrible! I was so excited about making this recipe. About 1 minute after adding the pectin, the mixture turned green! I mean green as the grass green. I followed the rest of the recipe thinking that maybe cooking the mixture would remove the color. I don’t know how it tastes. It may just taste wonderful, but I haven’t been brave enough to try it (the color is really a turn off). The other reviews seem so good, I maybe just goofed (although the recipe seems pretty goof proof).
Trevor Wilkins
What a unique recipe! We love garlic, so like the other reviews suggested, I added more garlic. Also I made a batch using roasted garlic and substituted some of the vinegar with basamic vinegar. Yum. Very easy recipe to work with.
Nicole Lyons
I’ve never rated a recipe on here before, but I made a batch of this astounding jelly yesterday and am getting ready to make another one today to give as gifts. Since I LOVE garlic, I may try adding some more garlic cloves to what I make today and use yesterday’s for gifts. I also want to try the roasted garlic mentioned by another user. Absolutely excellent recipe.
Stephanie Gonzalez
I love Garlic!! This jelly is good on fresh bread and baked chicken and chicken strips as a dipping sauce.(great on everything!) I could not find any liquid pectin so I used powder. It came out good but you might need to warm it up after it had been in the fridge. I need to make more my friends are almost out.
Gary Martinez
EXCELLENT! my husband cannot get enough of this and has been giving it to friends to try. it is wonderful and he likes to mix a half pint with half a stick of butter and heat in microwave till liquid. then either add pizza toppings (sounds weird but very good) and put on texas toast or put straight on t.t. and sprinkle with garlic powder. so good, haven’t made it to meat marinade yet. may try to mellow it only a tad. love it!!!
Darlene Macias
A good and easy recipe. however, I think the distilled vinegar made it a bit too sharp. I am going to play with the ingrediences a bid…use a different vinegar and try roasted garlic as well.
Lauren Harris
Excellent recipe! Very good with crackers. I haven’t tried it on any meat yet. The only change I would make would be to add more garlic.
Laura Gonzalez
* Really excellent! * Make a double batch. Your friends will take it home with them! * Also try the exact same recipe – but add a head of so of roasted garlic – and float a few cloves, as well. It really mellows the flavour.


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