Dulce de Leche

  4.4 – 54 reviews  • Dessert Sauce Recipes

This is a classic Argentine treat. You can serve it over bananas, ice cream, or any other dessert, eat it by itself, or use it to fill cakes.

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 1 hr
Total Time: 1 hr 15 mins
Servings: 32
Yield: 32 servings


  1. 1 gallon milk
  2. 1 vanilla bean
  3. 4 ½ cups white sugar
  4. 1 teaspoon baking soda


  1. In a large saucepan, bring milk to a boil over medium-high heat. Remove from heat and strain through cheesecloth. Return to pan.
  2. Cut vanilla bean in half and pour the seeds in the milk. Stir in the sugar and replace the pan on medium-high heat, stirring constantly until the sugar is dissolved. Just as the milk mixture begins to boil, stir in the baking soda. Reduce the heat to medium, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. When a wooden spoon drawn through the mixture leaves the bottom of the pan visible, and the mixture is light brown in color, remove the pan from the heat.
  3. Place the pan in an ice bath and stir constantly until dulce de leche is cold. Store in airtight container in refrigerator. Pour into sterile jars, and store in the refrigerator.


Barbara Torres
We’ll definitely make this again. We lowered it to 4 servings to try ( 2 cups of milk) and it turned out tasting like a thick caramel. Yummy!
Laurie Blankenship
The recipe is heavenly!! I just finished making it. Yes, it takes some time and a lot of stirring but it’s soooooo worth it! I halved the recipe because I wasn’t sure how it would turn out. Next time, I will make the full amount! It reduces down to probably less than 1/4 of what you started with! Trust me, you will want more!! I am so happy you shared this! Thanks!
Mr. William Cabrera
This recipe did not work for me. Instructions are not good.
Taylor Webb DVM
This is a superb recipe. I have been using it for 10 years. Start by making it with 1 quart (4 c.) of milk as a test. It requires A LOT of patience. If you don’t have time or patience, boil a can of sweetened condensed milk. Straining through the cheesecloth is not required but creates a lovely smooth result. I use vanilla extract instead of the bean.
Nicholas Chapman
I am going to try this because I’ve looked for it with no luck and need this for a Sweet Potato recipe. I’m sure it will be fine. Thanks a lot for having the recipe in your possession.What a lifesaver you are.
Tonya Phillips
Modifications are necessary as stated in other reviews to create a perfect dulce de leche. I made a lighter and smaller version of this recipe. I used 4 cups of nonfat Lactaid milk, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract, a little under 1 cup of sugar, and 1/4 of a teaspoon of baking soda. At first, I was skeptical like some of the reviewers that I would ever get dulce de leche out of this mixture and would just end up with hot milk. I figured that by using nonfat milk, I had altered the recipe too much. However, once I followed the suggestions of others and raised the heat higher than medium after adding the baking soda, the mixture began to turn into dulce de leche. In order for this recipe to work, you must use a higher heat during the last cooking phase and not medium like this recipe states. To avoid burning the mixture, you will need to stir it constantly. Nonfat milk and Lactaid milk (for those who are lactose intolerant) definitely works so if you are looking for a lighter option, you can absolutely make that substitution.
Richard Zimmerman
Boy, did I make a mess with this! My attempt got hard and unwieldy very quickly. I cannot blame it on the recipe, however. Must be the cook! I was chipping dulce de leche off everthing in sight!
Ashley Reynolds
YUMMY!!! i am from a small island in the medittearanean sea and i have never tasted Dulce de leche but when i tried this recipe it tasted amazing. I found it very easy to make. The steps are very simple and clear and if you have a bit of patience it is worth it.I didnt need such a big quantity so i took the advise of other reviewers and decreased the amount to 4 cups of milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp of vanila essense and 1/4 tsp baking soda. It took me about one hour and fifteen minutes of constant stiring and it was worth it. i served it as a sauce on top of chocolate cake and everybody loved it. Thank you very much!!
Kent Sharp
VERY VERY SWEET! But it took over 5 HOURS! I mean it is delicious but it really was VERY time consuming. There had to be an easier way to do this! Try other websites for less vague directons. I was stirring for over 5 hours!
Janet Boyd
I followed the recipe to a T and ended up with warm, sweet, vanilla milk. I had to scrap the entire batch. I tried the recipe twice and neither time did it work, even with the suggestions from other users.
Lori Williams
I followed the measurements and proportions from previous reviewer vane, as I didn’t have a full gallon of milk to spare, and this worked perfectly. Instead of watching the clock, I periodically checked the temperature of the mixture as I stirred and it boiled. When it was more difficult to keep my candy thermometer from accidentally touching the bottom of the pan, I knew I was getting somewhere. The mixture started to thicken and get frothy right around 200 degrees and from there I just watched and stirred every 15-30 seconds as it thickened and darkened in caramel color. I’m so glad this worked!
Jasmine Holmes
I am from Cuba and the easiest way to make Dulce de Leche is to take a can of condensed milk and put it in a presure cooker cover it with water and cook it for 45 to an 1 hour ( unopened can ) or a big pot put the unopened can cover with water and boil for 2-3 hrs and let coole and enjoy Yummy !!
Jason Snow
Wow, this was amazing. It look almost 3 hours on medium heat for a half batch but was so worth it.
Vicki Jones
this is a good recipe. when they say large saucepan,they mean at least a 12 qt pot. I used an 8qt and It still boiled over. and at a higher altitude (Denver), it took almost 2 hours tp reach the right consistency. I haven’t decided if it’s worth making again.
Whitney Ortega
Thank you soooooo much for this recipe!!! is just perfect. I didn’t have vanilla bean so I just used vanilla concentrate. I cooked on medium high heat and it didn’t stick on the bottom. I mixed continually at the beginning until the milk did not bubble any more , after that I just stir here and there.
Brian Shah
This was creamy and fantastic. I’ve never had pure dulce de leche – only dulce de leche ice cream. I had to make some modifications based upon what I had on hand. I used 4 cups heavy cream, 4 cups skim milk, 2 tsp. vanilla extract, 2 1/4 C sugar, and 1/2 tsp. baking soda. Otherwise I followed the recipe. It took exactly one hour of non-stop stirring with a whisk to reach a perfect amber color. The time passed quickly. I just chatted with my son while stirring. I used a large Le Creuset pot on medium heat the entire time. I had no sticking at all. We poured it over bananas but this stuff would even make cardboard taste good!
Larry Riggs
This is really delicious! Wont be making this often because it is frustrating and time consuming. Very yummy though.
Andrew Kramer
Amazing! I made this as a special treat for my Argentinian exchange student’s 16th birthday. She said it was just like at home! Used it as filling for a layer cake and the rest as a dip for fruit or spread on toast. (Ate a fair amount by the spoonful.) Yes, a little time intensive, but well worth it for a special occasion. I’ll make this again at Christmas and give in small jars as gifts.
Eric Simmons
I used condensed evaporated milk in place of the dulce de leche (which I couldn’t find) and it worked out great and friends loved it.
Nicole Carlson
I had some milk that needed to use up and this fit the bill; I was so glad to see a dulce de leche recipe that didn’t call for sweetened condensed milk. I cut this down to 8 servings which is about the size of a small container of mayo. I did use half brown and white sugar, and a generous splash of vanilla. This will be awesome with the flan I have planned for tomorrow.
Kimberly House
I made this on a whim this morning and it’s wonderful – however, the original directions are a bit vague. The suggestion of one reviewer to place a saucer upside down in the pot was fabulous – I didn’t have to stand there and it turned out perfectly. I did reduce the proportions to 1/4 of the recipe and it’s perfect to fill a layer cake. However, there will not be extra to pick in, and that’s a shame!


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