Simple Slow Roast Chicken

  4.3 – 44 reviews  • Whole Chicken Recipes

Contrasting with traditional Mexican-style tacos, these ranch chicken tacos are delicious. Rotisserie chicken leftovers are used to make a simple, refreshing summer meal. Of course, you can use any kind of chicken prepared anyway you wish; just make sure to shred it for authentic tacos.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 4 hrs
Additional Time: 10 mins
Total Time: 4 hrs 20 mins
Servings: 4
Yield: 1 whole chicken


  1. 1 cup red wine
  2. 1 teaspoon paprika
  3. 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  4. 1 teaspoon garlic salt
  5. 1 teaspoon dried parsley
  6. 1 teaspoon dried marjoram
  7. 1 (4 pound) whole chicken
  8. 4 stalks celery, cut in half
  9. 1 onion, quartered


  1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). Pour red wine into a roasting pan with a lid; set aside.
  2. Combine paprika, black pepper, garlic salt, parsley, and marjoram in a small bowl. Rub chicken all over with spice mixture. Place celery and onion into the cavity of chicken; place chicken into the prepared roasting pan.
  3. Cover and bake chicken in the preheated oven until no longer pink at the bone and juices run clear, 4 to 5 hours. An instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh, near the bone, should read 165 degrees F (74 degrees C).
  4. Remove chicken from the roasting pan, cover with a doubled sheet of aluminum foil, and allow to rest in a warm area for 10 minutes before serving.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 652 kcal
Carbohydrate 9 g
Cholesterol 194 mg
Dietary Fiber 2 g
Protein 62 g
Saturated Fat 10 g
Sodium 677 mg
Sugars 4 g
Fat 34 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Sergio Burke
This recipe produced a very moist and delicious chicken! I added the leftover wine I had in the fridge–mix of dry red and white–which was probably closer to 2 cups. Prep was fast and I left the bird in the oven while I was out for about 4 hours. I also put in some parboiled yellow potatoes in a separate pan with rosemary and beef fat. Came back and everything was ready… almost! To finish it off, I removed the bird from my dutch oven and placed on a baking tray to crisp up the skin by rubbing with a pat of butter and placing under the broiler for a few minutes. I stirred the potatoes to coat with the fat and crisped them up at the same time. Meanwhile, I removed the extra red onions and celery that I put in the dutch and set them in a serving dish, then placed the dutch oven on the stove top and reduced the wine/juices down to a wonderfully dark, umami flavored sauce. No need for salt. Added some more of the chicken juices to thin out the sauce a bit. I want to try a similar approach to a smallish turkey next time!
Jennifer Rodriguez
Delicious – didn’t change a thing!
Edward Ortiz
Spatchcock (Butterfly) the chicken and it takes about 2 hours. Finish under broiler to crisp the skin, coating the breast with butter and putting foil over wing tips so they don’t burn. Substituted white wine rather than red.
Erica Morgan
I added a pinot noir for the tray and gave it the most gorgeous finish.
Ray Warren
Excellent! I added half of a package of onion soup to the wine just because I had a left over from the previous night . I made chicken in a puff pastry one night with the chicken and also a soup with the left over chicken and stock. I will make this chicken again.
Annette Hunter
Very good – As everyone shared, this is fall of the bone ready. I did add 1 cup of chicken broth to dilute the wine – this gave it a hint of the wine taste without being overpowering, which is how my family prefers.
Victoria Vazquez
Meat is tender, but a little dry and the skin does not crisp at all. Does not compete with a traditionally roasted chicken.
Rachel Horton
I made it exactly as specified in the recipe. Almost all of the spices went into the juices. There wasn’t much flavor in the actual chicken. The meat was tender, but I will go back to my regular recipe of lemon juice and Greek Seasoning roasted in the convection mode of my oven for 1 hour. Much better and less fuss.
Kimberly Marsh
Great recipe. I added about 2 tablespoons of oil to the spices to make a paste. I’m not sure why one reviewer said the recipe doesn’t say to cover because it does. I had a 4.79 lb chicken and it was done in exactly 3 hours.
Riley Bradley
This recipe is a keeper! Easy, comfort food at it’s best! The chicken I had was 2.94 pounds so smallish, so I had it in the 250F oven for 4 hours and 15 minutes and when I checked it, it was done to perfection! I did include the celery and onion in the cavity and I had white Pinot Grigio on hand so I used that instead of red wine. I used all of the spices as measured for the 4 pound chicken and it was just enough to cover the smaller bird well. The chicken was brown and juicy when done and had loads of flavor! It fell off the bones and it was not dry at all! I used a 9 x 12 inch metal baking pan lined with foil and foil also to cover and used a meat rack to keep it from sitting in the wine and drippings so it wouldn’t be soggy. It was soooo delicious that I will definitely use this recipe again in the future. My hubby didn’t really love the flavor the wine gave it so next time I will try chicken broth in the bottom instead of the wine. The spices gave it a nice flavor though and I served with creamy mashed potatoes and chicken gravy and peas and I enjoyed this dinner very much! Definitely a comfort food and highly recommend this recipe!
Dylan Garcia
I did not make any changes and it was delicious. Happy to be able to put it into a slow oven for 4 hours of gardening and then come in, add leftover corn and coleslaw and made a lovely meal. Even had leftovers for another meal or chicken salad. Try it.
Cheryl Lee
This is one of those simple recipes that somehow come together into fabulous taste. My whole family enjoyed this!
Kimberly Aguirre
I followed the instructions to a tee and the results were terrific. I also served with wild rice and a salad. We picked the leftover chicken clean and added the meat, rice, and some lightly cooked sliced carrots to the leftover wine (pinot noir) broth along with a chicken bullion cube disolved in a cup of water. The end result the next day was the best chicken and rice soup we’ve ever had. This chicken recipe will now be a regular part of our cooking rotation. Goo-ood!
Nicholas Stewart
Very good recipe thank you for posting
David Evans
This tasted great and was very tender and moist, and once you get it into the oven you can pretty much ignore it. I did open the pot briefly and basted the chicken just once , but it probably wasn’t necessary. I cooked it for five hours to make sure it was thoroughly done, but as a result it was pretty mushy, even a little stringy, and basically fell apart. It didn’t slice nicely and with the flabby skin, it wasn’t an attractive presentation and I wouldn’t have wanted to serve it to company. Next time I’d start checking the chicken with my instant-read thermometer after no more than four hours to avoid overcooking again, and I’d also crisp up the skin as other reviewers have suggested. Because of the great flavour and the ease of this recipe, I’m giving it four stars. The overcooking was my own fault.
Carmen Griffin
Delicious. Fall-off-the-bone.. Saved the cooking liquid to use in soup. Will definitely make it again.
Mark Peterson
I made no changes. The chicken was juicy and moist and fell off the bone like it was described. It was very simple also. Makes for a nice easy dinner night. I made some roasted potatoes to go with it and everybody was happy!
Johnny Smith
I used the exact ingredients baked for four hours at 300 covered in my pampered chef Dutch oven and the chicken skin was crispy and inside moist and falling apart so easy l will definitely make it again we loved it
Theodore Gonzales
Even though I’m giving this only one star, I have to admit that the fault may be mine. I followed the directions exactly, but I used my new probe thermometer for the first time on this recipe. I’d set it to go off when the internal temp reached 180 degrees. The recipe said the chicken needed to cook for 4-5 hours at 250 degrees, so I also set the timer for 4 hours. The temperature gauge started going off after the chicken had only roasted for 2 hours and 15 minutes. No matter where I put the probe, it said it was 180 degrees. I figured that couldn’t be right, so I removed the probe and continued to roast the chicken for 4 hours. When the timer went off, I lifted the lid on the roaster and the chicken had fallen apart! It was way past just being done! It smelled delicious however, when we hate it, it just tasted like any other roast chicken we’ve made … and we missed having real stuffing on the side to go with it. I couldn’t taste any of the flavors from the ‘stuffing’ of the celery and onion, the rub, or the wine. Could that be because it was SO overdone? Maybe, but I won’t bother trying it again.
Rebecca Lewis
I used white wine instead – will make again! ??
John Ramos
I made gravy with the wine once it was cooked and under tthe foil I syphoned of the grease


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