Prime Rib

  4.5 – 187 reviews  

Our family has enjoyed this great cold spaghetti salad for many years. Excellent for picnics, potlucks, and other gatherings.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 2 hrs 30 mins
Total Time: 2 hrs 40 mins
Servings: 12
Yield: 1 (10 pound) rib roast


  1. 1 (10 pound) prime rib roast
  2. 6 cloves garlic, sliced
  3. salt and ground black pepper to taste
  4. ½ cup Dijon mustard


  1. Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F (260 degrees C).
  2. Make slits all over the roast by pricking with a small knife. Insert slivers of sliced garlic. Season the roast with salt and pepper, then spread generously with mustard. Place on a rack in a roasting pan, and cover.
  3. Roast for 60 minutes in the preheated oven. Turn off oven. Leave oven closed, and do not peek for 90 minutes. The internal temperature of the meat should be at least 140 degrees F (60 degrees C) for medium-rare, or 155 degrees F (68 degrees C) for medium.


Jay Jones
Insanely delicious! My oven cooks hot so I pulled it out 20 minutes early. Then let it sit under foil for 30 minutes. Perfection! Best meat I have ever cooked. And, I love to cook.
Patrick Hernandez
Simplicity123, i think you missed the part where it says “turn off the oven, keep door closed and let the roast stay in the oven for another 90 minutes to cook further “.
Robert Hinton
Excellent! I’ve been following this recipe for a couple years now, and it turns out great every time. I typically don’t start with 10#, since I’m only cooking for two. Weigh out your roast and multiply the weight, in pounds, by five. Use that for the time the oven is ‘on’. Always let it stand for 2hrs, no matter the weight. Also, make sure your oven door seals well. Old ovens can lose temperature quickly due to poor seals or insulation. So, five minutes per pound at 500°F, and let stand in oven two hours. Do not peak!! You’ll lose the residual heat! Enjoy!
Jason Vaughan
Pamela Webb
Rule of thumb, “Bone in”make it 7 minutes per pound, shut the oven off and don’t open for Two Hours. I can’t believe I actually read a review where Simplicity123 said they couldn’t give this a good review because they couldn’t follow directions and leave the oven closed
Ricardo Berry
Delicious! Followed the directions and the roast came out a perfect medium rare.
Mr. Kevin Cole DVM
Simple recipe to follow and good results. I tweaked the cooking times for the oven to 10 minutes + ( 5 minutes * weight of the roast in pounds) – in my case 30 minutes – at 450 and then 40 minutes at 325 without opening the oven.
William Maldonado
It was delicious. I was worried it wouldn’t be done but it was perfect.
Michael May
Turned out perfect!!!
Elizabeth Fowler
Recipe calls for 10#; however, I used a 3.5-4#. I only seasoned with salt and pepper (that’s the way I like it). I was skeptical about cooking an hour at 500 degrees, but I followed the cooking instructions TO THE TEE, and this was SUPERB. I have tried various cooking methods–this turned out exactly how I get it in a restaurant. I like mine rare; my husband likes medium-rare. We got the best of both worlds.
Theresa Ortega
Delicious – but watch your roasts weight. My roast was about 5 pounds so time had to be adjusted but absolutely melt in the mouth good.
Mariah Carson
Works really well – If using smaller roast you will need to reduce 1st cooking time.
Elizabeth Hoover
Easy to make and the rub and rosemary are good compliments for this who love the taste of beef.
Jenna Thompson
This was fantastic. I use a digital thermometer and it makes everything so easy. I did cook it at 500 F for 30 minutes (5 mins per lb) but then I dropped it to 325 and kept an eye on the thermometer. I pulled it out at 126 F, covered it in tin foil and let it rest ~ 30 minutes (it was so hard to wait). The final temp was 137 F and on the rare side (we like it that way). Great dinner!
Martin Gilmore
I often find to follow someone else’s recipes I have to tweak a little to be successful. I didn’t have it warmed to room temp and I was cooking for a crowd and not sure if they were med-rare people so I took the chance and did the following: 500F for TWO hrs (versus 1 hr) then turned off oven for the 90 min recommended. I couldn’t have been more pleased and yes I will make it again. It was succulent with just a hint of pink, melt in your mouth delish!
Shannon Smith
Tried this and I will never make it another way. I didn’t use the dijon because it just didn’t sound right – just kept it simple with salt and pepper. I had a 5lb roast that wasn’t quite up to room temperature so I I put it in at 450 until it reached about 70 degrees on the inside. Then I turned it up to 500 and cooked it for 45 minutes and shut it off. I had the probe inside so I knew exactly when to take it out but it was about a 45 minutes later. Amazing! Perfectly medium. Medium rare would be easy though with the temp probe.
Jay Ramirez
I made this recipe for friends the other night and it turned out excellent. Everyone loved it including my husband who doesn’t usually like prime rib.
Jason Simpson
This was just about perfect for a 7 lb roast. I added 15 minutes in a 300 oven after 90 minutes because we like it a little more done, and it came out a perfect medium. Also, it takes around 6 hours for a large piece of meat to come to room temperature from the fridge. If you forget to put it out early (like I did), bring it to room temp before cooking by double bagging the roast in ziplock bags and submerge it in warm water for 15 or 20 minutes. You can check the internal temp with a meat thermometer to make sure it’s around 70 degrees before cooking.
Matthew Benitez
We read many of the comments before trying this and finally settled on convection roast at 400 degrees for 45 minutes for a 4.79 lb. roast. Then we let it sit in the still hot but turned off oven for 45 minutes. It was PERFECT. Medium rare in the middle and both ends were medium.
William Gates
We have used this recipe for years and Love it! The only thing we do different is to coat the outside with a layer of chopped fresh garlic because we are garlic freaks!
John Barnes
It was great. Turned out perfect.


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