Easy Homemade Yogurt

  4.7 – 41 reviews  • DIY

For a meal with my closest buddy and Gluwein, I was looking for something warming when I stumbled across this dish. Since I was pressed for time, my fiance prepared the meal two days in advance. She then let it simmer on low for a day or so, and wow, what a hit. We didn’t have the Gluwein, but we will the next time, and I’m confident it will be the greatest. Excellent with toasted olive bread from the oven grill.

Cook Time: 15 mins
Additional Time: 6 hrs 30 mins
Total Time: 6 hrs 45 mins
Servings: 16
Yield: 16 cups


  1. 1 gallon 2% milk
  2. 1 cup plain yogurt with active cultures


  1. Pour milk into a pot and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes; do not let it boil over.
  2. Remove from the heat and let sit until you can leave your finger dipped into the milk for 10 to 15 seconds without it burning, 30 to 60 minutes. Pour in yogurt; there’s no need to stir.
  3. Put the lid on the pot and carefully wrap a blanket around it. Place the wrapped pot in a slightly warm place where it will be undisturbed for 6 to 10 hours; overnight is best. Then transfer to the refrigerator to allow the yogurt to continue to thicken.
  4. You can leave a wooden spoon in the pot so the milk doesn’t boil over in Step 1.
  5. I usually leave the yogurt in the fridge for 1 to 2 days before I use it, but this is not required.
  6. Be careful! Because this is homemade, the yogurt will get sour after about 7 to 10 days. Use it up by then, but keep a cup for next time! It’s ok if the yogurt base you use the next time is sour. The yogurt will be fine.


Andrew Newton
Easy to make recipe. I only made a half batch to experiment with. It thickened up very nicely. Adding some Lemon extract to it.
Michael Warner
I will say this ,keep the pan hot not boiling just so your little finger can tolerate ,wrap in several blankets and leave overnight ,you do not need to add yogurt if you do this
Rita Gates
It’s pretty flexible and you can add fruit or flavours to your liking , honey really works well .
Alyssa Hardin
This recipe is as easy as it sounds and the yogurt was great. Found that wrapping in a large towel and setting it on top of a “warm” crockpot is the easiest way to keep it warm overnight. Making another batch today; give it to my dogs with their meals. Some like it with fruit, one doesn’t.
Heather Evans
I’ve made this recipe 4 times. It’s consistently good! Since I’m lactose intolerant, I use lactose free milk and yogurt.
April Nelson
I have made it. And it works as is. Thank you for such recipe.
Sharon Solis
Great recipe!! I added 2 Tbl. dry milk powder after stirring in the yogurt and that thickened it up nicely! Thank you!
Raymond Carter
Best Homemade Yogurt Ever!!!!
Beverly Perez
Followed reviews that heated milk to 180, cooled to 110, then added the yogurt starter. Turns out my oven has a PROOF setting, so I covered the yogurt, with the thermometer in and popped it in the oven at 8pm. Temperature stayed steady at 105 until I topknot out at 8 am. I also only did a 1/2 batch: 8 cups 2% and 1/2 cup yogurt starter. Most of it is being strained for Greek style and a Mason jar is currently in the fridge to see how it turns out. Really pleased with the result so far. Thanks for the original recipe…and to reviews that posted extra details about the process!!!
Todd Baird
I usually make my own yogurt for all the good probiotics. I’m always willing to try new ideas and this recipe was just ok with me. It didn’t seem to get as nice and thick as my usual yogurt.
Jodi Porter
Came up creamy and smooth. Taste good. But not thicken.
Megan Hansen
Very easy. Tastes as good as Greek yogurt, which I used for the starter. Very economical, too.
Michelle Baker
This is an easy recipe. Basically it’s the yogurt starter (it acts like yeast) to help the yogurt get going. I’ve made in an instant pot and all that does is keep the temperature constant and its hands off. I added a little condensed milk and it’s outstanding. The yogurt thickens during the incubation period and when it’s chilled in the fridge. I will never go back to store bought yogurt!!! Making it at home is so easy.
Jesse Adams
I have not made this yet, but I do make homemade yogurt every week. it seems some people still don’t know that yogurt is a bacterial culture. You HAVE to add yogurt culture to the yogurt! If you don’t all you will have is spoiled milk!
Jonathan Velasquez
You don’t get it? You must not scratch cook. Like sourdough bread you need a starter. With yogurt that means you’ll need to purchase one. As a home canner, I will be making mine with whole milk I jarred about 6 weeks ago. Can’t wait to try it. Canned milk is richer and more like right out of the cow and since I don’t own a milk cow….well, you know. Also, Thanks for all the comments, folks. They really help and I love the ideas.
Mary Adams
I made it with homemade yogurt and whole milk.
Michael Davis
have been making this for many years….easy peasy!
Lisa Walter
I warm my oven to the lowest setting and turn it off. Once the yogurt mixture is ready, I cover the pot and put it in the oven overnight. My morning, the yogurt is ready to go. I find this easier than wrapping a pot in a blanket.
Dr. Louis Woods MD
I like it! But as a food safe concious cook,i would usec a thermomitor,and not dip my fingers in milk to test tempurature.
Rachel Coffey
Easy and I save the store bought yogurt to continue to make my own every time. Doing it this way gives me so much more and saved me money. Plus it’s delicious. Fyi to people who do not understand why you need yogurt, the live cultures are what actually turn the milk into yogurt. So ya need it. I usually can make 3 to 4 batches of homeade yogurt with one store bought yogurt. Score!!
Eric Shepherd
I make my yogurt like this. I learned from a friend who came to America from the Middle East. If you want to make a nice “cheese” spread, after letting yogurt sit for 6-8 hrs, put it in a clean cotton pillowcase and strain out the rennet for a few hours. Put the strainer into a big bowl or pot so the rennet stains and can be checked occasionally. Save the rennet and use it instead of prepared yogurt to make your next pot of yogurt. Yummy.


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