Rico’s Passionate Pink Honey Lemonade

  4.4 – 34 reviews  

This dish first came to me one night in the middle of a hurricane in June.Feel free to express your enthusiasm and offer suggestions!

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins
Additional Time: 2 hrs
Total Time: 2 hrs 20 mins
Servings: 20
Yield: 20 (4 ounce) servings


  1. 1 cup water
  2. 3 fresh strawberries, sliced
  3. 1 cup white sugar
  4. ½ cup brown sugar
  5. 1 teaspoon honey
  6. 7 cups water
  7. 1 ¾ cups fresh lemon juice
  8. 2 slices orange


  1. In a saucepan, combine 1 cup water, strawberries, white sugar, brown sugar, and honey. Bring to a boil, and simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cool to room temperature, cover, and chill.
  2. In a large pitcher, mix together water, lemon juice, and orange slices. Stir in cooled syrup; chill. Serve in a tall glass over ice.


Greg Kelly
People, this is strawberry lemonade PERFECTION without high fructose corn syrup to boot! Absolutely perfect as written!!!!
Martha Giles
LOVE IT! It’s a little rich, but it’s always gone at the end of the gatherings. 🙂 This recipe can be laborious, so I usually cook the syrup and add it to lemonade made from concentrate. Hope that helps!
Eric Hughes
Because Hubs and I do like our desserts, I really try to make even little changes with sugar where we can, so I used Splenda rather than sugar here. I did boil the strawberries and a lot more of them – probably a cup or so. But I didn’t add the Splenda at this point as I have never cared for the aftertaste I detect after it’s heated. I didn’t find it necessary to simmer it for 10 minutes – five was enough. I strained the boiled strawberries to eliminate the pulp, and then poured the resulting strawberry juice right over ice I put in the pitcher, so it wasn’t necessary to cool it first. I added the Splenda to taste, a little less than called for. This is so pretty, refreshing, and a little more interesting (tho’ not necessarily better) than traditional lemonade. We love it.
Christina Miller
I made this for a picnic and got great reviews! It was delicious and reminded me of pink cotton candy. I added more fresh strawberries, about double the amount. It still turned out fabulous and had more of a strawberry taste to it!
Stephen West
This was great! I used about 1 1/4 C of lemon juice and we loved it!
Kimberly Woods
This was excellent. I added an extra strawberry or two, cut back on the brown sugar and added more honey. One tip: don’t boil the honey. After the syrup had simmered, crushed the soft berries, let it steep a couple more minutes, then strained it all. Looked and smelled like liquid strawberry jelly at this point. THEN added the honey, lemon juice and water. Used a little bit less lemon than called for and it was perfect tart/sweet. Topped it off with a couple very juicy and sweet Valencia orange slices. Wow, THAT is good lemonade.
Timothy Meyer
Rachel Thomas
My family didnt really enjoy the taste of the syrup. It came out tasting like it was from a store. Id rather just make lemonade, mince some strawberries and serve like that
Katelyn Reed
This is a great recipe, very yummy and tangy! I didn’t have strawberries so I added about 1/2 cup of raspberries. Was also missing honey so I added about a 1/4 cup of sugar, (the raspberries were a little tart so I wanted to make up for that.) This is a great recipe that you could easily sub various fruit and flavours to make variations.
Jason Phillips
This is a great recipe. Ensure you make it with enough time to cool off the syrup. Strain the strawberries out before serving as boiling them turns them an ugly, gloppy brown. Add fresh strawberries for garnish. This drink goes GREAT with tequila added! It started out as a drink we made for the kids, but once we realized tequila was perfect in it, it became a grown up drink! We can’t wait to make it again.
Gary Reynolds
I took a small detour from the recipe the second time I made it. It was great the first time, but more than amazing the second time. I mixed a cup and a half of sugar with probably 20 raspberries and a small amount of strawberry extract. I added two tablespoons of honey and a half a cup of brown sugar. I then added 3/4s cup of water and boiled it over the stove. After it was boiling, I whisked it so the raspberries broke up into just the seeds. When it was starting to foam, I turned the heat off and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, I put a cup of lime juice into a standard sized container and added 7 cups of water. Then I added about a tablespoon of honey and let that dissolve in it. I added 6 slices of lemon. After that sat as long as the loose syrup on the stove, I strained the syrup. This takes out all of the raspberry seeds so you don’t have to chew them. Then I poured it into the container with the lime juice, lemons, and water, mixed it up, and served it right away in a glass of ice. The family raved. I found this is really tasty, and only slightly deviating from your basic recipe. Try it out! It’s really good. Thanks for the idea/recipe!!
Teresa Ortega
This was very good, I tried a short cut with bottled lemon juice, and it turned out a little tart, I had to make extra ‘sweetner’ to balance it out, but I think that it would have worked fine if I had squeezed the lemons my self
Danielle Howard
Made a triple vat of this for a cook out -then had to make more! Had about a quart left, so I put it in the ice cream maker to make a sorbet. Served with a simple sugar cookie and it made a dessert my family raved over. Thanks, Rico!
Heather Norman
Very good! I like the slight honey taste.
Elizabeth Ramirez
This was a great idea, but if you want pink not brown syrup, just use white sugar instead! Very good, Thanks!
Nathaniel Mendoza
It was okay, different than that I had expected. I wouldn’t call it a lemonade but more of a tropical fruit punch. I made it up for Easter Dinner with our friends. I likely will not make again. I didn’t have all the lemon juice, but did as others had done – added more orange, and lime slices to it. Mine also is the ugly brown shade (not attractive). Thanks for the recipe.
Susan Harrison
I liked this recipe and it was a nice summer treat. The first time I made it was in the winter and very sour. And in the summer it came out sweet. So i guess it depends on the strawberries.
Mark Chase
Joe Livingston
this was ok I thought it called for too much lemon juice which made it too sour
Justin Davis
I didn’t have enough fresh lemons so I used a combo of limes, lemons & oranges. Also, it may have been because I used dark brown sugar, (all I had) but mine didn’t have the pretty pink color that the photo has…mine was a muddy brown color. :o( Next time, I’ll use light brown sugar & see if it corrects that. I strained teh strawberries out as they were pretty mushy but I added fresh slices to the prepared lemonade as a garnish. I think next time, I will use more strawberries in teh simple syrup to get more strawberry flavor. THanks for the recipe Rico…my grands & I enjoyed it.
April Meza
This lemonade tasted too sour the day I made it, but sweetened up after two days. I kept the orange slices and strawberries in the pitcher. We liked it better after a few days. That tells me that maybe we should add some orange juice to the recipe and perhaps cut down just a bit on the lemon.


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