Old-Fashioned Pink Lemonade

  4.7 – 56 reviews  

In the sweltering heat, pink lemonade is a fantastically cooling beverage. Slices of orange or lemon and mint are garnishes.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Total Time: 10 mins
Servings: 12


  1. 9 cups water
  2. 2 cups white sugar
  3. 2 cups fresh lemon juice
  4. 1 cup cranberry juice, chilled
  5. ice as needed


  1. Combine water, sugar, lemon juice, and cranberry juice in a large pitcher; stir until sugar dissolves. Serve in tall glasses over ice.


Samantha Griffin
I love using this recipe. Very easy to make, and the pink lemonade taste good.
Elizabeth Cruz
Excellent and refreshing! Our first time making homemade lemonade and we were not disappointed.
Nancy Mcdowell
i think you should add more sugar.
Richard Rodriguez
Just a side note: it is a lot easier to combine the sugar with the rest of the ingredients if you do it this way: 1. Place sugar in small sauce pan 2. Add a cup of water for 1.5 cups sugar. Thus recipe calls for 2 cups sugar. Maybe 1 3/4 cups water with that. 3. Bring to a boil while stirring to make a thin syrup. 4. Reduce heat and keep stirring as needed to dissolve all sugar 5. Remove from heat, allow to cool, cover saucepan and place in fridge to chill. When the time comes to use the sugar, just pour in the syrup and mix.
Lisa Jackson
Refreshing! I doubled the recipe, made simple syrup (as suggested) and because I used very sweet Meyer lemons from my tree, I added two more to “tart” it up a bit. Simple and delicious
Brandi Bullock
A tasty concoction. I never thought to use cranberry juice to make a lemonade. I cut back on the sugar per other reviews. I only used 1 and 1/2 cups of sugar. Next time, I will add some pulp as my family likes pulp in their lemonade.
Daniel Smith
First of all my daughter loved it! I am thinking it is just a tad too sweet for my personal preference. I will try lessening the sugar by a 1/2 cup the next time to see if it will help. Over all it was a great recipe. I will be making this again.
Bruce Smith
Very, very pale pink and much too sweet. Added an extra three fourths cup cranberry juice and that seems to do the trick. Very yum.
Chad Meadows
I first needed this recipe for school, now I tried it at home and it is 100 percent delicious!!! 5 stars!!
Robert Chapman
It has the right amount of absolutely everything!! Perfect for a summer drink!
Jaclyn Robinson
An important note to everyone who plans to make this recipe; pay close attention to what I’m about to write! This is very important to the recipe! At least a couple of people who made this have misread the recipe. You only add 2 cups of sugar, NOT 9 cups! It’s 9 cups of WATER! The juice will be disgustingly sweet if you add 9 cups of sugar! Follow the recipe as it is written and you will have a delicious pink lemonade! 🙂
Nathan Thompson
It’s a great recipe!
Heather Church
This was great stuff. I made it exactly as written. My pitcher wasn’t big enough for everything, though, so I used a stockpot! It occurred to me that it’s probably hard to find actual cranberry juice, and the recipe probably meant “cranberry juice cocktail” (I used Ocean Spray’s “original”). I like it, but I wondered if it would work well in this recipe. It was a great surprise how the sugar mellowed out the tartness of the lemon and cranberry juices. I’d never thought about how pink lemonade “should” be made, but this tasted pretty authentic to me!
Gabriella Mahoney
mmmmm! tasty refreshing delicious!! how much better can it get!!
John Walker
This recipe is sweeter than I prefer my lemonade, but a base recipe! I love to eat lemons like apples, so as you can imagine I like my lemonade tart. The first time I made it I used 2 cups frozen raspberries and blended them with 2 cups water to make ‘raspberry juice’. i strained it and used that in place of the cranberry — it was a huge hit. I also took the sugar down to 1 1/2 cups. The next time I made it i used frozen strawberries. Because they are so sweet, and I had made a bigger batch i did the following: 1 1/2 c frozen strawberries, 14 cups water, 1 1/2 c sugar and 4 c lemon juice. it was perfect! I had a bbq yesterday with about 15 people total and ended up making 6 GALLONS of this in 2 hours!
Charles Salinas
Thomas Perez
Very good base recipe!
Austin Rivers
this is great! i did use bottled lemon juice instead of fresh lemons because i was short on time. it was much more tart than my family would like so i had to add a little more sugar. next time i will try using fresh squeezed lemon juice.
Dustin Hutchinson
I just made this with my 3rd grade class for Valentines Day! It was a big hit. We used fresh lemons. It was a great experience and lesson for measuring! Thanks
Joseph Smith
This was nice and tart, which me and one of my kids absolutely loved. My husband and other son thought it needed more sugar. Absolutely wonderful, going on my opinion alone. I loved the combination of lemon juice and cranberry juice. SO good!
Glenn Mcmillan
YUMMY!! Very refreshing. We just used 1.5 cups sugar and still good. We will make this over and over.


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