Berry Cordial

  4.7 – 32 reviews  

It’s nice to drink this holiday rum punch. It’s perfect for celebrations, baby showers, and gatherings. You should maybe prepare extras!

Prep Time: 5 mins
Additional Time: 10 days 6 hrs 57 mins
Total Time: 10 days 7 hrs 2 mins
Servings: 32
Yield: 1 quart


  1. 1 cup sugar
  2. 1 quart blackberries
  3. 1 quart vodka


  1. Pour the sugar into a 1 quart jar. Fill the remaining space with berries, but do not pack down. Fill the jar with vodka so that the berries are completely covered. Seal the jar. Let the jar stand for 2 months, shaking the jar every week. The sugar should dissolve, and the vodka will become colored.
  2. Strain the liquid through a metal sieve, and then through a coffee filter to remove the fruit. Pour into pretty bottles. Drink as a cordial, or use it to flavor lemonade or iced tea.


Mary Williams
I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked this recipe for Berry Cordial. I used 3 cups cranberries, cut in half crosswise and infused for two months in a quart canning jar. It was slightly over-sweet but still so very delicious! Thank you for my successful first attempt at an alcohol infusion.
Alexander Mcbride
Have not tried yet because I just finished putting it together. I gave only 3 stars because of directions, however. How in the world can you fit 1 cup sugar, 1 quart of berries, and a full quart of vodka into a one quart jar? And what vodka comes in a quart bottle anyway–they’re always 750 cc! So I made kind of using directions, and turned out having twice as much as directions say I should–2 quarts, each with about 370 cc of vodka covering the berries/sugar. Can anyone clarify if that’s what most people are doing? I sure hope it works–will change star rating if it’s good…
Keith Estrada
Great! I made several jars, lemon, raspberry, and almond. e decanted them into decorative wine bottles and set aside. Last week my husband brought out a bottle of my very first attempt. Limoncello. We toasted his 77th birthday with it and it was amazing. Four years old and smooth as silk!
Austin Kaiser
I have made this and it turns out great. I do have a question tho. I have an unopened pickle jar (the big one). It is full and is dark in cooler. It is from a friend’s parent and I have no idea how old it is. At least 5 years… Do I drink it?
Lori Miller
We have made this for the last 5 years with both raspberries and blackberries from our garden and brandy. Depending on the supply of berries, we make a half or quarter batch at a time. My husband enjoys a little glass during the cold winter evenings. Mason jars work well since other jars tended to leak when they were upside down.
Robert Hall
I have only tried blackberries with brandy so far. So delicious! Our favorite way to use it is in eggnog at Christmas time.
Amy Cox
i did this with blueberries, then blackberries, and another with strawberries cant get enough! so good! branching out with cherries (ill tell you about it in 2 months) considering experimenting with watermelon and peach.
Robert Hodges
I made it with Mulberries from my tree and Vodka – since brandy is already so sweet. I love it so much, I’m making a Raspberry cordial next! Thanks for the instructions!
Alexandria Pena
Used Over Proofed Rum. I didn’t wait 2 months. It turned out good.
Ashley Becker
I made this with Saskatoon berries, and I let it sit for over year… it is a long story, but just recently I strained it and bottled it for gifts at Christmas. I think I would add another berry with the Saskatoon berry next time I make this, with just Saskatoon it tastes a bit too medicinal as an after taste. I will definitely be using this recipe again.
Robert Graham
no changes
Kenneth Cunningham
We have made this using a variety of fruit. Strawberries, Raspberries, Cranberries and pears. It is wonderful. The raspberry and strawberry mixed with lemonade on a hot summer day is very tasty. We now have a batch going with sour and sweet cherries and swapped out the vodka for Canadian Whiskey. Homemade cherry whiskey, can’t wait.
Kelly Wong
This was fabulous & will make an excellent Xmas gift. A few helpful notes: 1. No need to sterilize or process jars due to high alcohol content- just use clean jars, pour boiling water over jars & lids to thoroughly clean before proceeding. 2. Vodka is great & provides a cleaner berry taste. Rum is also great, but use a high quality rum for smoother taste. 3. For a really clear end product, strain through 4 layers of cheesecloth then a new coffee filter for each 1/2 quart as filter will get clogged. 4. Freeze the berries for ice cream topping etc – they are delicious!
Andrew Guerra
I just made this, so I’ll have to come back in two months to review the flavor. My 3 stars is based on how easy it was to make, but how the directions should really say “2 quart” jar. I needed to use two 1 quart Mason jars to make the full recipe. **2 months later** Upgrading to five stars, because this tastes AMAZING. Mixed half and half with lemonade over ice, it is dangerously good. I’m going to start another batch again soon so I don’t have to go too long without it in the summertime.
Jenny Reyes
I made this lots of times. This year I am using cranberries and bringing it to my family’s house for Thanksgiving.
Adam Cole
This is an easy basis for a liqueur. Note that Cordial is just another name for “liqueur.” I used a bit less vodka, because a quart doesn’t necessarily fit in a quart jar when it is filled with berries and sugar. But I ended up making about 3 jars of the stuff. Two months was an excellent aging time. What a treat to have an explosion of blackberry flavor in october/november? Plus, the liqueur will last indefinitely at room temperature if properly corked or sealed.
James Fowler
Very easy and very versatile.
Matthew Conley
This is wonderful. I even fudged on the amounts of berries/vodka and it turned out great (we used blueberries and now we’re trying cherries)! It is delicious and not too sweet.
Nancy Barnes
Since sealing means different things to different people. Please explain the process. Is it a hot water bath seal? And for how long? I have imagined that 20 minutes at a rolling boil would cook the berries.
Lisa Cameron
I added half a vanilla bean to this. I also used tequila and chocolate powder in place of the vodka and fruit. I’ve also used a combination of blackberry and cherry with the vanilla bean. Wonderful recipe!
Jennifer Obrien
We are enjoying an occasional sip of this. My frozen berries were very old, but the taste is still wonderful.


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