Soda Cracker Pie

  4.9 – 36 reviews  

Whether the pie has a filling or not, it is wonderful. I use nuts to make it, and I top it with whipped cream and a shake of nutmeg. Alternatively, I may prepare it without the pecans and fill it with a fruit filling like lemon. I use finely crushed saltines, graham crackers, buttery round crackers, soda crackers, or soda crackers.

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Total Time: 40 mins
Servings: 8
Yield: 1 9-inch pie


  1. 3 egg whites
  2. 1 cup white sugar
  3. ½ teaspoon baking powder
  4. 20 soda crackers, finely crushed
  5. 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  6. 1 cup chopped pecans


  1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
  2. In a medium bowl, beat egg whites until stiff. Fold in sugar, baking powder, crackers, vanilla, and pecans. Spoon mixture into a greased 9-inch pie pan.
  3. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes in the preheated oven. Cool and serve or fill with the fresh fruit of your choice.


Kevin Kerr PhD
I have made this for years, but with a twist. After the pie is cool, spread on whipped heavy cream, sweetened, and with vanilla. (Don’t use the canned stuff) Leave it in the fridge overnight, and the cream melts into the meringue to make something like caramel pie. It is divine!! I always had to make two at a time for my family of seven. And it is so easy, but I guarantee from experience, company will be wowed!
Sarah Clayton
I also like others rating here have been looking for this recipe for years!! def one of my favorites as a child can remember mom putting macerated strawberries and other fruit topping it but I even really enjoyed the plain bars such a nice flavor for something so simple , very old time recipe I also added an extra egg white and few more chopped nuts put into an 8 in pan YUM!!!
Eric Berry
I have eaten this since I was a small child, more than 50+ years ago. My grandmother made it. It’s a “depression dish”. I never gild the lily with this. Make it as is. It’s my entire family’s favorite Christmas/Thanksgiving sweet.
Andrew Cruz
This really IS excellent! I followed the advice of others by substituting Amaretto and almond extract for the vanilla. I also had to use walnuts but it came out fabulous! Next time I will make in an 8×8 and serve it as a bar.
Suzanne Vazquez
I think it’s great! The first time I made it I followed the recipe exactly. The second time I made it, I added an extra egg white, increase the pecans to one and a half cups, I baked it in a springform pan, then wrapped it in acetate, after the crust cooled I added chocolate pie filling. Then placed it in the freezer. After frozen, I decorated it with whip cream using a star tip / pastry bag. I think this may have been the best dessert I have ever made.
Dawn Hayes
This is a great recipe simple to make and great tasting, I cut fresh juicy strawberries put top of crust then use whip cream on that so great you can’t go wrong with this pie crust great for a summer desert
Michael Mendez
You can’t beat a cracker pie piled high with real whipped cream. Delicious. I have used ritz crackers, yum. The Luby’s version uses broken graham crackers and pecans and is called “Butternut Brownie Pie” in the Luby’s cookbook. That recipe is online if you search for that name (for the reviewer who couldn’t find it). Can’t go wrong with any version of a cracker pie in my book. Super easy too.
Anthony Riggs
I’m so glad I found this. I grew up eating this with fresh berries and whipped cream. It’s so delicious!
Shelby Parks
My grandma makes this recipe but we lost our recipe book so we looked up soda cracker pie and this is the same recipe that she used to use it is so phenomenal.
Brittany Bennett
I have been looking for this recipe for years. It is exactly how my grandma used to make it. She would bake it as a pie crust, let it cool, and fill it with strawberries and whipped cream. I recommend adding a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, a pinch of salt, and about 2tbsp sugar to your strawberries before mixing them with the whipped cream.
David Lutz
This is a family holiday favorite. We serve it with sweetened fresh whipped cream.
Sandy Turner
I haven’t made this in years but couldn’t find my original recipe. I found this one and just changed the topping. I used cool-whip and crushed pineapple.
Amy Ward
I made this scumpdillyisious pie. Family and friends loved it also. Next time I will try cutting the sugar down by half . I used graham crackers and pecans, and cool whip for the topping. Has anyone tried using sugar substitutes, how does that work out? I used to get this pie at lubby’s , I spent a long time asking around for the name of it, I even called the main offices for lubby’s and could not find it, yiiippppee the lost is found, and have learned new ways to change it up. It was easy to do, measure everything out first , have it setting there ready to grab. Happy cooking
Renee Mcdowell
This was really good. My mother used to make something very similar (tasted the same anyway) with fresh peaches (peeled, sliced, with a little sugar) between the crust and whipped topping. I’m definitely going to make this again when peaches are in season! I will say that I made one pie with fresh blueberries as the filling, and it was not very good. 🙂 But the other pie (made as directed) was delish!
Kevin Woods
I love this pie. In KC it was made in a pie crust at a family cafeteria or restaurant …? Had just moved here and fell in love with it many years ago. I have always had a heavy hand when it comes to adding nuts to something and I think they should be small pieces. I also think the cracker needs to be medium size crumbs… so there’s a lot of loft to the mixture. As I was just playing around trying to figure it out… I used no baking powder but I did use salt into the whites before beating them…. Watch the color for your time and served with unsweetened whipped cream { pinch of Meyers dark rum } and caramel sauce drizzle. Sissy
Jessica Barker
Our family has made this forever! Try this: after it has cooled, ice it with whipped cream and refrigerate it for 6 hours. The moisture from the cream will soften the torte. To die for!!!
Christina Curry
My step-mother made this for my daughters when they were small and they now request it for every holiday or special occasion meal. We top the merangue (after cooling) with a good vanilla bean ice cream (softened) and more nuts on top. Freeze until ready to serve.
Jonathan Sims
My Mother used to make this pie. I love it. Make it just like the recipe and it turns out fabulous! I entered this in a pie contest this summer and there were some very delicious-looking pies submitted. I was totally surprised, but delighted when they announced this as the first place winner. I felt guilty when I realized how easy it was compared to the effort others had spent. I have never tried anything but saltines, but now I am anxious to try some of the others. Thanks for sharing.
Michael Nixon
I’ve been making this pie for years and my family expects at least two of these for Thanksgiving and Christmas dessert. My original recipe called for pecans or walnuts but I use chopped macadamia nuts and call it Macadamia Nut Pie. Its the easiest pie I’ve ever made and a nice contrast to all the heavy pumpkin and pecan pies during the holidays. My recipe is slightly different: 3 egg whites whipped stiff as if for meringue, slowly add 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla bean paste (or extract), then add 11 finely crushed soda cracker squares with 1 tsp baking powder, stir in 1 cup chopped macadamia nuts. Pour into ungreased 9″ pie dish. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes. Maybe my version is for high altitude? This must be served with whipped cream or it will be dry. Enjoy!
Amber Flowers
I have made this several times but put it in a buttered pie plate to make a pie shell. Once it has cooled, I fill it with sliced peaches or strawberries that have been folded into whipped cream or cool whip and then chill. It really is a very refreshing and light dessert.
Jared Wright
I’m surprised I’m the only one to rate this anything less than stellar. I had high hopes for this recipe, that is until I took a bite. The one pro is it’s very simple to prepare (and the only reason why I afforded it 3 stars instead of 2). It smelled wonderfully while cooking, but was far too plain to consume. It needs an oomph to it. It’s very thin and unsubstantial. I would consider using this as a crust for some type of pie or custard, other than that, I won’t be making this again. Better luck to anyone who makes this recipe!


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