Grocery Store Frosting

  4.5 – 207 reviews  

The frosting used in all of those in-store bakeries can be made using this grocery store recipe.

Prep Time: 20 mins
Total Time: 20 mins
Servings: 16
Yield: 2 cups


  1. 1 cup shortening
  2. ½ cup butter
  3. 4 tablespoons water, or more as needed
  4. 1 ½ tablespoons vanilla extract
  5. 2 pounds confectioners’ sugar
  6. ⅛ teaspoon salt


  1. Combine shortening, butter, water, and vanilla in a heavy-duty mixer. Add sugar and salt and beat until well mixed. Add 1 to 2 more tablespoons water if needed to get desired consistency.
  2. Turn mixer to the highest speed and beat for 15 minutes.


Keith Hart
i added butter flavoring instead of vanilla.
William Burke
Switch butter & shortening measured amounts Use 4 to 6 tablespoons of 1/2&1/2 instead of water. Reduce vanilla extract to only 1tbsp. Beat on high, 25-35 minutes. Your welcome. & Trust me
Dominique Hernandez
Made this because I am living in Finland but grew up in the USA and I was missing that ridiculously delicious cheap grocery store frosting, which they don’t have over here. The only modification I made was using a vanilla syrup rather than extract since it’s easier to find over here. It came out beautifully with the right taste! You definitely have to whip it for the full fifteen minutes (or longer if you’re using an old hand held mixer like me) because it’s the air whipped in that really gets the texture right. Was very relaxing to see it change texture. And the whole thing only cost about 3 euros in ingredients. To pipe flowers, I’m sure you’d have to use more sugar to make it a bit thicker, but that’s an easy fix. 🙂
Debbie Castro
Sadly, unless you enjoy the taste of shortening, you won’t like this recipe. The consistency is lovely but I had to dump a bunch of orange flavoring in it just to make it edible. I even checked the date on my vanilla to make sure it hadn’t lost its potency. Perhaps if the butter was 1 cup and the shortening 1/2 cup?? Back to my old buttercream I go…
Andre Mills
made this exactly as directed. was able to frost 24 cone cupcakes with about half of the frosting left over
Brian Valdez
If I make it again,I’ll use less vanilla. 1 1/2 tablespoons is an awful lot, and it seems that is what I taste so much
Tyler Brown
This recipe is okay. I felt like all I could taste was the butter and shortening so I ended up using quite a lot more powdered sugar. I ended up putting 1/3 cup of cocoa powder in half of the batch to make the other child happy and it tastes pretty good.
Gina Ochoa
This tastes exactly like the icing you get on cakes in the bakery sections of grocery stores.
Nancy Yu
I love love love this recipe!!! So simple and you can whip it up super quick !!!
Theresa Wade
Icing good but not quite what I was expecting. I’m thinking if you eliminate butter altogether then it will resemble grocery store frosting more. Yes, the long time of beating makes it better. My 50+ year old recipe is the same. If I make it again I’ll not add butter/marg.
Barbara Curtis
Exactly what I expected to get as an end result. Thank you for this!
Sean Berry
It turned out really good! I added 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder and some milk to make chocolate frosting as well and it was delicious
Tammy Mccarty
Inexpensive and easy to make . . . best part . . . so very delicious! As close as I am going to get to grocery store bakery frosting. Thanks allrecipes!
Mrs. Amy Ramirez
I made this exactly as the directions said. The consistency was great but all I could taste was powdered sugar. Don’t get me wrong, it tastes good, but it definitely does not taste like what comes from a grocery store bakery.. or any other bakery I’ve been to for that matter.
Sean Donaldson
Perfect!! I used milk and followed the directions exactly! It may take a tad more milk than 4 tablespoons to make it spread better and to add a little more flavor, add almond flavor as Well as vanilla.
Richard Coleman
Absolutely awesome! I followed the recipe to the letter. I am not a baker. I am a home cook who got a wild hair to bake something sweet for my husband. Cupcakes are his favorite. I found a basic recipe online for the cupcakes and stumbled upon this for the icing. I am not a fan of the whipped kind of icing. I have always preferred the store bought lard type that’s so sweet you cannot hardly stand a second piece of cake. I have also not made icing from scratch but maybe twice in my life. I was disappointed both times and did not have much hope for this one. THIS was perfection. It is sweet, but not cloyingly so. It is substantial, not whipped sweetness, but a spreadable thicker confection. It was amazingly simple also, though messy even in my Kitchenaid stand mixer as it splattered a bit as it mixed. I did add the optional 2 extra tablespoons of water, though I am not sure I needed it. Since I am inexperienced I was not certain what I was looking for in a finished product, so I left it to mix on high for the full 15 minutes. I thought I would try piping it onto my cupcakes and tried to use a simple ziplock method with a clipped end for piping, but it was evident I didn’t know what I was doing. It looked embarrassingly messy and decided to smear it on instead. Still tastes amazing! And I will say when I squirted the remained of my icing from my failed piping ziplock it squirted very nicely back into the bowl.
Michael Armstrong
Absolute perfect texture for decorating. I love taste too! I used to decorate for a grocery and this was same texture! Awesome job. Thanks for sharing!
Kenneth Boyer
Just finished a cake with this frosting. Instead of water I used half and half and I alternately beat in the sugar and half and half, then beat on high for ten minutes. My colors aren’t extremely prominent but I didn’t want to ruin the consistency with the gel coloring. It frosted easily and piped well too. It’s just slightly greasy but the flavor is pretty good.
Theresa Mcmillan
close enough to the grocery store bought cake icing. everyone loved the icing
James Dean
recipe did not specify if butter needed to be soft/room temperature, cold, or liquid so i ran into a little trouble that i fixed by putting my mixing bowl in a double boiler while stirring for a minute. (butter needs to be VERY soft or possibly liquid, it seems) my biggest problem with this is that the frosting just isn’t white, it’s more of a beige. I’m not sure if that’s my fault for using real vanilla or what, but I feel like this isn’t the recipe I’ve truly been searching for after all. it still tasted pretty accurate but something’s missing.
Jacob Rojas Jr.
I use the recipe often, especially when I know I can’t refrigerate the cake or cupcakes. It’s easy, fast and very tasty!


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