Dad’s Brandy Ice

Fresh, home-made ginger-apple compote is served on top of marinated, fresh pork medallions that have been marinated in a balsamic vinegar and garlic mixture.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Total Time: 10 mins
Servings: 12
Yield: 1 half-gallon


  1. 6 fluid ounces brandy
  2. 1 fluid ounce triple sec
  3. 1 fluid ounce creme de cacao
  4. 1 fluid ounce honey- and herb-flavored whiskey liqueur (such as Drambuie®)
  5. ½ gallon vanilla ice cream, softened, divided


  1. Mix brandy, triple sec, creme de cacao, and whiskey liqueur in a glass measuring cup.
  2. Put about half the vanilla ice cream and half the brandy mixture in a blender; blend until smooth. Add remaining ice cream and brandy mixture; blend again until smooth. Store in freezer in the ice cream container.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 246 kcal
Carbohydrate 24 g
Cholesterol 39 mg
Dietary Fiber 1 g
Protein 3 g
Saturated Fat 6 g
Sodium 71 mg
Sugars 22 g
Fat 10 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


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