Cinnamon Supper Cake

  4.5 – 62 reviews  

A delicious food for St. Patrick’s Day is creamed cabbage with bacon that has been crisply shredded.

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Total Time: 40 mins
Servings: 6
Yield: 1 to 9 – inch round cake pan


  1. 1 cup all-purpose flour
  2. 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
  3. ¼ teaspoon salt
  4. ¼ cup shortening
  5. ¾ cup sugar
  6. 1 egg
  7. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  8. ½ cup milk
  9. 1 tablespoon butter
  10. ¾ cup confectioners’ sugar
  11. 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9-inch round cake pan.
  2. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside.
  3. In a large bowl, cream together the shortening and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg, then stir in the vanilla and milk. Beat in the flour mixture, just until incorporated. Pour batter into prepared pan.
  4. Bake in the preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. While cake is still warm, spread with butter, and sift confectioners’ sugar and cinnamon over the top.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 354 kcal
Carbohydrate 59 g
Cholesterol 38 mg
Dietary Fiber 1 g
Protein 4 g
Saturated Fat 4 g
Sodium 253 mg
Sugars 42 g
Fat 12 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Olivia Gordon
I grew up watching my mom make this, and getting to lick the beaters and the bowl. It is one of my earliest memories, and the first cake I baked. I won’t use shortening anymore, so I’ll use the filtered coconut oil instead. For those of you changing all kinds of ingredients, why not try the recipe straight out, with the exception of the trans fats. THEN modify it if you want to!
Thomas Smith
Used real butter instead of shortening and added cinnamon to the batter, as per others reviews. We loved it, but next time I think having some ice cream to go with it would be great. If you don’t eat it right away, the next day it’s a bit dry.
Joshua Warren
I’ve made this for years now, and it’s become a family favorite. I would really give it ten stars if I could. If I ever ask family or friends for a suggestion to bake, they give me this. I love this cake so much! My suggestion, as I’ve made it hundreds and hundreds of time now (I could make it in my sleep now if I wanted) is to add only about a tablespoon or so of powdered sugar and just a 1/2 cup of sugar in the cake. It makes it a little less sweet and makes the cinnamon pop out in the cake a little more. Pretty much just cut down on the sugar is what I’m trying to say. Overall, this really is the best cake I have ever made and I think the best cake that I will ever make. It is my go-to cake and I’m sure it will be yours as well!
Pam Mcbride
I would love to make this cake again. Even the raw batter tasted delicious! The only thing I would change is that to put the cinnimon in the actual batter.
Cynthia Romero
For my culinary class, we made a cinnamon supper cake and it turned out great, even without any glaze added to it. I found no issues with it and it doesn’t take that long compared to other cakes.
Anne Stephens
This is exactly the same cake my mom made for Sunday dessert when I was a little girl. It is a lot of sugar, but for my sweet tooth it is very satisfying. To be a teeny bit healthier, I will cut the topping sugar in half next time and see how it turns out. Thank you for sharing it.
Daniel Castillo
It was an easy bake with a great result. I ran out of butter so I used honey to coat the top of the cake and added the powder sugar. My husband pretty much ate half of it!
Louis Bailey
Made this for an after dinner treat for my husband, who loves cinnamon. I added 1 heaping tablespoon of cinnamon to the batter itself, and then sprinkled the top of the cake with cinnamon and sugar and just a dusting of powdered sugar over that. It was delicious and easy to make. Will definitely be making again. Only wish it had been a bit bigger. 🙂
Angela Brown
It’s very good but sry from all of the powder on the top, but I tried it again and put the powder on top before I put it in the oven and some butter on top of that and it soaked through the cake it was very good.
Donna Smith
This is simply amazing …Its moist and just the right amount of sweet…I took the advice of some of the reviewers and added cinnamon to the flour.and substituted butter for shortening and it came out more than amazing…it needed just 15 mins in the oven for me…next time I am going to try adding cocoa maybe it’ll come out equally as good as a chocolate cake.
Megan Castro
Added about 2 teaspoons of cinnamon to the batter AND sprinkled some on top of the finished cake. (We love cinnamon!) my husband just ate 3/4’s of one of the cakes. (I doubled it. Baked it in an 8″ and a brownie pan.) Mine was ready at 20 minutes. Almost balked at the 375 degree temperature, but it worked!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this cake!
Katie Harding
Absolutely so mouth watering! Love love love this sweet and delicate cake! Thank you for sharing! My family really loves this 🙂 I’ll be baking this many more years to come 🙂 Caylee – WI
Nicholas Maxwell
I substituted almond extract as I’d run out of vanilla, and just dusted the top with cinnamon and powdered sugar. its a delicious little cake, definitely worth making again.
Nicolas Harper
Wow..This cake is wonderful! My family loved this..quick and easy recipe!
Katherine Cook
I was expecting this cake to actually have cinnamon in it. And, although I could add that myself & will the next time, I don’t think it is right to call this a cinnamon cake without it in the batter. Take away the glaze & there would be no cinnamon.
Shannon Reeves
Very good, I add chocolate, figs, walnuts and apples.
Audrey Anderson
I just made this cake for my husbands birthday. He LOVED it! I substituted applesauce for the shortening to help reduce the fat content and I doubled the recipe. (doubling the baking time) It turned out great! I was a little worried when I tasted the batter that it might be too sweet, but it was just right after baking. I didn’t use all the ‘topping’, but put on enough to where the butter had stopped soaking through. (about half, I’m not big on powdered sugar, I also added more cinnamon to it.) This is a great simple cake to make. I know I’ll be making it again. 🙂
Veronica Sanchez
Made this with butter vs shortening and 1 T. of cinnamon in the batter. Since I am high altitude > 5,000 feet, I reduced the baking powder by 1/8 teaspoon so that it would come out okay. I also used cake flour. Put about 1 1/2 teas of cinnamon in powdered sugar. I am diabetic so I do not eat sugar foods of any kind, but hubbie ate half at one sitting. He gave it the above rating.
Cindy Jensen
Good quick and easy breakfast cake. I also added cinnamon to the batter, I think that is a must.
Anne Randolph
I’ve been snow-bound for 2 days and craving a coffee cake but didn’t have a ton of ingredients around. I just wanted a simple cinnamon cake and this recipe is perfect. I followed the recipe but I added cinnamon to the batter and I like it a lot! This is just a basic cinnamon quick bread type cake. Very simple. Not too sweet not complicated. I did make one little error while mixing the ingredients; I grabbed chili powder instead of cinnamon and started shaking away into my batter!! I caught myself after two shakes and finished up with some ground cinnamon but I think it was a happy mistake! Chili powder gave it just a little extra kick. Lovely little cake
Natalie Pena
yummy – a little too much powdered sugar on the top. next time i will cut in half.


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