Boston Cream Pie I

  3.8 – 70 reviews  • Yellow Cake Recipes

Boston Cream Cake is another name for a rich, creamy delicacy. The mix of yellow cake, custard, and chocolate glaze is delicious.

Servings: 12
Yield: 1 to 9 – inch layer cake


  1. 6 tablespoons butter, softened
  2. 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  3. 1 ½ cups cake flour
  4. 2 teaspoons baking powder
  5. ¼ teaspoon salt
  6. ¾ cup white sugar
  7. 2 eggs
  8. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  9. ½ cup milk
  10. ½ cup light cream
  11. ½ cup milk
  12. ¼ cup white sugar
  13. 1 pinch salt
  14. 4 teaspoons cornstarch
  15. 2 eggs
  16. ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  17. 3 (1 ounce) squares semisweet chocolate
  18. 2 tablespoons butter
  19. ¼ cup light cream
  20. ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  21. ½ cup confectioners’ sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease and flour two 9 inch round cake pans. Sift the all-purpose flour, cake flour, baking powder and salt together and set aside.
  2. In a deep bowl cream 6 tablespoons of the butter with 3/4 cup sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the 2 eggs, one at a time, then beat in the 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Add the flour mixture alternately with the 1/2 cup of the milk in 3 additions, Beating the batter smooth after each addition. Divide the batter between the 2 prepared pans.
  3. Bake at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) for 15 minutes or until cakes begin to shrink away from the sides of the pans and centers spring back when lightly touched. Turn the cakes onto wire racks to cool.
  4. To Make The Filling: Combine the 1/2 cup light cream with 1/4 cup of the milk and cook over medium heat until bubbles begin to form around the edge of the pan. Immediately add 1/4 cup of the sugar and the salt, stirring until dissolved. Remove the pan from the heat.
  5. In a small bowl, combine 1/4 cup of the milk with the cornstarch and whisk to remove lumps. Whisk in the 2 eggs. Add the hot cream mixture in a thin stream, whisking constantly. Return to the mixture to the saucepan, bring to a boil, and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the custard thickens and is smooth (about 5 minutes). Remove from heat and stir in the 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and allow to cool to room temperature.
  6. To Make The Chocolate Frosting: In a heavy saucepan over low heat, stir the chocolate pieces and 2 tablespoons butter until they are completely melted. Remove from the heat and, stirring constantly, add the 1/4 cup light cream in a thin steady stream. When mixture is smooth, stir in the confectioners’ sugar and beat vigorously. Stir in the 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.
  7. To Assemble Cake: Spread the cooled filling over one the cooled cakes and place the second cake on top. Pour the chocolate frosting evenly over the top allowing it to spill down the sides.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 326 kcal
Carbohydrate 43 g
Cholesterol 94 mg
Dietary Fiber 1 g
Protein 5 g
Saturated Fat 9 g
Sodium 223 mg
Sugars 26 g
Fat 15 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Barbara Gilbert
i did not change anything about this recipe and found that though the custard was a little eggy it was still delicious. I have tried other cakes that were dry but this was perfect. I will definitely make this again.
Christopher Hayden
My hubby always wants Boston cream pie for his birthday. This was the first time I had made it and it was pretty successful. He was very happy about it but of course made his own suggestions for improvement ?? so next year it will be the same recipe but double the cream filling!
Raymond Sims
Made this – the chocolate is spot on as well as the cake. I made one and cut it in half.
Lisa Murray
The frosting was way too thin, so I had to make a bunch of alterations to make it work for me. The filling did not make nearly enough, so I had to double the recipe to make it work. The taste was wonderful but there just wasn’t enough as the recipe was written. I made a box cake because I live at 8200 feet and have not quite figured out how to make one by scratch without wasting my time and ingredients.
Kaitlyn Anderson
Most amazing Boston Cream pie I’ve make. My aunt and my mom both said it reminded them of when they were children and their mother used to work at the university bakery. They said that she use to bring it home ever once and a while as a treat for them. Thank you for the recipe.
Sherry Hall
Made the recipe as-is, no changes. There was too much cake compared to the cream. If I had to do this over, I’d probably at least double the recipe for the cream. The cake itself tasted pretty good, but like other reviews, I found it to be a little dry. I think with more cream the cake might be ok. The frosting was delicious. I’m going to try this again with a box mix for the cake and doubling the cream.
John Bennett
Cake was dry and layers not very tall, custard was bland (and not a sufficient amount). Chocolate frosting was good, but a little lumpy.
John Humphrey
Very good. I kind of made my own twist to this by adding a cup of milk with heavy cream and a spoon of cornstarch to the chocolate frosting to make it a pudding in order to make an extra level of filling. For those that said the cake was dry – I doubt you followed the recipe, there was nothing dry about the cake. You had to cream the butter and sugar until fluffy and I think that’s where many people go wrong.
Jessica Page
Savannah Wright
I have made this recipe many times and have never had any of the problems that I have read in some of the reviews. I am not a professional cook. Maybe those who complained about the cake being too dry did not follow the recipe and they thought they did. Same with the custard. One time I tried a box mix for the cake to save time, but the texture was all wrong. My thought is that some of these folks maynot have eaten a Boston Cream Pie before and think that the recipe is bad.
Kevin Diaz
This cake was truly amazing!!! Easy to follow instruction and taste, texture was fantastic. It was a hit with the birthday guy and my kids. The only thing I did not like was cleaning up the mess (ie dishes) lol Fantastic 🙂
Tanya Flores
I made this using a boxed yellow cake mix. It came our great! The custard is really tasty and the chocolate is a generous amount to really coat the cake. The only thing I’d do differently is I’d split the layers and have 3 layers instead of 1.
Julie Sanders
I followed the recipe and made everything from scratch. The only thing I did differently was use more chocolate and a little more butter for the frosting. And I did need to refrigerate the cream to get it to set.
Laurie Hunter
I followed this recipe to the T, and it was dry and flavorless, as others said. I made a second one, and went to my old Joy of Cooking for the Golden Cake and custard filling recipes. I still used this recipe for the chocolate icing, and it was perfect. But this cake recipe just didn’t do it for me.
David Obrien
The cake was a bit on the dry side, the custard part had little taste, and there wasn’t enough of it.
Nicole Brown
Cake was dry, the custard tasted like glue. I improperly measured the chocolate, so I would give the icing another try.
Rebecca Wilson
Tasted more like a thick, dense pancake. My son did say after a few days of sitting in the fridge it had the taste of pound cake
Joy Petty
I had really high hopes for this recipe, but the cake portion of turned out too dry perhaps I overcooked it so that could, and there ratio of cake to custard was off. You would have needed to increase the amount of custard. The chocolate glaze, however, was delicious. It wasn’t a bad recipe, but I feel as though it needed to be tweaked a bit.
Ronald Burton
I made this for my mom’s birthday by request, and this cake all but flew off the plate and everyone seemed to love it. I did have some problems with getting the chocolate sauce to thicken like I wanted, but I ended up chilling the sauce overnight and then microwaving it for a minute or so he next morning. This seemed to fix the problem, and it drizzled and dripped beautifully. This was my first time making a Boston Creme Pie, but I will be keeping this recipe to make again and again!
Jeremiah Mcintyre
this is delicious with fresh blueberries sprinkled on top!
Dan Jordan
Light and fluffy


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