Berry Bread Pudding with Brown Sugar Sauce

  4.6 – 40 reviews  • Bread Pudding Recipes

Because I’m constantly looking for a nice bread pudding recipe, I came up with this one. This is one of my favorite dishes to make, and I sell cookware.

Prep Time: 1 hr
Cook Time: 1 hr
Total Time: 2 hrs
Servings: 12
Yield: 12 servings


  1. 3 tablespoons butter
  2. 1 ½ (1 pound) loaves stale French bread, sliced
  3. 4 eggs
  4. 6 cups whole milk
  5. 2 cups white sugar
  6. 2 ½ tablespoons vanilla extract
  7. 2 ½ teaspoons ground cinnamon
  8. 1 cup chopped strawberries
  9. 1 cup blackberries
  10. ½ cup unsalted butter
  11. 1 cup packed brown sugar
  12. ⅓ cup water
  13. ¼ teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  14. ⅛ teaspoon salt
  15. 1 egg, beaten


  1. Generously butter a 9×13 inch baking dish. Arrange the bread slices in the dish so they are packed in a little bit tight. In a medium bowl, whisk together the 4 eggs, milk, white sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon. Pour the liquid over the bread, and let it sit for an hour in the refrigerator. Press down the top with a spatula occasionally to help the bread absorb the liquid. After about 30 minutes, sprinkle the berries over the pudding, and press them down inside a bit to distribute.
  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake the bread pudding for 45 to 50 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the top is golden, and the middle is firm. While the pudding is baking, make the brown sugar sauce.
  3. Melt the unsalted butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the brown sugar, water, pumpkin pie spice, and salt. Cook, stirring constantly for about 2 minutes. Remove from heat, and whisk in the egg. Return to the burner, and cook stirring constantly until thickened, about 1 minute. Serve hot over the hot bread pudding.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 575 kcal
Carbohydrate 92 g
Cholesterol 118 mg
Dietary Fiber 3 g
Protein 14 g
Saturated Fat 10 g
Sodium 493 mg
Sugars 60 g
Fat 18 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Megan Rodriguez
I’ve never made a bread pudding before. This was so easy and tasted sinfully wonderful! I toasted my slices of French bread in the oven first to ensure they were plenty “stale” enough. I divided the recipe into two small dishes so I could take one to a relative. Based on other reviews I made sure all of my fruit(I used raspberries, blackberries and blueberries) was tucked inside and under the bread. I didn’t have any problem with burned fruit. The cooking time was way off though. At least am hour and a half at a half at a minimum. Thank you for a delicious recipe!!!
Jasmine Gonzalez
This turned out wonderful! I’m not real familiar with bread pudding and this was probably my third attempt at this type of dish. I was unsure as how long I should bake it. After 45 min. it didn’t look done and center wasn’t even near set. I ended up adding another 45 min. to the baking time. During that time I also made sure berries were tucked down into the bread so as not to burn. The end result was a fabulous mixture of gooey and crispy! The sauce topping was wonderful. Three things I did differently was used margarine instead of butter to grease baking dish, three layers of regular white store bought bread, and used about 3 cups black berries. No strawberries. My husband loved it. (And didn’t want to share.)
Kaylee Ellis
This was wonderful, even though I made substituted frozen blueberries. It cooked a lot longer than recommended, but I think that was because I just kind of used what I had on hand as far as ‘dry bread’ instead of following the recipe exactly. Next time I think I’ll make it in two 8 X 8 dishes. It had a wonderful texture and the sauce was delicious.
Jennifer Cordova
this is a great different bread pudding. thepumpkin pie spice lends a surprising lilt to the berries. i make a mango bread pudding with stale croissants, i think i will try the pie spice in there next time i make it. vive la bread pudding!
Frederick White
I found this recipes a few years ago and forgot to review it. I was surprised that it did not have more reviews. This recipe is delicious! I did not have enough french bread so I used half french and half croissant. I also used the frozen berry mix from Costo and added 1 cup more – fabulous!! I also used cream cheese, confectioners sugar, vanilla and brandy for the sauce – Wow! I have also used Agave Syrup in place of some of the sugar. Great Recipe! Give it a try. Thanks Jeannie for the awesome recipe!
Brenda Lewis
The bread pudding part deserves five stars. Perfect texture and flavor. I took it to a dinner party and everyone agreed the sauce was not the right flavor for the pudding. It was fine, but definetly missed that wow factor you get in fine restaurants. I think I will try it with a carmel sauce or vanilla sauce next time. Thanks for the bread pudding, it was yummy!
Jasmine Walker
Im giving this 4 because I only made the sauce, it was YUMMO!
Sharon Garcia
This was my first attempt at bread pudding and it turned out amazing. I used a vanilla bean instead of extract. I scraped the inside of the bean and put it in the milk along with the vanilla pod and let it soak for a few hours. Removed the pod before making the egg mixture. I used all blackberries and it was great. Definitely, DEFINITELY make the brown sugar sauce, even just the littlest drizzle over the top makes the dessert even more amazing. I loved this so much I made it twice in one week.
Karen Elliott
Great recipe…though I changed it a bit to be more figure friendly. I used skim milk, only (1) cup of splenda, egg beaters, and whole wheat french bread. I added some nutmeg as well. I used blueberries and rasberries along with the strawberries and blackberries (which was delicious!!). I also didn’t make the sauce as the pudding was sweet enough already. I cooked in a glass dish and had to cook it for about an 1hr 30min rather than the stated 45-50 min, or it would have been really soggy. I put foil over the top for the last 30 minutes so the top didn’t burn. I also made sure and tucked all my fruit under the bread so it wouldn’t burn as stated by other reviewers. Bread pudding is my FAVORITE dessert and I have to say that this was among the best I have eaten.
Janice Nelson
YUM! I made this tonight. It is the first time that I made bread pudding. It was SO good! I used leftover Italian bread from a pasta dinner earlier in the week. The berries made it feel a bit more summery than what I usually think of when I think of bread pudding. I will definitely make this again!
Brian Anderson
I made this for dessert last night and everyone loved it, even my husband who claims he hates any bread pudding. I followed the recipe exactly except the cooking time, I had to add an extra 30 minutes and I didn’t have very many blackberries so I added a few blueberries, also I added pecans. I’ve made several different bread puddings and this is one of my new favorites. The mix of the berries and the brown sugar sauce is great. It tastes even better the next day! Make sure that you use a good french bread and that it’s definately stale, trust me it makes a difference. Thanks for a great recipe!
Frances Aguilar
Tonight, I made three bread pudding recipes (I had alot of left over hot dog and hamburger buns after a cookout). This recipes wins hands down over Grandmother’s Bread Pudding and Bread Pudding with Whiskey Sauce III. The bread pudding alone is very flavorful. The addition of the sauce makes a great recipe even more decadent. I only made a couple of changes: I used fresh strawberries and a cup of frozen mixed berries (blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries). I also substituted buttermilk and heavy cream for about 3 of the 6 cups of the whole milk–I needed to use these items before they went bad. Update: I sent my husband with a batch to take to work and I took one to my place of employment. We both received comments stating that this was the best bread pudding EVER! Thank you for the wonderful recipe!
Veronica Garcia
A real crowd pleaser and sooo delish!!!
Jeffrey Fletcher
The only reason I’m giving this a “four” is because I did not make the bread pudding, only used the brown sugar sauce on another bread pudding recipe – it was yummy! I will try the whole recipe in the future, though, because it sure sounds good.
Christopher Martin
I’ve made several fruity bread puddings before. This one is a really good combination of spices and fruit. It’s sweet and tasty enough without the sauce. I usually just let the bread soak about 5-10 minutes, then add the fruit, making sure none are on the surface.
Brett Duffy
I used a different bread pudding recipe and was looking for a yummy sauce. This brown sugar sauce was easy to make and delicious! It was the perfect sauce for the bread pudding! I can’t wait to make the Berry Bread Pudding and use the sauce! I did add some cream to the sauce at the end to make it creamier. Wonderful recipe!
John Roth
I did not find this bread pudding to be flavorful. I can’t figure out what it was lacking, but it just wasn’t quite right for me.
Katelyn Swanson
egg mixture makes a nice custard. i added more fruit than listed and mixed layered it with the bread in addition to having it on top. otherwise, the fruit only on the top will shrivel up and you will need much more to have the fruity taste as well. overall, very good. the sauce makes it.
Peggy Meyer
REALLY Yummy, ate it for days. THe only change I made was to pour melted butter over the bread. I also added some chopped nuts on top. I wasn’t crazy about the sauce, but it went well with it. Maybe a caramel sauce would be better. Either way it was delicious.
Aimee Hoffman
This was really good and I was prepared to NOT LIKE it. I am seriously attached to my mom’s bread pudding recipe but this was a great alternative. The berries add just the right amount of flavor punch to tie everything together. It is a very wet bread pudding so if you like yours on the drier side add lots of bread.
Caroline Walsh
Wow, this is a great recipe. I don’t have great luck making sauces turn out right, so I was worried about this one, for sure. But it came out perfectly. And was a compliment to the pudding. The pudding is just like it should be. Crispy on top, mushy inside. The berries are a great addition. My husband who doesn’t like desserts much really liked it. It’s rich, though. Not for the faint of heart. I followed the recipe exactly (minus a cup of milk because I was worried about it all fitting in the mixing bowl) and it turned out great. Highly recommend this one.


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