Apple Crunch Pie with Vanilla Sauce

  4.4 – 30 reviews  • Apple Pie Recipes

Not the usual apple pie! The pie and streusel contain cinnamon chips that give the apples the proper amount of cinnamon flavor.

Prep Time: 25 mins
Cook Time: 50 mins
Additional Time: 1 hr
Total Time: 2 hrs 15 mins
Servings: 8
Yield: 1 9-inch pie


  1. 1 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust
  2. ½ cup white sugar
  3. ½ cup brown sugar
  4. 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  5. ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  6. 5 cups Granny Smith apples – peeled, cored and sliced
  7. 1 cup cinnamon chips (such as Hershey’s®)
  8. 3 tablespoons butter
  9. ¾ cup all-purpose flour
  10. ¾ cup brown sugar
  11. 6 tablespoons butter
  12. ⅔ cup cinnamon chips
  13. 2 eggs
  14. 1 cup half-and-half cream
  15. ½ cup white sugar
  16. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C.)
  2. In a large bowl, mix together 1/2 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour and cinnamon. Stir in sliced apples until coated with sugar mixture. Stir in 1 cup cinnamon chips. Pour filling into prepared pie crust, and dot with 3 tablespoons butter.
  3. To make streusel topping: mix together 3/4 cup flour and 3/4 cup brown sugar in a mixing bowl. Cut in 6 tablespoons butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in remaining 2/3 cup cinnamon chips. Sprinkle streusel topping over apple filling.
  4. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and continue baking for until filling is bubbling and streusel is golden brown, 35 to 40 minutes more. Allow to cool for at least 1 hour before serving.
  5. While the pie is cooling, prepare the vanilla sauce. In the top of a double boiler over medium heat, whisk together eggs, half-and-half and 1/2 cup sugar. Cook, stirring constantly, until sauce has thickened. Remove from heat, and stir in vanilla. Spoon sauce (warm or cooled) over slices of pie.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 881 kcal
Carbohydrate 123 g
Cholesterol 94 mg
Dietary Fiber 3 g
Protein 10 g
Saturated Fat 22 g
Sodium 364 mg
Sugars 99 g
Fat 40 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Kayla Munoz
This is a great recipe. My family LOVED it. I did opt out of the Vanilla Sauce. It seemed like it would add too much, and I just served it warm with vanilla ice cream. It is a very rich pie. I also opted out of peeling the apples. I just chopped them and made sure there were no seeds.
Deborah Diaz DDS
I loved the taste of this. Like others, I could not find cinnamon chips, but I came across Heathbar chips, so I added them to only the crunch topping. I used 5 cups Granny Smith and 1 cup Golden Del. applies. It was not too runny for me, but I did use a deep dish frozen pie pastry (brushed with egg) and cooked for 1 hour 15 min. until it bubbled through the topping. My first time ever making an apple pie!
Donald Scott
I didn’t make the pie, but I did make the vanilla sauce!! OMG – this is wonderful! I did not use a double boiler, just a small sauce pan on low heat and stirred constantly. I slightly decreased the sugar and used Demerera sugar. Didn’t think it was ever going to thicken up, then voila! It took about 20 minutes I think. When it was done and I added the vanilla, I then put it through a fine strainer to get the egg bits out. (Using it on bread pudding.) It is sooooo good – I’m saving this on my PC! Thanks so much! 😉
Lawrence Wilson
Delicious! Much better and spicier than the typical apple pie!
Hayley Rodriguez
I love this pie! I make it for all winter/fall holidays. My in-laws adore the flavor and it smells wonderful baking. The only problem has been finding the cinnamon chips out of seasonal times. I can order them from Hershey but they only send a case.
Richard Ortiz
Like one of the earlier reviewers, I didn’t made the pie but I made the vanilla sauce – and it was fantastic. It actually turns out with a custard taste. My husband and I loved it!
Laurie Bruce
This pie didn’t work; the filling was very runny (we had to scoop it out with a spoon), and the crumble was thick and unappetizing (I should have used cold vs. room temperature butter). We ended up throwing out most of it. I’ve since read that any fruit filling for pie should first be cooked on the stovetop before it’s added to the shell and baked; this prevents the fruit from releasing its juices during baking and making the filling runny. I also couldn’t find cinammon chips anywhere. In fact, I’ve never heard of them. I used butterscotch chips instead, but I think the chips contributed to how liquid the filling was.
Christina Gomez
This pie tasted great only it is way too sweet! It’s good but you can only have a SMALL serving and even that is too sweet!
Zachary Rodriguez
I made this sauce to top an apple crunch cake & it’s wonderful. I didn’t want to go to the trouble of assembling my double boiler, just cooked on lowest setting and stirred constantly. Nice flavor and consistency. Thanks for a yummy recipe. 🙂
Jill Johnson
I got so many raves for this recipe with a crust recipe if also found on this site. I made it for Thanksgiving and as a house-warming gift…both didn’t survive the hour! The only change I made that was instead of the Hershey chips i used ginger snaps (crushed them up in a food processor) and on the second one I also added about a table spoon of maple syrup to the topping to make it stickier and it made it so much yummier! I will be making this a staple of our holidays!
Stephen Mcgee
I also found the pie too soupy…the thing was oozing liquid all through baking and for several minutes afterwords! (Put it on a deep cookie sheet.) I’m assuming it was due to the amount of butter, and yet it doesn’t taste buttery; so perhaps the soupyness just has to be lived with, if increasing the flour or adding cornstarch doesn’t help. I was afraid this pie would be too sweet but I honestly don’t think it was. Its hard finding things to do with the Hershey’s cinnamon chips and I do think this is a good use of one full bag. I served the pie with ice cream rather than making the sauce so I can’t comment on the sauce recipe. I do recommend the pie recipe, although again increasing the flour or adding cornstarch may be a good idea.
Jodi Lam
I gave this recipe 3 stars for presentation and preparation, and 4 stars for taste. I had a similar experience as some other reviewers where my pie came out very soupy. And the vanilla sauce did not thicken for me at all, although that could have been due to not having a proper double boiler. I would probably make this again b/c I am a huge cinnamon fan, but I would lessen the amounts of a few ingredients, and forget the vanilla sauce altogether. Thanks for the recipe though!
Connie Torres
THE BEST APPLE PIE EVER!! This was sooo good. I will never make apple pie any other way. It’s all about those cinnamon chips! WOW! I made the sauce too. I was a little worried I would not like it but it was great.
Larry Smith
Wonderful Recipe, Smells amazing the neighbor stopped by! After an endless search I found the cinnamon chips at Hy-Vee. I wasn’t able to make the vanilla sauce to go with it but the rest was amazing as is and great with vanilla ice cream. However, I am anxious to try to make sauce. This is definetly thumbs up!
Megan Hart
Delicious recipe… we couldn’t find cinnamon chips, so we substituted butterscotch chips instead and added extra cinnamon. The pie was a bit too sweet, like others have said. And I don’t know what I did wrong, but mine turned out more like a soup than a pie? Oh well… it was delicious nonetheless!
Theresa Williams
My family really loves this recipe and Im making it for the second time tonight. I didnt make any changes except for using a little less sugar and using apple pie spice in place of cinnamon. If you cant find the cinnamon chips, check out a Meijer if you have them near you. Great recipe thanks!
Thomas Patterson
Taste fabulous eventhough the Hershey’s cinnamon chips were unable to be found in any of my local grocery stores. I sure it would be even better if I could have added them. I will try again soon it I can locate this ingredient
Susan Bradley
This pie was fun and easy to make…even at a college with less than stellar equipment. My friends and I love it, so I can’t wait for apples to be more affordable again.
Lisa Lopez
I can’t speak about the pie because I didn’t make it, but I did make the vanilla sauce and it was excellent!! Almost like a “loose” vanilla pudding. I served it over ice cream puffs, but it could have many uses. It’s easy to make, and nice and thick. I kept it warm all evening in a jar in some warm water on the stove, and it kept perfectly – never separated. I might use less sugar next time, but it’s a keeper!!
Roberto Gonzalez
OMG! This pie is fantastic. I and my friends who are also on all recipes, have made this twice for our friends at school. We are in college and this recipe is so easy, it can be made right in the dorm kitchens. Each time we made it, we brought it to parties and everyone was begging for a slice. I love this pie and even those who think all the cinnamon would be too strong, it’s not. It tastes absolutely delicious and 30 college students don’t lie.
Michael Ellis
This pie was too sweet, but I’m not a big sweet fan to begin with. It seemed more like a cobbler than pie (due to the consistency-might have been my fault). And, I forgot to use the vanilla sauce so I really can’t give an accurate review.


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