Upside Down (Maqluba)

  4.1 – 16 reviews  

This has evolved into a Thanksgiving staple. It tastes so wonderful that it could pass for dessert! After trying this, even those who don’t typically like squash alter their minds. It’s a delightful fusion of many flavors and textures. The finest apples to use are Jonathan, Rome, or other dry apples. I use buttercup squash, although acorn squash can also be used. It can also be prepared the day before; simply add the cornflakes and bake the following day.

Prep Time: 30 mins
Cook Time: 1 hr 10 mins
Total Time: 1 hr 40 mins
Servings: 6
Yield: 6 servings


  1. 7 cups water
  2. 2 onions, chopped
  3. 1 tablespoon chopped garlic
  4. 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  5. 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  6. 2 teaspoons garam masala
  7. 1 pinch salt and ground black pepper to taste
  8. 2 cups cooking oil
  9. 2 cups lamb meat, cut into small pieces
  10. 1 large eggplant, cut into 3/4-inch slices
  11. 2 zucchini, cut into 1/4-inch slices
  12. 1 cup broccoli
  13. 1 cup cauliflower
  14. 1 ½ cups jasmine rice
  15. 1 (16 ounce) container plain yogurt


  1. Bring to a boil the water, onion, garlic, cinnamon, turmeric, garam masala, salt, and pepper in a large pot. Add the lamb; reduce the heat to low and simmer 15 to 20 minutes. Separate the lamb from the liquid and set aside. Transfer the liquid to a bowl.
  2. While the lamb mixture simmers, heat the oil in a large, deep skillet over medium heat. Fry the eggplant slices in the hot oil, assuring the pieces do not touch, until brown on both sides; remove to a plate lined with paper towels to drain. Use the same procedure to fry the zucchini and the cauliflower. Cook the broccoli in the oil until hot and remove to a paper towel-lined plate to drain.
  3. Layer the lamb into the bottom of the large pot. Arrange the eggplant, zucchini, broccoli, and cauliflower on top of the lamb in layers. Pour the rice over the meat and vegetables, shaking the pot gently to allow the rice to settle into the dish. Pour the reserved cooking liquid from the lamb over the mixture until it is completely covered. Add water if needed.
  4. Cover the pot and simmer over low heat until the rice is soft and the liquid is absorbed, 30 to 45 minutes. Remove the lid from the pot. Place a large platter over the pot and flip the pot so the dish is “upside down” on the platter. Serve with yogurt on the side.
  5. You may use beef or chicken in place of the lamb, if you like. Use about 2 cups, cut into bite-sized pieces.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 1019 kcal
Carbohydrate 58 g
Cholesterol 50 mg
Dietary Fiber 7 g
Protein 24 g
Saturated Fat 14 g
Sodium 152 mg
Sugars 11 g
Fat 78 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Derek Vega
Flavors are good. I would recommend more meat than the recipe calls for. But the liquid is WAY more than is needed…like ridiculously more. I realized half way through cooking and dumped out A LOT of extra water but it was still mushy and awful. Maybe following the recipe on the rice and only use the amount it calls for. Unfortunately mine was totally inedible
Robert Duffy
This is great! It’s not traditional but I’ve also done it with Freekeh instead of rice.
Cory Wilson
A little bit too much rice. We made this with roasted eggplant, cauliflower and tomato. The seasoning is nice. Next time we’ll use maybe 1/2 -1 cup rice to let the veggies shine
Hunter Melton
A little bit too much rice. We made this with roasted eggplant, cauliflower and tomato. The seasoning is nice. Next time we’ll use maybe 1/2 -1 cup rice to let the veggies shine
Carol Nguyen
Wasn’t what I expected, I used chicken and I used mushrooms n carrots & 1 Maggie.. It tastes like an Indian dish – maybe cut back on the gram masala
Anna Evans
My husband is middle eastern and we make this frequently. We only use the eggplant and cauliflower though. After frying the vegetables you need to salt them prior to layering them with the rice. We use basmati rice which we soak for 20 minutes in hot water to soften it. Drain the rice and mix with salt and the same spices used to make the meat-this combined with the soup from the meat should give the dish enough flavor for those saying there is not enough salt. I have made this with lamb and with chicken…both are delicious. We also saute pine nuts or almonds and sprinkle over the top once it has been flipped along with some fresh chopped parsley
Larry Freeman
This was pretty tasty, but was much moister than I expected. Plan to let it sit in the pot upside down for a bit before removing. Also, unfortunately rather labor intensive. Leftovers were delicious!
Danny Dillon
Great recipe!! everyone loved it. I only used eggplant and zucchini, left out the other veggie.
Tony Gallagher
It was ok, but not that tasty. If I were to make it again, I’d have to spice it up a lot more.
Julia Jones
Years ago I ate this dish at a friends house, her mom was of Arabic heritage, and I have been wondering what it was called or how it was made ever since 🙂 I understand that this particular recipe was only inspired by the original dish, still I couldn’t help omitting the cauliflower and broccoli, as they are not usually part of the middle eastern cooking. Even though looking for authentic, I made some changes to match this dish to our liking, for example didn’t fry the veggies in oil, but merely sauteed them in 1 tablespoon of butter. If you choose to do so as well I recommend doing the zucchini first, and then adding a little more butter/oil to your pan and sauteing the eggplant second, as it has the ability to absorb crazy amounts of oil (probably why another reviewer found it very soggy). I used basmati rice and it does cook a little faster, still like the original poster commented, 7 cups of water is way too much, even with 5 cups you will have to let it simmer with an open lid for at least 10 minutes, so I would recommend not using more than 3-4 if your rice cooks faster. For the dish to hold form the rice should absorb all the water. Even with these changes we simply loved this dish, I garnished with cayenne and dried mint, as I found these would compliment this dish the most. Thank you 🙂
Allen Fletcher
I found this doing an ingredient search in order to use up some veggies in my fridge. It was easy to make and very delicious. I think next time we’ll try it without frying the veggies first as it was a little soggy and oily, but still really really good.
Karen Sharp
I am the author of this recipe, and it has been radically ‘modified’ from what I submitted. First, I believe you only need about 5 cups of water, but “may” need to add an extra cup or so – depending on whether or not the rice is covered when you go to place it on the stove to simmer. Also, chicken is a great substitute for the lamb – as is veal. When frying the eggplant, it’s best not to overlap them – but it really doesn’t matter too much in the end. Some reviewer’s commented that the cooking time is too long. I use jasmin rice and it cooks in about 30 minutes. But, if you’ve got a favourite rice you use often, you would have a better guess as to when it would be done. The prep time is longer than other dishes, but certainly not more difficult. And certainly worth it every time! =) P.S. What I use to speed up the prep time is frozen vegetables!
Alex Lewis
It is an interesting recipe! Our family seemed to enjoy it: even my 14-years old sister who does not like eggplant or zucchini or broccoli asked for seconds. However, I thought the recipe was a bit bland. If anything, it needed a lot more salt. When I cooked it, I substituted mushrooms for the cauliflower and used sour cream instead of yogurt. I didn’t need all of the liquid, in fact, I had a bit to drain before I flipped it. I’m looking forward to see if the leftovers are tastier.
Margaret Flynn
I added all the reserve liquid – I should have known it was too much. By the time it simmered off my rice wasn’t a grain anymore – more like mush. I will definitely start with less liquid next time to spike the flavor and save the texture.
Jessica Johnson
This is an awesome dish. My husband is from Jordan and he loved it. I must admit it did take some work, but it was well worth it!
Philip Fitzpatrick
I am so happy I found this recipe! My Jordanian mother in law makes this (and all sorts of variations…uses chicken and cauliflower only, sometimes lamb). She tried to tell me how to make it (sounds exactly like this) but had no idea the amounts. I can’t wait to make this – it is yummy! I especially like when you just use chicken and cauliflower since I’m not a lamb fan.


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