Neiman Marcus Cake II

  4.2 – 138 reviews  • Yellow Cake

In search of a cake recipe that would resemble the gooey, ooey butter cake you once had at Neiman Marcus? Test this out!

Servings: 14
Yield: 1 – 13×9 inch cake


  1. 1 (15.25 ounce) package yellow cake mix
  2. 4 eggs
  3. ½ cup butter
  4. 4 cups confectioners’ sugar
  5. 8 ounces cream cheese


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 13×9 inch baking pan.
  2. Combine yellow cake mix, 2 eggs, and butter in a large bowl; mix well. The batter should be stiff. Spread batter into the prepared pan.
  3. Combine confectioners’ sugar, cream cheese, and the remaining 2 eggs in a separate bowl; mix well and pour over the top of the cake batter.
  4. Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, about 35 minutes.
  5. Note: Recipe is not an official Neiman Marcus recipe.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 428 kcal
Carbohydrate 64 g
Cholesterol 89 mg
Dietary Fiber 0 g
Protein 5 g
Saturated Fat 9 g
Sodium 358 mg
Sugars 50 g
Fat 18 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Eric Houston
WAY TOO MUCH SUGAR! Would have been a good bake minus all the sugar. 4 cups of confectionery sugar is entirely too sweet. I did like the consistency and ease of this bake for a quick treat. I will definitely give it another try minus 3 cups of sugar. 2 stars for ease of bake and consistency.
Felicia Lee
I found this recipe in my moms stuff from the 70’s she added a note to it that she added 1/8 cup rum to each layer there is also vanilla in each layer and pecans in the bottom layer. Looking forward to trying it with less sugar and the vanilla, pecans and rum.
Elizabeth Farmer
Way too sweet. I would probably cut the Powdered sugar in half.
Joseph Fox
I was disappointed in this cake. I made it as written except I reduced the amount of powdered sugar (4 cups, really?). It tasted okay but was dry and bland (I didn’t overbake it). I didn’t hate it but, for me, it isn’t worth making again.
Anthony Rodriguez
This recipe is the Paula Deen Gooey Butter Cake Recipe with an extra egg in the base. I make it with different flavors of cake. Lemon is good and so is butter pecan and chocolate is very good.
Danielle Hill
OMGoddess this is delicious. I cut WAY back on sugar. I made once with cream cheese, once with Tofutti, and once with silky tofu. I like the dairy-free even better!
Amy Ware
Many thought this was too sweet. I like to make a recipe as it is written, at least the first time. The sugar gave it a nice glaze on top of the cake. I served it with cherry pie filling on top. The tartness of the cherries gave the cake a nice balance. Next time, I will use pineapple as a topper. I won’t make any changes to the cake. My husband loved it and I did too.
Timothy Young
Two eggs made the bottom layer too cake like for my taste. Will make it with one egg in bottom layer and two in top layer next time. Oh, and two cups of sugar is plenty.
Steven Blackburn
I find this recipe, as written to be too sweet. I prefer this with only 2 c powdered sugar. Quite lovely with a lemon cake mix as well
Charlene Moses
This cake is very good and was enjoyed by my Bunco group.
Thomas Holt
pretty good for a mix. I added two bananas to the cake, and reduced powdered sugar to a cup. Sprinkled top with sliced almonds.
Sarah Wade
Amazing! Melt in your mouth! OMG delicious!
Michelle Bailey
Awesome! Followed the recipe as written with the exception of cutting down the powdered sugar to 3 cups rather than 4. It came out fantastic! Way better than I thought it would. Sprinkled some powdered sugar on top to make it look pretty. It really was a delicious cake and we’ll be making it again.
Todd Hardy
I half the powdered sugar and swirl fruit preserved in with the cream cheese portion. Love it
James Glenn
I only read all the comments after putting the cake in the oven, then worried thinking would be too sweet. I don’t find it so sweet, seems as though the cake part cuts the sweetness down. Only thing I did do was add chopped pecans between the cake and the cream cheese mixture. It doesn’t seem to cut cleanly though, will crumble, but that too may be because it’s still warm. It’s an easy, quick recipe that will be handy when company is going to drop by and I want to cook something up fast for their coffee.
Colleen Smith
You dont really need so much sugar. My mother in law was raving about this NM cake some lady at her job brought in. She called and asked me to make one…I went to my go to place for recipes…and once again you guys didn’t let me down. I have made it twice. The first time I thought it was too gooey but she said it was perfect. The second time I let the cake bake first until it was almost done and then added the frosting let it bake the remainder of the time and it was more like a cake to me. I also cut out some of the sugar in the icing.
Sandy Lee
This is the same recipe my dad uses. I was just looking around to see if all recipes had the recipe and you do. This cake is very good and very rich!!
Autumn Marks
I used the base of this recipe, but used two 8 ounce packages of cream cheese, the almond flavoring, pecans, and a slight dust of coconut as suggested by Kerri. Also, I reduced the powdered sugar to just two cups. The cake was a HIT! I think I’ll try the lemon cake mix for a summer dessert!
Christina Banks
Great Recipe! Easy. I took some of the other suggestions: added crushed pecans to the top and just used 3 cups of confectioners sugar. Even my picky husband ate them.
Daniel Oneill
I just made this for the 1st time but changed up a little I added 1 tsp. of vanilla to the 1st mixture and used butter cake mix, then sprinkled coconut and pecan pieces on top. Then mixed up the second mixture and poured it on and sprinkles coconut and pecan pieces on that. It was sooo Good!!!!! I took it to an office holiday party and it was a Hit!!
Robert Lee
A great “pantry” recipe and so easy, too All the ingredients you can keep on hand and make it when unexpected company is about to drop in for a visit. It’s looks like a coffee cake but my-oh-my that first bite is a delicious surprise! Everyone raves about it and seem to think it’s a very complex and difficult cake to make – quite the opposite, it’s very easy to put together. The recipe goes by many names. My Mom gave me this recipe and I’ve made it for 25 years much to the delight of family and friends. Try this recipe, you will be glad you did! You’ll please your guests as well as yourself! NOTE: Cream cheese might not be a staple for all of you, but it does keep for a good while, unopened, in the fridge.


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