Bonus Recipe: Do the Cabbage Pack!

  4.8 – 4 reviews  • Bacon Recipes
Level: Easy
Total: 45 min
Prep: 10 min
Cook: 35 min
Yield: 4 servings


  1. 1/2 head of green cabbage
  2. 1 small onion, sliced
  3. 2 tablespoons light whipped butter or light buttery spread
  4. Dash salt
  5. Dash black pepper
  6. Dash paprika
  7. 1/4 cup precooked real crumbled bacon
  8. 1 teaspoon chopped garlic


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Carefully remove the tough core from the cabbage using a sharp knife. Slice the cabbage half into 4 thin wedges. Halve each wedge, leaving you with 8 “chunks.”
  3. Lay a large piece of heavy-duty foil on a baking sheet and spray with nonstick spray. Spread the cabbage out in the center, and top with onion. Add butter in four evenly spaced dollops over the onion. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and paprika. Top with bacon and garlic.
  4. Place another large piece of foil over the veggies. Fold together and seal all four edges of the two foil pieces, forming a well-sealed packet.
  5. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until the veggies are soft.
  6. Let it cool slightly. Using oven mitts, carefully flip the packet over, allowing the butter mixture to coat the veggies, and then return to right-side-up. Cut the packet to release steam before opening it entirely. (Careful – steam will be hot.) If you like, season with additional salt, pepper, and paprika, to taste. Mmmmm!

Nutrition Facts

Calories 88
Total Fat 4.5 grams
Sodium 292 milligrams
Carbohydrates 8 grams
Dietary Fiber 2.5 grams
Protein 5 grams


Alyssa Maynard
I made this for dinner last night and it is a wonderful side dish. My family loves cabbage and this definitely goes into my recipe box. I will definitely make this again.
Diane Jackson
Easy and yummy! I think it could actually serve more than 4.
James Houston
I put individual packets together the night before,which made for a quick, easy dinner. They are surprisingly large portions. I did cheat on one batch and replaced the bacon with 4 servings corned beef. It was wonderful and still reasonable calorie-wise!
Cynthia White
Pretty good! I’ve made a similar dish to this that is completely unhealthy. It uses half a stick of butter, four strips of bacon and canned corned beef. Of course its delicious but its also brimming with saturated fat..

This gives a similar taste but so much lighter and healthier. I decided to go EVEN lighter on the crumbled bacon and just used a tablespoon of it. I also decided to forgo the whipped butter and instead spray the cabbage with zero calorie I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter spray after removing them from the oven.

There was a lot of crunch to the cabbage afterwards and I personally like them really soft. So I steamed them in a saute pan with some additional water for another five minutes and they came out nice and tender. Next time, I think I will do it that way.

The cabbage turned out to be very filling. Just eating a quarter of the recipe, to me, felt like eating a sizable salad.


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