Shakshuka (Middle Eastern Breakfast Dish)

  4.7 – 22 reviews  

The combination of marshmallows, pineapple, bananas, and whipped cream gives this salad a delightful flavor. At Christmas dinner, it’s always a hit!

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Total Time: 35 mins
Servings: 2
Yield: 2 servings


  1. 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
  2. 2 cloves garlic, minced
  3. 1 onion, chopped
  4. 1 zucchini, chopped
  5. 1 (10 ounce) can crushed tomatoes
  6. 4 dashes hot pepper sauce (such as Tabasco®)
  7. 4 eggs
  8. 1 pinch salt


  1. Heat the vegetable oil in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in the garlic and onion; cook and stir until the onion has softened and turned translucent, about 5 minutes. Stir in zucchini; cook and stir for 5 minutes. Mix in the crushed tomatoes and hot pepper sauce. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Make 4 wells in the tomato mixture, and crack the eggs into each well. Do not stir. Cover and cook until eggs are desired consistency, about 3 minutes for soft yolks. Carefully remove the eggs from the skillet and serve with the tomato sauce.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 249 kcal
Carbohydrate 16 g
Cholesterol 372 mg
Dietary Fiber 4 g
Protein 16 g
Saturated Fat 4 g
Sodium 443 mg
Sugars 8 g
Fat 15 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Alisha Valentine
Easy to make, and was really good
Cindy Everett
My husband is an eggs and bacon guy, so I was a little skeptical, but he loved it!!! I did make some small changes. Substituted canned crushed tomato for tomatoes pureed through the food processor. Added a little extra salt and pepper. Zucchini skins were a little tough, so I think I’ll peel them next time.
Thomas Baxter
Not bad! You can’t go wrong with fresh tomatoes, garlic and zucchini. I’ll make it again but it won’t be a regular for us.
Brett Zuniga
This was the first time I ever cooked and even ate shakshuka. I thought this was really nice, and a nice alternative to traditional breakfast with eggs, bacon, and toast.I have gastritis and can’t do spice well, so I substituted a little bit of paprika for the Tabasco. I was worried that the eggs would be mushy or gross, but they weren’t. I cooked them for five minutes because I like my eggs firm, and I thought the texture was great. I will definitely try it again.
Julian Brock
Simple yet satisfying. I used canned chopped tomatoes, extra hot sauce and added some fresh chopped basil at the end. I didn’t need to sauté my veggies as long as it called for and I left the lid off so the liquid would reduce. It turned out pretty good! Definitely season to taste!
April Silva
This recipe is pretty tasty, however I had a few issues. I followed the recipe, very closely, using a drained and pureed 14.5 ounce can of diced tomatoes, instead of the size specified. I don’t usually buy a 10 ounce can. I used 1/2 of a large onion, since no size was listed. For us, 4 shakes of hot sauce was barely noticeable, so I doubled it. Also, we needed closer to 1/2 teaspoon salt. For the instructions: I do not ever start onion and garlic, together, because the garlic will burn, before the onion cooks. So, I gave the onions a 4 minute head start, allowing the garlic to cook only 1 minute. Next, when I added the zucchini, I needed to go ahead and add the tomatoes, as the vegetables were beginning to brown, but not soften. I did turn down to a simmer and cover. Three minutes at a simmer temperature is not enough for cooking the whites of the egg. My photo shows how done the eggs are at 3 minutes. I had to double the cooking time on the eggs, and finally turn up the heat on the burner to achieve whites that were somewhat solid, with a runny yolk, which I like. Cooking surfaces are different, skillets are different, and cooks are different. To prepare this tasty dish, the cook needs to monitor closely to achieve desired results.
Angel Johnson DVM
Loved it, simple and quick to make. Will do again!
Christopher Howard
This recipe is a keeper . I will definitely be making this again!
Audrey Smith
It is the first time we tried making shakshuka and it was delicious. We used fresh garden tomatoes with a little pasta sauce for extra liquid. We will make it again!
James Reed
So interesting… I am from Israel, and I never heard of shakshuka with zucchinis. I usually use bell peppers instead. It’s the best breakfast/brunch meal EVER!!!
Casey Smith
Very good! I added a yellow bell pepper, black beans, and some cumin and paprika. I finished the eggs off in the oven.
Linda Brooks
I loved it simply delish
Preston Rodriguez
I followed the author’s suggestion and added some spices to this – dry roasted cumin and paprika before adding the onions. It turned out to be a wonderfully tasty, fragrant dish. As written, it’s excellent, but it’s also delicious finished under the broiler with some mozzarella on top, and if you don’t have zucchini, finely diced eggplant works well, too. A beautiful and simple recipe, thanks for posting!
Cameron Randolph
Delicious and simple. We had it with some toast but would also probably be good with tortillas or naan. Next time I might add a bit more liquid because our lid on our skipper doesn’t work very well.
Richard Nixon
Delicious! My oldest daughter is the only one of us who likes soft eggs, and she was so excited that I made this for her. She added in a handful of black beans, and declared it “perfect”!
Lisa Jackson
I think this is a dish one would have to have grown up on, or appreciate the health benefits of the ingredients, putting taste aside. I normally cut salt in half on recipes, but with this one I ended up using 2 pinches instead of one to give the tomato and zucchini mixture more flavor. It was like a hot bland zucchini salsa. After I started it I realized the eggs were not scrambled and just directly broke onto the vegetables. That was a real turn off for me, but I decided to follow the recipe exactly. The wells kept filling up with tomato fluid not making it exactly easy or attractive. After nearly 2 1/2 times the cooking time for the eggs the whites were still half uncooked on top. I finally removed them from the heat to avoid over cooking the yellow. I didn’t like the apperance of the uncooked egg whites as they flooded in with the tomato mixture either. I wished I wouldn’t have wasted my good garden vegetables, as most all of it got tossed, as no one would eat it. I don’t know how all of the ingredients are good, but not together? But, just thinking about this dish gives me a tummy ache with the idea of the mix of very raw liquidy eggs floating on top of bland vegetables.
Michael Moore
Oh my was this good! I cut the recipe down for 1, and one egg is enough for me. It was a little harder to cook just one egg though in the smaller amount of tomato as I couldn’t make a “well.” But the taste was fantastic! I topped with some fresh ground pepper and a side of toasted whole wheat bread. Thanks!
Jonathan Nelson
Made this for dinner the other night. Did not have zucchini, but used a diced red pepper. Spices that are good in this are paprika, cumin, thyme, chili or red pepper flakes. Do a bit of experimenting!
Kayla Wilson
Loved this dish. My husband lived in Israel during the 70″s and remembered this dish fondly. We have enjoyed this for both breakfast and a light dinner.
Ryan Turner
I make this using fresh tomatoes (peeled and cut up). I add lots of basil instead of the hot pepper sauce, and call it Eggs Provencale. I plan to try adding jalapenos from my garden next time, as I never thought of the hot pepper sauce idea.
Jonathan Reeves
I make this using fresh tomatoes (peeled and cut up). I add lots of basil instead of the hot pepper sauce, and call it Eggs Provencale. I plan to try adding jalapenos from my garden next time, as I never thought of the hot pepper sauce idea.


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