Savory Caribbean-Inspired Sweet Potato Cakes

  4.2 – 13 reviews  

Even more creamy than sauces made with heavy cream, which might be a little too rich and filling, ricotta cheese, egg, and a secret ingredient combine to create a simple dish. Come on, I’m attempting to conserve space for the tiramisu. This sauce has a cheesy tanginess from the ricotta that heavy cream cannot match. Ricotta salata, a fantastic summer cheese, is one of my favorite toppings for this pasta.

Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook Time: 33 mins
Total Time: 53 mins
Servings: 4
Yield: 4 servings


  1. 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch cubes
  2. 1 tablespoon canola oil
  3. 1 fresh jalapeno chile, seeded and finely chopped
  4. 3 green onions with tops, thinly sliced
  5. 2 cloves garlic, minced
  6. 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  7. ¼ teaspoon allspice
  8. salt and pepper to taste
  9. ¼ cup canola oil


  1. Place the sweet potatoes in a pan, and fill with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil, and cook until potatoes are easily pierced with fork, about 10 minutes. Drain, place the potatoes in a mixing bowl, and mash.
  2. Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon canola oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Stir in the jalapeno pepper, green onions, and garlic. Cook and stir until the vegetables are soft, about 5 minutes. Stir the vegetables, brown sugar, and allspice into the mashed sweet potatoes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  3. Form the sweet potato mixture into 12 slightly flattened cakes about 2 to 2 1/2 inches in diameter using your hands or large spoons. Place on a plate.
  4. Heat 1/4 cup canola oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Place the sweet potato cakes in the skillet, four at a time, and cook, turning once, until golden brown on each side, 6 to 8 minutes. Add more oil if needed.


Chelsea Ingram
Wonderful combo of sweet and spicy but the potato cakes will not stick together. I added an egg and flour as other people suggested this helped somewhat but deluded the delicious blend of flavors. I ended up baking it like a casserole which the recipe is more suited to. I will however continue to experiment with this until I get it to work right.
Dennis Gutierrez
These were awesome! The perfect twist on sweet potato cakes that I was looking for! I used orange habanero peppers also known as scotch bonnet to West Indians and tons of green onions but pretty much made the dish to the exact recipe and had great success! I dipped them in just a little whole wheat flour and found smaller thicker patties to be best for no breakage.
Jacqueline Knapp
my children absoultley loved these,but be sure when ever you are cutting your hot peppers to wear gloves as your fingers will burn for days,do try this but also when patties are ready to fry dip in egg and then in flour this will give it form without falling apart.
Daniel Hendrix
The first batch I made I followed the directions to the letter. They tasted good but as per other reviews, they were too loose, and fell apart easily. The second time I made them I added 3 eggs and 1/2 cup of flour and 1 cup of panko then baked them at 350 for 20 minutes. They held shape tasted delicious but were less oily. Let them stand for 10 minutes to firm up. Delicious sweet/spicy combo.
Timothy Robinson
The only oil I used was spray oil, and I omitted the brown sugar. These were great! I’ve made this recipe several times since finding it. Great tasting sweet potato cakes!
Paul Baker
I prepared these with the sweet potatoes that grow in my country (purple on the outside and white on the inside, yellow when they are cooked). It worked pretty well, didn’t crumble as much, but they did absorb all the oil and did not form a crust the way I would have wanted to. I skipped the jalapeño. I was also a bit confused about what sauce to serve this with, so I served them plain, but they were a bit dry for my taste, might try some tomato sauce next time; might also try adding an egg to see if they brown better and using less sugar to make them more savory. Thanks for the recipe.
Robert Rodriguez
Delicious flavour. Mine did fall apart a bit while cooking, though. I think a little flour/oatmeal with an egg would have helped hold them together more. I think I’ll try them in the oven next time to cut down on the fat some.
Sarah Huber
Simply Amazing. I’m a huge fan of potato cakes, and an even bigger fan of sweet potatoes! So was really excited to try this recipe. Flavor was amazing. I followed the recipe completely EXCEPT I found the mixture to be too wet and in reading some of the comments I figured it would have the same problem of falling apart that others had ran into. To fix this I added 1egg and around 1/4 cup of flour to give it a little body. They fried to a perfect golden color. The outside was perfectly crispy and the inside was still creamy and amazing! Even the hubby says they were a 5 star! We will definitely be having these again!
Miranda Campos
Excellent even without being fried!
Raymond Jones
I love sweet potatoes and was looking for something new. this recipe was easy to make and the flavor was fabulous. This is the second time I made these. The first time I followed the recipe. The second time I wanted to cut the fat and some calories so I eliminated the brown sugar, and did not fry the patties in oil. Instead, I cooked them on my Griddler and they turned out great. They still crumbled a little when removing them from the griddle but they were delicious : )
Jason King
The batter was way too loose – the cakes fell apart while frying and stuck to my non-stick pans. I then dipped the patties in Panko breading then fried them. Much better!
Antonio Moore
Loved it. Quick and easy. Just the right amount of sweet and spicy. I will definitely make them again.
Lauren Kelly
Wonderful Flavor. I really liked these; however, the jalapeno I used was very spicy and if I were to do it over I would have left it out. Too spicy for me. Also I have never made this type of “cake” before and they didn’t hold their shape as well as I would have liked. Not sure if there is a trick to it or not or if it just takes practice. They didn’t completely fall apart. All in all a great recipe and I plan on making again. Thank you!


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