Dipping Sauce for Artichokes

  4.3 – 26 reviews  • Artichoke Dip Recipes

This cake should not be confused with the classic fruit cake. More than that, in fact. I want to share this recipe with all of you because it has been passed down through three generations. With all the ingredients, try not to worry. In one enormous bowl, everything is manually blended.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Total Time: 10 mins
Servings: 2
Yield: 1 /4 cup


  1. ¼ cup mayonnaise
  2. ½ clove garlic, finely chopped
  3. 1 ½ tablespoons lemon juice
  4. 1 ½ teaspoons chopped fresh basil
  5. 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce


  1. Mix the mayonnaise and garlic together in a small bowl. Add the lemon juice and basil; whisk until thoroughly combined. Beat the Worcestershire sauce into the mixture. Serve immediately, or chill until serving.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 121 kcal
Carbohydrate 9 g
Cholesterol 8 mg
Dietary Fiber 0 g
Protein 0 g
Saturated Fat 1 g
Sodium 237 mg
Sugars 2 g
Fat 10 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Javier Baker
One of the best yet! Though i transposed my ingredients and put 1 1/2 TBS worcestershire sauce and 1 tsp lemon at first, i just added more lemon which was yummy. I also did 3 cloves of garlic since we love the flavor and didnt have to breath on anyone. Will definitely be making this one again
Sean Rojas
I followed this recipe exactly to serve with artichokes last night. It was delicious and a huge hit at our house. My son woke up the next morning and asked for it again as he had been dreaming about it! It would also work as a veggie dip or sauce for seafood too.
Karen Nelson
I’ve never had steamed artichokes so had no idea what to expect. Made this a couple hours ahead. This IS really good but not sure the best for artichokes Then again; I’m a newbie so take that with a grain of salt. I have plenty left so I think I will use as an aioli for some grilled chicken sandwiches or maybe even a burger Thanks Andrea! Glad I tried this!
Jonathan Williams
Great taste!
William Gilbert
Excellent choice! As Worcester was missing I replaced it with a spoon of salted soya, also switched basil to fresh coriander, for a delicious result.
Brittany Cox
I am a creature of habit and usually grab the mayo as a default dip. But since viewing and preparing this artichoke dipping sauce, its become a staple now, and so easy to prepare. It is incredibly tasty and refreshing. It’s my new staple!
Ryan Clayton
Simplest and by far the best dipping sauce for Artichokes : Mix Mayonaise NOT Manaise, with Soy Sauce to taste. Add a small amount of water to thin as you like.
Curtis Andrews
Robert Douglas
I really enjoyed this recipe. I didn’t have any Worcestershire sauce so I had to do without and it still tasted great. Also it tastes even better when you make the mayo from scratch vs. store bought.
Paula Herrera
My wife and I really like artichokes and was looking for a dipping sauce that was a little different. This dip really hit the spot!!
Jason Garcia
It was interesting but I doubt I ever make it again. I wasn’t too crazy for the flavor and it was not thick enough.
Monica Moran
Love this dipping sauce, it’s so easy. Excellent as a summer dip for veggies. I sometimes substitute half the mayo for plain yogurt to cut calories.
Russell Davenport
This is a nice change from the usual melted butter or thousand island dressing. I add more garlic. Yum!
Edward Lynch
Excellent blending of flavors. I used fresh ingredients and I will not change a thing about this recipe! I didn’t think it was possible to love artichokes more than I did, but the taste pops with this dipping sauce!
Lynn Phillips
This went wonderfully with grilled artichoke. Everyone seemed to love it, from children to adults.
Cynthia Rocha
I really loved this, added more lemon and just a dash of the worcestershire and dried basil on hand. I really enjoyed it and will use this again. I would love to try greek yogurt for lower fat. Perfect pop of citrus lemony brightness for dippin!
Jennifer Larson
Nope I only ate about 5 leaves of the artichoke and had to go make melted butter with lemon for the rest. We like stuff that will run off, not stick so heavy to it. I think the Worcestershire was a bit too much also, even though we love that stuff. I’ll keep looking for a butter or olive oil based sauce.
Susan Palmer
I made this tonight. So yummy. I was out of lemon but had lime so I used that. Plus I didn’t have fresh basil so I used dried basil. Turned out great.
Wesley Parker
So, this is a quick aioli. I didn’t have eggs, so found this. This is a great quick fix! My additions: added a lot more garlic and added 2 tbsp. of white wine. I also used parsley. It depends on taste preference. I did five stars because it only takes a little personal preference to make it wonderful..a good cook will know how to make this their own great sauce!
Harold Flores
Loved it – loved it more with a dash of tabasco.
Troy Moss
I followed the recipe as written and we were not huge fans. It was not terrible, but I didn’t like it enough to use it for my entire artichoke. I cannot pinpoint exactly why we didn’t like it; I suppose it is just one of those things that some people enjoy and others do not!


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