California Tortilla Pizzas

  4.4 – 21 reviews  

For two people, this makes a wonderful lunch or small meal. These thin-crust, freshly topped personal pizzas with cheese and vegetables use tortillas as the convenient crust.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 15 mins
Total Time: 25 mins
Servings: 2
Yield: 2 servings


  1. 2 teaspoons canola oil
  2. ½ cup chopped onion
  3. ½ cup chopped green bell pepper
  4. 2 (6 inch) flour tortillas
  5. ¼ teaspoon dried oregano
  6. ⅛ teaspoon garlic powder
  7. 1 tomato, sliced
  8. ½ cup shredded mozzarella cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).
  2. Heat oil in a small skillet over medium heat; cook and stir onion and green pepper until tender, about 5 minutes.
  3. Place tortillas on an ungreased baking sheet. Top with onion mixture, oregano, garlic powder, tomato, and mozzarella cheese.
  4. Bake in preheated oven until cheese is melted, 8 to 10 minutes. Cut each pizza into four wedges.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 230 kcal
Carbohydrate 22 g
Cholesterol 18 mg
Dietary Fiber 3 g
Protein 10 g
Saturated Fat 4 g
Sodium 346 mg
Sugars 5 g
Fat 11 g
Unsaturated Fat 0 g


Austin Vargas
I actually printed this recipe from the Allrecipes site way back in 2011 (it was titled “California Pizzas”) but never made it until today (12/21/2020). I decided to double the onions and green pepper and also added a cup of chopped mushrooms (I like them and also had some I had to use up) and one diced clove garlic. I used a 6″ flour tortilla, spread about 1/4 of the mushroom-onion-green pepper-garlic mixture on it and 1/2 of the other ingredients (since the recipe, as written, serves 2). Baked for about 10 minutes on a pizza stone. The outer part of the tortilla was lightly brown and crispy. I cut the tortilla in quarters, expecting to eat it by picking the slice up by hand. I was able to eat it that way but the center part was still soft and sagged. The flavor was rather bland. I may make again but with changes. May use basil instead of oregano; raw veggies instead of sauteed; perhaps add olives and/or a different cheese.
Johnathan Ortiz
Nice light lunch or appetizer.
Bradley Kirby
closest thing o the real pizza – without so much carb. Will make it again with different toppings.
Ashley Miles
This isn’t just for lunch or dinner, it also makes a great snack! Simply delicious and addictive! Who could eat just one?! Since this recipe calls for dry oregano and garlic, I added it to the onions and peppers so it could saute in the oil and have time to soften and come alive. When layering the tortilla, I started with the onion mixture, followed by the cheese, and then the tomato. I used roma tomatoes, sliced less than ¼” thick. Romas have a firmer texture and do not get watery when baked. I baked exactly 10 minutes. I expected the tortilla to be somewhat soft, but it turned out perfectly crisp and could easily be picked up in single wedges. This is the new summer hit in our house.
Derek Monroe
I made this last night – I didn’t have the time or energy to sautee vegetables so I did tomato & cheese tortilla pizzas using my baking stone. I loved how quickly I could turn these out to feed everyone. Like in Diz’s review, such a good idea not only for lunch or a light dinner, but snacks too!
Kimberly Sanchez
My DH and I loved this simple and quick pizza for a ‘Meatless Tuesday’ dinner. I used green and orange bell peppers, as that is what I had on hand and Roma tomatoes as they are less juicy than a regular tomato. This came together very quickly and would be an easy pizza to change to toppings of your choice. You could customize this with anything you like on a pizza. It is best to eat it right away as the tortilla does get soggy in the middle rather quickly. I paired this with ‘California Coleslaw’ from AR and we had a very colorful meal with all the veggies. Great recipe Brent, thanks for sharing.
Jean Nichols
This was good, although I did prebake the tortilla per bellepepper’s review. I would probably add additional seasonings if I were to make this again. Overall, nice quick recipe to use ingredients I had on hand. Thanks for sharing, Brent BeSaw!
Robert Perez
This was really good! Mine was not soggy at all. I baked them for 10 mins. I had to leave out the oregano because I didn’t have any 🙁 but still good! I added the onion, capsicum & garlic, followed by cheese & then tomato slices. Was great!
Travis Randall
These are great. I did change some things as we follow a low carb diet (diabetes) we use low carb tortillas. I love my crust crispy so I place the tortillia in a cast iron pan and bake it at 400 degrees for 11-14 minutes before putting toppings on and returned the pan back to oven till cheese is melted. I also prefer fresh basil instead of oregano, and feta cheese just makes a finishing touch of yummy! Thanks for posting.
Sharon Gordon DVM
This was a great meatless meal. I made some with the addition of red sauce. I liked it both ways but will probably make it as-is next time.
Cynthia Nelson
What a totally neat idea! I was able to do a refer clean out and used your idea. Thank You!
Charles Bowen
Tasty and lighter than regular pizza , Found that to get everything cooked to my preference, had to cook the tortillas first , then take what ever veggies (onions green pepper etc) thinly sliced, place on a plate, cover with a paper towel and micro to soften them slightly or to your preference (its faster), I then add just a very small amount of spaghetti sauce then the cheese to the tortilla, then the veggies, a bit more cheese, then spices or anything else you like and micro until cheese is melted. I have had better results using flat bread, but either one works .
Richard Turner
Oh, I hate to rate recipes low. However, I am quite puzzled on this recipe. I followed it exactly except used a flat wrap instead of a tortilla. Despite being all favorite things I like to add to recipes to improve the flavor, this completely lacked it. I tried a couple of different things then finally topped it with some sliced pepperoni to give it somewhat of a pizza flavor. Wish I could figure out where I went wrong. I made it for a lunch I was packing and was hoping it would be a quick, easy, and flavorful regular recipe.
Nicole Higgins
Excellent!! and super easy to make!!! 🙂 The hubby definitely enjoyed it as well.
Denise Powell
I made this recipe using one, 10” sun-dried tomato tortilla. I didn’t sauté my peppers (used green and orange) and onions. I did lightly coat my tortilla with oil, and I also put some cheese down first hoping to shield the tortilla from moisture (sogginess). Then came the peppers and onions. I blotted my tomato slices dry on paper towels before, placing them on top of the pizza and sprinkling the seasonings. Then I added more cheese to the top. I baked this as instructed but for a longer time, maybe 15 minutes, until the edges started to brown. Even though I tried to prevent it, this was still a little soggy. It wasn’t crispy (except the edges) and crunchy like I had hoped. I much prefer what I ordinarily do and that is to coat both sides of the tortilla with EVOO, then pop both sides under the broiler on the middle rack to crisp. During the broiling process, the tortilla will puff up, but just pat it down gently with a spatula. Once toasted on both sides, I top my pizza, usually using the cheese first, and bake at 350 for about 10-15 minutes, until all the toppings are warmed through and cheese has melted. And I never use tomato sauce on a tortilla pizza, because that will guarantee a soggy pizza.
Robert Collins
Five Stars! This is fast, fun, filling.. FABULOUS! I sprinkled a lil bit of smoked paprika since I had it. Mm MM
Robert Mendoza
Awesome and easy. Thank you! I roasted the tomato slices first. No green peppers (just a preference). And I used garlic powder and dried basil rather than oregano. Served on sun-dried tomato tortilla. Loved it.
April Castaneda
I have one major problem with this recipe… why didn’t I think of it… using a tortilla as a crust for a personal thin crust pizza awesome idea.. I think using that as a base you can do pretty much what ever you want with this recipe as far as toppings go…. I used 8 inch whole wheat tortillas because that is what I had on hand…. and sauteed the veggies in a not stick pan coated with cooking spray… I thought these has great flavor… a real emphasis on the veggies… and you can honestly change them and the cheese to fit your liking… pepper jack cheese was excellent on this… great idea thanks for submitting
Alison Buck
These were amazing! I loved the fact that they were nice and crispy and still low in calories. I followed the recommendation of another reviewer and sprayed my tortillas with an olive oil spray. I also added some minced garlic to the vegetables as I was cooking them. I topped these with an Italian cheese blend and a little bit of parmesan…they were a huge hit! Even from my non-veggie loving son. I served these with a nice side salad. Perfect lunch or light dinner meal. Definitely give it a’s a keeper here in our house.
Rodney Martin
I’m sorry–I did not care for this. I wanted to… The oregano was bitter, and the pizzas overall had no flavor. If I were to make them again, I would look at adding some sort of seasoning to add flavor.
Lisa Page
I lightened this by eliminating the oil and sautéing the veggies in a non-stick skillet coated with olive oil cooking spray. I had part of a fresh zucchini in the fridge, so I added that to the bell peppers (used red and yellow) and onion (used red onion). Also added some dried basil to the top of the pizza and used reduced fat mozzarella cheese. I did spray some of the olive oil cooking spray onto the tortilla before adding any of the toppings; trust me, you won’t even miss the pizza sauce on this. What you end up with is a crispy little pizza loaded with fresh veggie flavor. For anybody on the Weight Watchers Points Plus program, these changes resulted in a point value of 5 for each tortilla pizza. My husband and I split one of the tortilla pizzas for lunch today and enjoyed it with sliced cantaloupe and a green side salad. This is soooo easy and soooo tasty! Thanks Brent for sharing.


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